Chapter 18

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A few weeks later

Both cinder and Norman were having voices in there heads of the Green goblin for Norman and Nightmare wolf for cinder as nightmare wolf takes over cinder turning her back to her normal self as Norman turns into the green goblin as cinder puts her black flight suit of with a black wolf helmet/mask as vices came up to protect her eyes while norman already had his flight suit on and mask/helmet while they grabs there gliders as goblin gets on his first flying out of the mansion while Nightmare wolf gets on her glider and follows him as they both had pumpkin bombs hidden on them as they flys off to the Unity day festival to finish some business

At the Unity day festival

Nightmare wolf was hidden as the green goblin dose his thing into Spiderman shows up and makes the green goblin be thrown off his glider as nightmare wolf comes as he lands on her glider as she flys off as Spiderman dose the same to her as both nightmare wolf and green goblin falls off but nightmare wolf grabs him as she uses her wings to fly as she holds goblin with one arm as she grabs Spiderman into a window as they both gets back on there gliders as goblin gose and slams Spiderman head into the window more breaking glass while nightmare wolf watches into Spiderman rips out wires in both gliders as they both gose of else where as they will be back for revenge as they starts to think of a plan which was making a offer to Spiderman to have him on there sides

At J Jona Jameson newspapers place
A few hours later

Peter was giving Jona Jameson photos of Spiderman as goblin blows open the building with a pumpkin bomb as nightmare wolf grabs Jona and hands him to goblin as he says to Jona where is the photographer that takes the pictures of Spiderman Jameson starts coming up with lies into Spiderman hangs upside down behind them and says to goblin put him down Goby and Wolfy nightmare wolf growls as goblin chucked Jameson on the ground and turns around sending Spiderman to sleep as he falls while both goblin and nightmare wolf gose after him into goblin catches Spiderman and they gose off somewhere secluded and safe where they won't be interrupted

At night in a hiding spot

Nightmare wolf had paralysed Spiderman for a moment as both her and Green goblin waits for Spiderman to wake as nightmare wolf turns her head thinking she heard something but she sees nothing but decided to investigate as the Green goblin let's her go knowing he can deal with Spiderman while he is paralysed while she investigates

With nightmare wolf

As she investigates she draws out a gun and a pumpkin bomb just incase as As she comes across ghirahim As she points a the gun to his head and says to him darkly what are you doing here she growls as ghirahim replies ganondorf wants you to come back nightmare wolf says to him I will when I am finished here ghirahim replies and when will that be when your dead! Nightmare wolf growls and says cinder may not shoot you but I will she was about to shoot ghirahim as he disappears while she gose back to the green goblin seen him leave as she jumps on her glider and left following him

A few days later

There was an apartment building on fire as both goblin and nightmare wolf where hiding in there while nightmare wolf watches As Spiderman comes through a window to get a baby that was stuck as he then left as both goblin and nightmare wolf think of how to get Spiderman back in into they had the idea of pretending to be indanger As goblin dose his scream while nightmare wolf stays in the darkness as Spiderman comes back in as he searched for who is indanger as he finds goblin as he screams in Spiderman face while goblin and nightmare wolf punches Spiderman in a wall as Spiderman gets up as goblin says to him what about my generous proposal goblin gets ready with something behind his back that nightmare wolf didn't know about as Spiderman says to both of them both of you are insane nightmare wolf growls as Goblin throws something as it was a ball with spinning knives which Spiderman dodge but dodges one to late as it cuts him while nightmare wolf and Goblin escape

A few hours later

Both Norman and cinder are in the elevator up to Peter and Harry apartment as cinder yawns to herself quitely as Norman just looks tired as when the elevator stops cinder opens it as she lets Norman out first as she follows him while he opens the door and says to Peter aunt sorry miss Parker we where running late but I picked up a fruit cake Norman hands her the fruit cake and gose and sits as cinder shyly says hello miss Parker im cinder Mr Osborne assistant Peter aunt replies ah cinder I've heard much about you from both Harry and Peter cinder replies I brought a fruit salad I wasn't sure what else to bring the aunt replies taking the fruit salad oh this is fine dear go and sit cinder nodes and gose to sit next to where Peter will sit as Peter comes through the door with the cranberries as he sits next to cinder after greeting everyone as norman starts sharpening the knife to carve the turkey as the aunt says to Peter oh Peter your bleeding Peter replies secretly lying I got clip by one of those bike messengers and was knocked down cinder looks as nightmare wolf takes over a little bit while Norman says as the aunt gets the first aid kit how did you say you got that cinder noticed the green goblin taking over a bit as Peter says still lying I was knocked down by a bike messenger cinder dose a little bit of a head movements towards Norman as both him and her stands from the table as Norman says i apologize I must go im not feeling well Harry gets worried as cinder gose and waits by the door as she opens the door for Norman as he left with her following while Harry follows worried about his father as when Norman waits in the elevator for cinder Harry says to her make sure my father will be fine cinder nodes as she gets in while the door closes as the elevator gose down to the ground floor

At night

Nightmare wolf and the green goblin gose to where the aunt of Peter Parker is as she was saying a pray next to her husband picture while goblin blows open the room with bombs while nightmare wolf says to her finish it! Aunt continue as goblin says as well finish it! The aunt finished the pray as both nightmare wolf and goblin takes off on there gliders as they gose back home while Goblin thinks of a new plan to get Spiderman to lose what he care about the most as Goblin comes up with a brilliant plan involving Spiderman and some children and blowing up something

A few days later

Cinder was sleeping in the guest as it was night while goblin had snuck out without her as she sleeps she hears Harry shouting which jolts her awake and gets up running out of the room to where Harry is as she looks in the room also seen Spiderman with Norman body as Harry grabs a gun and points it to where Spiderman was but he was gone as cinder gose over to see if Norman is alive but he wasn't as Harry was with her as she hugs him and whispers to him I'm sorry Harry he is gone Harry starts crying in cinder shoulder as she holds him while as she takes him away from his father's body and sits him down outside in the living room as he sits while cinder gets him a glass of water to try and calm him down as cinder says to him it will hurt for a while Harry he was your father Harry nodes understanding as she says to him go and sleep me and your Butler will deal with it Harry nodes going to his room as both her and the Butler gose and grabs Norman's body and puts him in a coffin while the Butler dose an examination of Norman body to find out how he died while he says to her he was impaled with his glider it wasn't Spiderman fault cinder thinks and says I thought it looked like his glider she thinks while the Butler gose and grabs her glider and flight suit and says take these and go when Harry finds out he may try and go at you don't worry Ill make something out cinder nodes as she puts the flight suit on and gose to a window as she opens it as the glider gose outside as she gets on it flying away while the Butler closes the window as she glides away going back to ganondorf and her son and ghirahim

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