Chapter 20 (🍋)

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In the afternoon

Cinder was outside in the backyard with her glider As she was on it looking into the distance as she was thinking to herself As ganondorf appears behind her seen her on her glider and says to her you alright you've been out here all afternoon cinder nodes and turns around looking at him with her glider and says to him I'm fine just thinking ganondorf nodes and she says come I'll take you for a ride she holds her hand out for him and he says you sure it will hold me she nodes as he sighs gently as he grabs her hand and gets on and he stands behind her as she says if you want to hang on hold onto my waist he nodes and puts his arms around  her as she her helmet on while she puts a golden helmet on him as it was like hers as she says to him leaning forward as the glider starts flying don't want you to eat bugs he chuckles a bit while she gose off somewhere special to her which is in Stillwater

Hours later in Stillwater at night

Cinder was almost at her location as ganondorf was looking around impressed with the place and looking down at everything down there as he decided to look down knowing he won't fall off as she gose to her mountain she named after herself which the mountain name was Mount Claflin as she gets there as the glider lands as she gets off taking her helmet off and so dose ganondorf as she says to him welcome to my mountain I name it after me even though it's name was Mount Claflin but I changed it to my name beacuse it sounds better ganondorf thinks and says to her it dose sound better she sits near her glider while he sits next to her and they both lay down on there backs watching the night sky and stars As she says to him when my gang was a sleep or when they where busy I would always come here to spend time alone he chuckles a bit and says I wish I knew this was here or I would also come here as well she blushes a bit while she says to him have you ever wanted a child ganondorf thinks and says yes why she says to him how many he starts thinking and says I've only ever wanted one but if you want another one I won't mind just as long as you are happy cinder blushes at this and nodes

A few minutes later (🍋)

Ganondorf gets up and so dose cinder as she was about to get on her glider to go back but ganondorf grabs her pulling her to him and kisses her passionately as she kisses back passionately as he says to her I want you I've craved you when you went missing she grins a bit and says as he starts unzipping her flight suit I've craved you to I want you as he gets her flight suit off she starts taking off his armour as when it's off he picks her pinning her to a phone tower on the mountain as they starts making out passionately as she warps her legs around his waist while he then inserts himself into her making her moans in the kisses while he starts thrusting into roughly and a bit fast while he starts kissing her neck as she moans in pleasure while he continues thrusting into her As she puts her arms around him resting her hands on his back

A few minutes later

They where on the ground as he had cinder on top to ride ganondorf as she had her back to him as she leans back on him resting her hands on his chest while she starts moving up and down on his manhood as his hands  on her hips as she continues moving up and down on him as then while one hand rest on her hip his other hand gose round her stomach as he holds her still and starts thrusting up into her a bit roughly as he stands with one hand holding her as he pins her to a tree and takes her from behind getting a bit rougher as she was starting to get close as he picks her up again turning her around to face him while he has her against a tree as he starts thrusting into her again as he was starting to get close as her arms gose around him again resting her hands on his back while her legs warps around his waist while they makes out again

Almost a hour later

Ganondorf was still going with cinder against tree as she was starting to wear out as she was resting her head on his shoulder while her orgasm was getting close from his throbbing member as she starts kissing his neck while he starts doing the same to her as he starts getting faster as he was getting closer which was bringing cinder close to her orgasm As he then released in her making her orgasm at the same time as she pants a bit tired from pleasure as she nuzzles him as he holds her while his member leaves her as he Carried her and grabs his cape he brought along laying her on if as she passed out as he lays next to her wrapping an arm around her keeping her close

The next day (end of 🍋)

Cinder was sleeping still as ganondorf was watching her while he is back in his armour but not with his cape yet since cinder is still sleeping while he had secretly used his magic to put her back in her flight suit while she was still sleeping just to make sure she was nice and warm while he waits for her to wake up he gose and has a look at her glider Wondering what it is and how it was made and who made it

A hour later

Cinder wakes up stretching her arms and yawns a bit and looks around seen her glider in its place and Ganondorf looking into the distance as she gets up picking up his cape and gose and warps her arms around his waist while he Says to her there is something I need to tell you she nodes and says to him you can tell me anything ganondorf sighs and says I have a feeling you will hate me for not telling you this but I'm not from this world she chuckles a bit thinking he is joking and says very funny ganondorf sighs and says it's the truth and I and ghirahim aren't from this world we are from a realm called Hyrule Cinder starts seen he is telling the truth as he turns around looking at her as he says to her I was banished here from my enemy's cinder backs away from him and says to him you lied to me you told me you where from here but you lied to me! Ganondorf says to her I know I just didn't want you to think of me in another way cinder turns her back to him as she tears up a bit and says to him I don't even know you anymore! He trys to hug her and she turns around slapping him across the face as she runs away from him grabbing her glider getting on it flying away back home as ganondorf sighs and teleports back home

A few hours later

Cinder gets back to the castle getting off her glider and gose inside to find her son finding ghirahim with as she points her gun at him and says to him give me my son! Ghirahim glares as ganondorf appears behind ghirahim as Ganon jr starts crying getting scared and ganondorf takes Ganon jr from ghirahim as ganondorf says to her calm down your scarring him and I had to tell you about where I was from sooner of later. She points the gun at him and says to him give me my son I'm leaving with him. As ganondorf was about to give her Ganon jr Satan appears behind her as he grabs her wrist as she looks up at him as he says to her let's talk about this in private she sighs and says fine since your my brother we will talk as Satan takes her off to another room and shakes his head at Ganondorf as Satan had the feeling this would happen when ganondorf told her

In a different room

Cinder puts her glider and gun down as Satan says to her I know he never told you about where he was from but I can tell he is In love with you and I can tell your in love with him cinder blushes and says to him I am in love with him it just hurt he didn't tell me Satan says to her I know but give him a chance cinder sighs and Satan says to her at lest it better then been cheated on cinder sighs again and says to him I suppose that is true Satan grins a bit and says to her now go and talk to him cinder nodes and gose to find ganondorf to talk to him

In another room with ganondorf alone

Cinder and ganondorf walks in a different room as she waits for him to speak first while he says to her I'm sorry I didn't tell you about where I was from it was a bit painful to bring it up cinder sighs and says to him I understand it still just hurt that you never told me ganondorf nodes and says to her I know and I'm sorry he gose to her hugging her as she hugs him and nuzzles him as he starts stroking her hair watching her As he then rest his head on hers

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