Chapter 19

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With cinder a few days later

Cinder was gliding along on her glider as she was looking for Satan castle knowing ganondorf and Ganon jr and ghirahim are still there as she comes across it finding her son's window open as she gose through after getting off her glider and turns it off while grabbing it as she looks at her son as he was awake looking at her from his crib as she takes her helmet off as he coos while she picks him up with one arm and nuzzles him as she says to him turning back to her normal self mummy is home he nuzzles her Cooing as she puts him back in bed to let him sleep as she left his room while she sneaks around the castle going into a different room which was a storage door that was empty as she put the glider against the wall in the room and her helmet on a shelf as cinder closed the door and gose a few doors down to ganondorf room as she sneaks into his room as he was sleeping shirtless while she gets in bed next to him still in her flight suit carefully to not wake him while she lays next to him he turns over wrapping an arm around her as he whispers I've missed you she whispers back I've missed you to she turns over facing him as she nuzzles into him while she falls asleep with his arm around her to keep her close

The next day

Cinder was still sleeping in the morning as ganondorf was watching while looking at her flight suit liking it finding it interesting as he has never seen a flight suit before As she sleeps ghirahim walks in holding a gilder and a helmet as he looks at cinder realising that there cinders things she has from her super villian life As ganondorf whispers to him to let cinder sleep put them back and ask her later ganondorf glares as ghirahim nodes as he dose what he is told and puts the glider and helmet back where he found them while cinder sleeps and sighs in her sleeping as she was dreaming about something

In the late morning

Ganondorf was attending to his son as he was hungry as cinder wakes up stretching her arms realising she is still in her flight suit as she knew ganondorf knew about it which she didn't mind as her flight suit was comfortable as she then gets off the bed and gose to the kitchen for something to eat

In the kitchen

Cinder Walks in the kitchen as she looks through the cupboards and the fridge for food and for something she feels likes something to eat while ghirahim walks in and says welcome back how was life as a super villian Cinder looks at him and says it was fine Why jealous that I was out and you where here ghirahim glares as cinder glares back as her eyes turns to nightmare wolf eyes which are red and like snake eyes as her eyes turn back to normal while as ghirahim left while ganondorf walks in feeding Ganon jr a milk bottle as cinder continues looking through and comes across some bacon and eggs in the fridge as she has felt like it for a while as ganondorf watches her as she takes the bacon and eggs out of the fridge as ganondorf hasn't never had bacon before as she then also grabs some steak out of the fridge just incase ganondorf doesn't like bacon

A few minutes later

Cinder was cooking into some hot oil spat at her burning her hand as she growls while she runs it under cold water as ganondorf takes over while holding ganon jr As Ganon jr coos as cinder takes her flight suit glove of to get the cold water on her hand faster while she watches as Ganon jr trys to climb over Ganondorf shoulder but she grabs him as Ganon jr nuzzles her while ganondorf continues to cook as Ganon jr randomly starts crying for no reason as ganondorf says to her he dose that he likes to have a lot of attention from everyone who he comes across cinder chuckles a bit and says reminds me of my brother death Star ganondorf grins a bit as he finished the food putting it on the table while Ganon jr starts pulling At cinder flight suit as she puts her glove back on as he continues pulling at it wanting it as he found it funny while ganondorf watches and says he has been doing the same to ghirahim with his gloves cinder says to ganondorf it seems he has turned cheeky when I was gone ganondorf looks at her and says he has but he did miss you when you first went missing he was crying cinder looks away feeling bad as she hands Ganon jr to ganondorf as she says I had a few things to deal with on my own ganondorf sighs and ands it's understandable from humans to aliens to having a baby around vampire and meeting a demon lord along with ending up in jail and been bailed out by Satan cinder blushes and says I suppose that is true we have been through a lot ganondorf nodes as she sits at the table as ganondorf puts Ganon jr in his highchair as ganondorf himself sits on a chair across from cinder

A few hours later

After cinder and ganondorf had eaten Ganon jr starts randomly getting angry as he wanted there food but Ganon jr can't eat anything solid beacuse he has no teeth yet as ganondorf puts a milk bottle in Ganon jr mouth as he takes it out and throws it at ganondorf as he catches it before it hits him as he puts it back in Ganon jr mouth and holds it for him to be fed as cinder watches them

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