Chapter 4

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A few days later late afternoon

Cinder had gotten the rest of the brotherhood members that where let out of jail as ultor was also guarding the shipment while Mearo sent her a text to meet in a nearby park alone so she dose leaving Spyro in charge of the brotherhood into she returns

In Cecil Park

Cinder was waiting as she was watching cars drive by while she sits on a fence as a pimp walks by calling her a bitch which results in him been shot in the head by a pistol making pepole scream and run away as she gets up from the fence and walks off into Mearo came up beside her and says nice shot cinder replies thanks now why did you want to meet with me they go somewhere private as mearo says I want my gang back cinder replies getting a bit defensive of the brotherhood why there fine with me and still alive mearo replies your going to get yourself killed like you almost did with Matt cinder growls lightly coming from her wolf form as she says you have no right to talk to me like that besides they wouldn't want you back from working with the saints Mearo replies to her I'm only working with them to get my gang back from you cinder snaps her fingers as destroyer and malafor a dark red hair man a older member of the brotherhood with a lot of tattoos comes out of the bushes as cinder says your really think I would come here on my own plus I can smell your saints the two saints came out of hiding as Mearo ponits a gun at cinder head which results in malafor and destroy pointing rifle's at him as destroyer says to mearo stay away from us and our alpha leader mearo huffs and storms off while the two saints follow him while cinder and the two brotherhood members with her left going back home

Back at the brotherhood hideout

Cinder walks in with malafor and Destroyer following her as she notice that only half of the shipment is here while Spyro says some of our members were ambushed by the boss of the saints so the members took what they could and left the rest behind cinder nodes and says to him don't worry we will manage and we will defend our home when they come for us Spyro nodes agreeing as cinder went to check on Matt see he was find just resting while Donnie was with him making sure he is going well as cinder gose up to the roof of the hideout to watch the moon raise as all the members turn in for the night while 2 members stay up for the night watch as cinder turns wolf see it to be a full moon as she sits there silently howling as she couldn't howl from a accident with the saints as she decided to go on a night run which the night members allow but they let her know to he back before morning which she agrees as she runs off running around the brotherhood territory

With cinder in wolf form

Cinder runs around brotherhood territory into she accidentally steps a paw in saints territory which she didn't notice into she runs into Mearo as wolf as she growls lightly while he watches her as she back off while he comes closer to her making her runs off into brotherhood territory as Mearo decided to follow her while she then accidentally gose into a territory war but it was on hold for the night as it was between the saints and son's of sambie for the factory district as it was close to the brotherhood territory as she runs up a small mountain thinking she has lost him but as she sits down he comes and sits next to her as she says in mind to him you know if your caught with me the boss may kill you he replied in mind to her he can't kill me even if he tried to but I suppose I can give you some info about what there going to do she looks at him and replies in mind to him well if you tell me I may let Matt visit you he dose miss you mearo replies in mind and I miss him I'll tell you in a month the saints will start a war with the brotherhood to take the hideout from you she nodes and says in mind to him I'll let you see Matt twice a week and I will make sure the brotherhood knows not to bother you he nodes and sniffs the air and says to her in mind I can smell your heat she blushed and says to him in mind well I can smell yours as well he blushes as well while she turns back to normal still in her clothes of black tights and a black sports bra while he turns back to human in his clothes which he was shirtless back wearing light brown pants as he says to her I keep having wired dreams about you and me doing it cinder blushes and replies so have I but with someone else they both blushes as the moon shines on them as they looks at each other as cinder then says but it's changed me and you have gone our different ways cinder turns wolf leaving going back to the brotherhood hideout leaving Mearo there as he was a bit shocked of cinder leaving like that while she gose back to the hideout before it becomes morning

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