The created virus.

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Morgan, mikah and Leo stepped through the blue, swirling portal and ended up on a planet that resembled earth but.. red?

'Hm, this is new..' Morgan said, looking around at the desert.

'Maybe let's head north and look for somewhere to stay. The portal sent us here for a reason..' Leo responded to him, as he started walking north.

'Yeah, let's do it!' Mikah responded, chasing after Leo who was already quite far away from the two.

After a few hours of walking the trio stumbled apon a city. After walking in they noticed no one was there. The city was just- bare.

They strolled around what was no better than the desert. All they could see was animals running around the place.

'Did you guys hear that??' Leo asked.

'Sirens? Why are there police? There aren't even people.' Morgan asked in reply.

With that a huge group of police  surrounded them all. They seemed to vary of blue to red skin and all in-between. 'Put your hands up! No one is allowed outside!!' The, what must have been the chief of police, chief shouted.

'Why?!' Morgan growled back.

'The plague, dumbass! Don't you know that!?' He shouted, pointing his gun at the three. Leo's eyes started to glow as he turned into his lion form.

'Guns down.' Mikah smirked and all the police out their guns down.

'Hold on, You guys are the three who go around fixing problems, correct?' The chief asked.

'What's it to you??' Morgan growled.

'We have a plague going around, but it's got different reasons why it's dangerous. We need your help.' Everyone got in their cars and the chief signalled for the three to join him in his car and the group obliged.

At the police station the cheif started to explain. 'So, the plague that has been going around but it was made in a lab by the mayors scientists and he spread it around for 'over population' but it was really because people wanted to start leaving and making their own towns and villages.'

'So he killed people for power. What a normal government.' Morgan huffed, leaning on the door frame, crossing his arms.

'So, you need us to throw him over so you guys can take charge?' Leo asked.

'Pretty much.' The chief responded.

'What's his name??' Mikah pondered.

'Mayor alpine grey.' And with that Morgan's eyes widened.

'What's wrong Morgan??' Mikah and Leo asked him.

'Nothing at all.' He said with a small smile.

'Okay, let's go' Mikah said and left.

The three got to the large tower and looked up it.

'It would be best to teleport in, they won't be able to detect us.' Morgan made a portal and the group stepped through.

'Ahh, welcome, I'm glad you've joined me.' A voice called from behind a desk at the end of a long hall. Leo transformed and mikah pulled out the sword he held in the sheith on his back.

At the end of the hall a green man with a long scar ranging from his forehead to his neck, that ran over his eye sat in the chair behind the desk. 'I'm guessing you're here to stop me.'

'That's the plan but I'm guessing you won't make it that easy for us.' Leo growled, his fangs making his voice slur.

'No, no I won't' the man said through a grin.

Leo jumped at him to which the annoying man used some sort of telekinesis and threw him against the wall.

'Leo!' Mikah shouted.

'You're weak if you don't think your plan through.' He smiled.

'You won't get away with this!' Morgan shouted, he teleports to the man and slammed his head into the floor. The man teleported away, just as Morgan did. 'How can you teleport!?' Morgan shouted.

'Don't worry about it, child. Worry about your friends.' Mikah ran forward and tried to slash the man with his sword but the man dodged.

Mikah tumbled but landed next to Morgan and Leo stumbled over. 'Surround him.' Mikah said and they did.

'Not much of a plan, really.' The man said as he used his telekinesis to push all three out of the wall of windows.

'MORGAN! PORTAL!' Mikah shouted and the three fell through a portal.

Yo yo, the next part will acctually be up soon. I promise.

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