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Leo was repremanding morgan as mikah looked for food in the farmers market. Sky blue apples, green potatoes. 'Hey.. morgan? Have you tried any of this stuff?' Mikah turned around, cutting leo off.

'Huh?- uhm..' morgan looked around at a large varitiy of food on the stand. They were food thay looked normal but were crazy colours to fruits that had tenticals and eyes. He landed on a bread-looking thing that was a crimson red colour with white seeds. 'Oh yeah! I used to have this before everything happened. The only thing i remember is my mum giving me it if i did something good.' He chuckled. His voice rung a lot deeper than the other two's, making it seem like the others were younger.

Realisticly leo looked as if he was only 16 or 17. He also had a higher voice than the others. You could never tell what mikah looked like giving the large brown box that was placed on his head. He was also sorter than the other two. He was 5'9 where leo was 6'0 and morgan being 6'4 . His voice being no more than a few octaves lower than leo's.

'Really? What does it taste like?' Leo asked.

'Can't remember, but it was nice.' He turned his head slightly to the side trying to remember what was not there.

'Lets buy some!' Mikah gave the cashier some coins and bought a few loafs.

They walked a few blocks to a park and sat on the steps of a outside drama stadium. 'I'll try it first.' Morgan pulled some of the crimson off, they had named it that from the colour, and ate it. With just a second his face turned into a huge grin. 'Now i know why i loved it.' He laughed.

Mikah tried some abd then leo and they all loved it. 'Whoa! Your mum had some good taste in food.' Leo smiled.

'She must have, from what i can remember she was the type of person to feel every kid in the city if she needed too.' He laughed. 'My father on the other hand was kind but only to people he cared about. He once let me take in a worm because i though it was cold.' He laughed.

Out of no where opal appeared from the ground and jumped into morgand lap. 'we haven't seen you in a while bud, how are you?' Mikah asked her.

'She says she's scared??' Morgan mumbles, confused. A group of kids ran up to the three, grabbed opal and started running away. 'Oi! Basterds!' Morgan shouted and ran after them. Leo swiftly transformed and ran after them too.

'Morgan! Portal!!' Mikah shouted and mirgan created a portal and threw the kids and themselves through it.

They ended up in a ally wiht the kids cornered. 'Hand over the animal idiot.' Leo snarled.

'Nah, we don't feel like it kitty.' Kid A grinned. He looked about 15, no doubt rich.

Morgan let out a evil cackle. 'Give her over kids..' a red, firery portal opened in the ground. 'Or fall..' his eyes were pure black. Red dots shining in the middle of them. Kid B took opal and threw her to morgan and they climbed over the fence and ran.

The portal was gone in seconds and morgan was hugging opal. Yet leo and mikah stood un horror. Morgan had never done this before.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2021 ⏰

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