Chapter 15

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In the middle of the night

Cinder was sleeping as she had a arm around ganondorf as he was laying there awake staring at the ceiling thinking to himself As he was secretly thinking of what will cinder think or do when he decides to tell her that he isn't really from this world as he thinks of this he rests his eyes still thinking

In the morning

Cinder has just woken up feeling ganondorf gone as she gets up putting her clothes and shoes back on as she wonders around the house into she comes across the kitchen seen ganondorf there with his armour pants and amour boots on but shirtless as he was having a drink of water thinking a bit as he was staring out the window while she puts her hands around his waist and nuzzles her head on his lower back making him grins a bit As she also noticed the wired looking tattoo on his back but ignores it for a moment as he turns around while he says want to go and see our son cinder nodes as she lets go of him as he puts his armour shirt back on and then leads her out of the house back to the Cullen's house

At the Cullen's house

Cinder and ganondorf get there as she noticed ganon Jr sleeping While ganondorf and Carlisle gose to talk in private while cinder glares at ghirahim as he looks away while cinder walks away into the kitchen while ghirahim watches over ganon jr as Then there was a knock on the door which Esme gose to answer as it was Charlie Bella human father but he wasn't here to see Bella he was here to arrest cinder as there was a warrant out for her arrest from when she was in the brotherhood Esme was hesitant but let's him in as he grabs his handcuffs as cinder grabs a large knife while ghirahim gets protective of ganon jr as cinder says to Charlie you are not taking me away from my child Esme says before Charlie could say anything I know dear but just go with him and we will sort it out now put the knife down cinder thinks and then ganondorf walks in as she puts the knife down put grabs out her secret gun in her back pocket as Ganondorf says calm down cinder she thinks for a moment and then puts the gun down near the knife as Charlie then handcuffs her and escorts her through the house and outside putting her in the back off a police car as he drives away taking her to the police station to be transferred back to Stillwater to be locked up there

A few days later

Cinder was in the Stillwater prison as she sighs bored sitting on her prison bed into a guard came unlocking her cell as she watched them while they handcuffed her taking her to visitor room where ganondorf is waiting for her as they sit her down in a chair across from ganondorf as he had there son as the guards left while ganondorf says to cinder don't worry I'll get you out of here I promise cinder nodes and says I know you will ganon jr was sleeping as he coos a bit as cinder wanted to hold him but knows she can't from been cuffed and also beacuse the guards won't let her as ganondorf says I miss you so much cinder blushes a bit as she says and I miss you cinder was then taken back to her cell as her visitation hours were cut

Back in cinder cell

When they got back to cinder cell the warden who has her was told to bring her to the front office which was strange so they end up going to the front office as cinder starts wondering what is going on and where there going now

In the prison front office

The warden and cinder walks in as they sits her down across from a person with yellow eyes which cinder remember from somewhere as the warden comes to cinder uncuffing her as the captain says your free to go lucifer bailed you out now I don't want to see you back here ok eclipse cinder nodes as she leaves with the person named lucifer giding her out the door as he teleports him and her over to Stillwater near the old brotherhood hide out

In the brotherhood hideout

She looks at him as he changed her clothes with magic back to her normal clothes that she is comfy in as she says to him I remember your name from somewhere but it was when I was a baby lucifer turns back into his true self which is a large and tall red muscular demon wearing black amour as his tail reveals itself along with his wings and horns as he says dose this jog your memory cinder eyes widened as she says to him hugging him Satan I only remember you from when I was a baby I missed you brother he warps his wings around her and says I've missed you to I came back to earth for a bit after finding out that death Star get his girlfriend pregnant cinder nodes as he continues then I find out that your in jail and lea is dead cinder nodes as she says I can take you to were she is resting Satan nodes as she grabs his hand and teleports there

At lea resting place with Lin

Cinder appears with Satan as he says I see her favourite thing killed her in the end cinder nodes as she says yes it did She looks at him as he puts his hand around her carefully picking her up off the ground putting her on his shoulder as he says let's take you back home cinder nodes as he flys off going to find the Cullen's house to have cinder back to there and maybe stay around for a bit as his girlfriend is looking after hell from him since he can't trust his brothers to do it at the moment

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