Chapter 22

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A few days later

Cinder was back doing her job as wolf noir to protect Adrian from his father's request while cinder was doing her job ganondorf gose to ghirahim and says to him give me the ring ghirahim shakes his head and says I can't if you become shadow wolf the ring from been damaged will slowly kill you ganondorf replies to him if you can become demon noir then I can become shadow wolf ghirahim says to him I only became demon noir to save you from been sealed up in crystals and save cinder from her fate and I took it off straight away I know you will wear it into it kills you ganondorf leaves to calm down

With cinder

Cinder was standing near Adrian desk as he was talking to his friend Nino as cinder stands there marinette excuses herself to go to the bathroom which the teacher allows but decided to send cinder to makes sure marinette makes it to the bathroom and back safety which cinder makes sure with Adrian which was fine with him so cinder leaves with marinette to the bathroom room as cinder says to her Adrian has told me about you marinette you seem like a wonderful person marinette nodes and says thank you wolf noir I'm sorry about Chloe yesterday she can be well you know cinder nodes and says I've dealt with people like her before do not worry If she dose something to you I'll protect you marinette nodes in thanks as they gets to the bathroom and cinder waits outside as marinette dose her business while cinder waits she starts hearing a familiar voice in her head you know when you turn back into a villian I will return cinder shakes her head as the voice was silent as marinette finished leaving the bathroom as they both makes there way to class They return to the classroom Cinder gose back to guarding Adrian as marinette gose back to her spot While the teacher allows all students to eat lunch since it has started raining so the students have to eat inside there class

After food break

Everyone went back to work as Adrian gets a phone call and gives it to cinder as she leaves for privacy as she answers the phone and says to Adrian father yes sir Mr Agreste replies to her wolf noir I need you back at my house cinder replies of course but who will take Adrian home Mr Agreste replies to her don't worry I have made arrangements for that cinder nodes and says of course I'll be there soon she hangs up and walks back into the class and says to Adrian giving his phone back to him I have to go your father requested to see me but don't worry I've made arrangements to get you back home Adrian nodes understanding as cinder leaves and her wings spread out and she flys off back to the Agreste mansion

At the Agreste mansion

Cinder lands at the front door and walks in as Natalie leads her to where Gabriel Agreste is which he was in a room staring at the painting of his wife and says to Natalie you can go Natalie Natalie leaves he says to cinder as he turns into hawkmoth ready to try again cinder grins a bit and nodes As a white butterfly gose to him and he turns it black and sends it to her while it waits as she turns back to normal taking off her ring hiding it somewhere as the butterfly gose into her crown headdress while she turns back into nightmare wolf while hawkmoth says to her you know what to do nightmare wolf she nodes and teleports away with a plan

A few hours later

Cinder as nightmare wolf was on her glider as cat noir and ladybug was running along the roof trying to figure out how to defeat her this time and where the Akuma is while nightmare wolf watches them chuckling a bit as this time nightmare wolf had the plan of fighting them how she use to fight with the green goblin against Spiderman which makes her grins while she puts her wolf head helmet on jumping off her glider as it follows her to the ground as she says to them as they jumps off the roof of the building they where running along impressive for two kids she chuckles as cat noir remember her from when he was In new York as so did ladybug as cat noir says to her why are you in Paris you where in new York with the green goblin Nightmare wolf hisses and says to cat noir just for mentioning my partner name you'll die first she runs at him punching him in the stomach sending him into a building as she says to ladybug and you will watch him die as I take his ring! She walks over to cat noir as he was almost unconcious while ladybug warps Her yo-yo around her which nightmare wolf dodge backfliping onto her glider As she takes her helmet off as hawkmoth says to her nightmare wolf what do you think you are doing! nightmare wolf says to him you should know hawkmoth I don't take orders from you I was created when the green goblin was he was speechless at this as she continues I was created before you where hawkmoth she chuckles as she forced the Akuma out of her headdress while ladybug catched it as nightmare wolf stays in control and says to ladybug and you little girl Spiderman was probably created before you lucky he isn't here she chuckles putting on her helmet and says as her flight suit appears on her as she flys off on her glider laughing evilly

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