Chapter 23 the Final chapter

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The next day

Nightmare wolf was in hiding as shadow wolf and cat noir and ladybug while demon noir is resting so the damage on the ring won't become permanent to demon noir and ghirahim while nightmare wolf is hiding she was hiding in hawkmoth lair where he would send the Akuma away but nightmare wolf had locked off the room from hawkmoth so he and Mayura don't know where she is hiding but hawkmoth had an idea of where nightmare wolf is But wasn't sure

A few hours later

Nightmare wolf had left her hiding spot To hide else where which was at the Eiffel Tower as she gets there she gets off her glider and looks around making sure she isn't been followed as she takes off her helmet having a blank expression while she says to herself oh cinder wait into you figure out what I have done to your husband she chuckles a bit smirking a bit to herself while she puts her helmet back on and walks around as her glider follows her around While she pulls her scythe off her back looking out in the distance as she says to herself come and get me hero's come and meet your fates she grins a bit as As she sends her glider away for a trap that should work hopefully

A hour later

Nightmare wolf grins a little seen cat noir and ladybug with shadow wolf as Nightmare wolf pretends to act like cinder pretending to cry and act confused like she doesn't know where she is while shadow wolf ladybug and cat noir jumps up onto the Eiffel Tower to where nightmare wolf is as she still acts like cinder while ganondorf as shadow wolf watches as he knew the sign of nightmare wolf still been in control is the red eyes while she continues pretending to cry as her wing secretly grabs a knife out of her pocket of her flight suit as nightmare wolf says pretending to be cinder please don't let her get me again shadow wolf puts his hand on her shoulder and says to her we won't don't worry nightmare wolf smirks A little as ganondorf was about to transform back as demon noir comes running jumping in front of Ganondorf as nightmare wolf stabs him instead of ganondorf as nightmare wolf says to ghirahim as he turns back to normal worthless demon lord now get off my knife! She shoves him off while she blasted ladybug and cat noir off the Eiffel Tower with a magic spell while nightmare wolf says to ganondorf this may be cinder body but if she dies I will be eternal she smirks as when she says eternal her glider hovers behind her with blades ready while ganondorf as shadow wolf watches standing over ghirahim and nightmare wolf says to him when I kill you your son will be next she chuckles a bit and trys to cut ganondorf but he dodges as she sent her glider after him which he trys dodging while trying to escape it as nightmare wolf laughs a bit at it smirking as she takes her helmet off watching it unfold

A few minutes later

Ganondorf grabs the glider throwing it in the river as nightmare wolf growls and runs at him as his back is turned but ghirahim grabs her leg making her fall over while her tail grabs him and throwing him down on the ground As she growls getting up while she puts her knife in her flight suit and grabs her scythe off her back and runs at ganondorf while his back is turned catching his breath as she jumps and slices his back straight down his spine as he groans in pain while her glider comes back carrying ganondorf as he turns back as it pins him to a leg off the Eiffel Tower on the ground next to ghirahim as nightmare wolf jumps down to the ground as ganondorf says to ghirahim don't tell cinder what nightmare wolf has done he dies as ghirahim was in shock while ladybug and cat noir make there way back seen what has happened and is shocked as cat noir grabs ghirahim quickly taking him to the hospital while ladybug looks at nightmare wolf seen her face as she is putting her helmet on and looks at ladybug as nightmare wolf says to ladybug I hope you know how to catch me bug and kitty nightmare wolf laughing evilly and a bit insane and runs off putting her scythe on her back while ladybug cat noir and the police chase her to arrest her and put her away Or probably an insane asylum

The end

Yes there is a sequel calm down its called The Nightmare Of Haddonfield With The Shape Of Haddonfield. it will be out during October for spooky week since it's a horror book and I decided to post/update my horror books during October for spooky week.

The King Of Evil In The Mortal World With The Nightmareजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें