Chapter 21

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At night

Cinder was Out doing something while cinder was out ganondorf was looking after the baby into a portal opens in front of him and Nabooru came walking through it as the portal closes as ganondorf glares at her keeping his son close while ghirahim appears As nabooru noticed the baby while she says to ganondorf I see you've cheated on me with another woman ganondorf says to her we were never together to begin with ghirahim takes the baby as ganondorf gives the baby to him while nabooru says to ganondorf I bet this new skank of yours would of had tons of ex's before she grins a bit as ghirahim glares while Satan appears behind nabooru as he always listens to what people say about his sister as ganondorf grins at Satan been behind nabooru as ganondorf says to her I wouldn't talk about her like that nabooru scoffs and says and why is that ganondorf points behind her as she turns around and screams seen Satan as he grabs her opening a portal back to Hyrule and throws her through it as it closes as satan says to ganondorf if she turns up again I'll be around ganondorf nodes as Satan disappears back to hell

With cinder

Cinder was in a empty park on the phone with someone looking at a ring a black ring with a wolf pawpad on it as she says to the person over the phone so you want me to come to Paris to become a superhero and slowly start becoming a villian the person replies to her yes it would be easy to help me get the cat ring and ladybug earrings she sighs and says fine I'll do it if anything happens to you I'll be taking over the person says to her of course I wouldn't expect anything else cinder and the person says there goodbyes and hangs up as cinder says to shadow devil teleport me and ganondorf and ghirahim and Ganon Jr to Paris shadow devil nodes and snaps his fingers to there mansion in Paris which was near a fashion designer mansion While ganondorf was sleeping to rest as cinder left while ghirahim looks after the baby as cinder gose somewhere private and puts the ring on as the creature appears out of the ring turning the ring from black to gold as the creature says to her how may I assist you my highness cinder says to him paws out as she says this word a suit appears on her and molded to her as her shoes turns to heel boots while a black mask appears on her face as her eyes turn cat like and are yellow while a tail appears a wolf tail while wolf ears appears on her head while the transformation had turned her human but she can still Turn to her wolf human self as a stick appears in her hand as she runs off jumping over everything going somewhere

At the Eiffel Tower

Cinder sits there waiting into she sees 2 hero's one who looks like a cat and one who looks like a ladybug as she watches them as she sees they need a job as she jumps off the tower and follows them to blend in like she was told to do for her mission while they noticed her as she jumps over them as there enemy was a pigeons theme villian as the cat hero says a new hero I'm cat noir and this is ladybug what's your name he takes cinder hand kissing it as she says to him I'm wolf noir ladybug says to cinder what's your miraculous cinder replies my ring she shows ladybug as she sees as it was a glowing wolf head as cinder says to her let's deal with this villian shall we they nodes and leads the way as she follows them  As they talks about the plan for the Super villian called Mr pigeon as it was his 71st time been turned into his villian form as cinder thinks and grins a bit as when they get to Mr pigeon cinder ruins there plan and traps him into a crystal cage with her magic which made it easy for cat noir and ladybug to get the object that they break making a black butterfly that is glowing purple a bit fly out as ladybug dose her thing cinder makes the crystal cage disappears as cinder walks off about to leave as Cat noir and ladybug help the victim who was turned into the villian as cat noir was about to say something to her as she runs off jumping over a building going off somewhere

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