Chapter 11

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A few weeks later

Both cinder and ganondorf are in the shower after there work out they didn't mind showering together but since there still cuffed from mearo it's a little bit tricky but they figured out how to make it work  as then there showering is finished they get charged then left in clothes to see what zinyak wanted as he was summoning them for something Which was needing help for Kelly baby shower party so both cinder and ganondorf help organise it  just to get zinyak to stop summoning them

A few hours later

Cinder and ganondorf were able to go and do what they want into the baby shower party tonight so when both cinder and ganondorf left they decided to go for a bit of a explore around the ship to see what else is going on while then ganondorf pulls cinder into a empty room and locked the door as they starts making out as he whispers to her I've missed the taste of your lips she blushed a bit as she whispers back to him and I've missed yours he grins a bit as they starts making out again as he whispers to her while picking her up as she wraps her legs around his waist how would you feel about having a baby cinder thinks and whispers to him I wouldn't really know I'm only 18 years Old I would need to think about it he nodes and says to her want to know my age she nodes a bit interested while he says to her 20 she blushes a bit but then dosent mind him been 2 years older than her while they starts making out again

A hour later

Cinder and ganondorf were summoned again as they go to the throne room wondering what zinyak wanted now as zinyak shows them the head of the saints boss which makes cinder grins a bit as she says finally there dead zinyak nodes grinning as ganondorf grind a bit but then wonders what happens next as cinder did secretly tell zinyak that after when the saints boss is dead she'll be leaving but she wasn't going to yet into after the baby shower for Kelly

Hours later at the baby shower

Cinder and ganondorf were there in there normal clothes as cinder was wearing black tights and a black sports bra with black heel boots as ganondorf was wearing his armour
(Hyrule warriors style)
As they were still cuffed togeather and were near the drinks tables while death star came over and says I heard your planning on leaving cinder nodes while he says to her I'll be staying I have to for Kelly cinder nodes as she says to him I knew you were going to say that and I understand I will come and visit when I can death star nodes and says to ganondorf you better look after her ganondorf nodes as he says she'll be safe with me death star nodes and gose back to Kelly as ganondorf says to cinder ready to go cinder nodes while he opened a portal to earth as they both jump through

On earth

Cinder and ganondorf came through the portal in the desert as they look around as he did have a secret castle in this desert as she says I think we are in Egypt ganondorf had no idea what she is talking about and just nodes while they wonder around Egypt into they came across his secret castle as cinder looks at it a bit confused then thinks and says looks abandoned want to go in and have a look Ganondorf thinks then nodes and gides her in as they looks around coming across the throne room and master bedroom while cinder says want to live here a while ganondorf replies why not seems cozy cinder nodes agreeing as they go back to the throne room while ganondorf sits in it and cinder decided to sit on his lap as he puts a arm around her to balance her a bit

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