Keeping a Promise

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Doc had his arm around Izuku's shoulder so he could ground him as they walked, Kure didn't know how to help so he just stayed quiet. Izuku was swimming around in his head, Kure didn't exactly know what he was thinking but it couldn't have been good. Kure was walking in the back after Doc told him too, he didn't know why but Doc was smart, he knew what he was doing. Kure was anxiously playing with his switchblade, twirling it. Kure noticed that they were going under a bridge and moved closer to his friends, he was slightly claustrophobic, so he didn't like being in tunnels and such. As they were about halfway through they heard the manhole cover shift on the concrete.

Izuku stumbled out of Doc's grasp forward out of fear. "Oh good, an invisibility cloak," the slime villain said with his distorted voice.  The slime jumped at Izuku and started pouring itself down his throat. Kure caught his knife and rushed past Doc who was studying the slime, looking for a weakness. Kure grabbed Izuku by his shirt and started pulling him out, "Urg!! Stop fighting, it's gonna be over soon," Kure pulled as hard as he could as he remembered the promise he made to Mrs. Midoriya.


Kure had Izuku's arm over his shoulder as he was helping him to his house, " Why haven't you told your mom, Izu. Bakugo is only gonna get worse," Kure pointed out as he helped Izuku up the steps. "I don't want mom to worry," Izuku stated, Kure wanted to call him stupid, but he knew Izuku wouldn't do it anyway. 

When they got inside they didn't say anything in case she was tired from work and was asleep. So Kure went and laid Izuku down in his bed. As he was on his way to the door he was cut off by Mrs. Midoriya, the stout green-haired woman was threatening as hell. "You know who did that, don't you," She accused as she shifted closer to him. He sighed and responded, "Yes I do, but I made a promise to not tell you, and I'm a man of my word." 

She seemed angry then shifted her features to something that made him feel like she was scheming. "If your a man of your word, then promise me something, Protect him, and If his injuries are super bad then you take him to a hospital and you call me, Got it?" She made a face that told Kure that if he said no he would probably die, so he responded, "Of course, Izuku is my best friend, if it makes you feel any better, I've tried to get him to talk to you, but he's too worried about making sure you're not worried to take care of himself," Kure promised. "Good, now go home, your parents are probably worried about you," She shooed him outside.


Doc's eyes were flying around at a thousand miles an hour trying to find a spot to attack, he notices that the eyes weren't runny like the rest of the slime, "Kure!! The eyes!!" He shouted to his armed friend as he took over pulling Izuku. Kure stepped back and let Doc grab him. He made sure his knife was latched so it would stay open, then he activated his quirk and his eyes began to glow. 


Name: DeadEye

Power: When he activates it he can see the trajectory of any object in the air, whether he throws it or someone else shoots it he can see where it will end up and how it will get there. It appears as an arc in the air that only he can see. 

Side effect: He suffers migraines from overuse. His red eyes glow when it's active, and he had red-eye, like a cat, when on camera.


He cocked his arm back and then threw the knife as hard as he could, letting go and checked the arc, it was gonna hit where he needed it to. The knife flew through the air twirling majestically as it passed over Doc and embedded itself into the villain's eye, "Arrrg!!!" he shouted in pain as he started to let go of Izuku. Kure rushed over and grabbed Izuku's other shoulder, he and Doc pulled as hard as they could. Izuku fell out into their arms and they dragged him away from the tunnel. 

Kure almost relaxed before he heard angry shouts, "You damn kids! I'll kill you!" the slime started moving toward them and jumped toward them, Kure barely had time to push Izuku and Doc out of the way before the slime pounced him, He shut his mouth and covered his nose as it tried to shove itself down his throat. He tried to yell in fear but it was muffled, he looked up before it covered his eyes and saw Izuku trying to run towards him but Doc was holding him back. 

'Good, I made a promise damn it, you stay out of trouble Izu' he pleaded in his head. He could feel himself running out of air, and started panicking. His vision started darkening, and he lacked the strength to try to fight. 'Is this it, some angry thief trying to kill some kids because they didn't want their friend to die, at least Doc can take care of Izuku.' As his vision went completely black and he fell under the weight of the villain, he heard a muffled, "I AM HERE" and the weight disappeared if his shoulders, and he passed out.

When he stirred he looked up and saw Doc leaning over him, and heard Izuku making fanboy noises. "Arrg. What truck hit me, I didn't catch the license plate number," Kure joked as Doc sighed in relief. "You need to find better jokes, Kure," Doc responded as he helped his friend up. He looked towards the sound of Izuku being weird and he saw his trying to talk to All Might. He looked to Doc who made a confusing movement with his shoulders, and Kure walked over to Izuku. He slammed his hand down on his unwounded shoulder, "Nice to know you care," Kure joked as Izuku jumped. 

"Wha? OH, sorry, are you okay," Izuku started hugging his arm and looked up at him apologetically. "I'm fine, he didn't get to try and force himself down my throat, more importantly, are you okay," he questioned. "Yeah, I'm fine," Izuku looked at All Might and his shoulders slumped, "A-all Might, can I ask you something," He asked, All Might look down at him and smiled, "Sorry my boy, but Hero's are always on the move, I just wanted to make sure your friend was okay, I must go now," he responded. 

"Come on, it's one question," Kure pushed, he knew what he wanted to ask, he figured All Might would help Izuku. "Ah, well make it quick," All Might look slightly nervous. "C-can a quirkless person be a hero like you," Izuku burst out, he looked almost desperate. Just as All Might opened his mouth to respond he was clouded in smoke but Kure could see his outline through the smoke and he saw it shrink.  

He heard a quiet "Shit," from All Might, as the smoke dissipated. Izuku saw his shrunken body and started screaming, but Kure covered his mouth before he could alert anyone. "Why are you screaming, it's not that surprising?" Kure pointed out, much to All Might's confusion. "What do you mean, 'Not that surprising,'?" All Might asked. "I mean I figured you didn't always look super muscular, otherwise you would have no civilian life," Kure pointed out. "Huh, that makes sense," All Might pointed out.  Doc moved to stand next to Kure. 

"But to answer your question, young man," All Might moved on, and pulled his shirt up, revealing a huge wound that seemed like it caved in his whole stomach, "I got this wound five years ago, I can only be in my hero form for three hours a day, so if someone as strong as me can get hurt this bad being a hero, I don't think a quirk-less person can't be a hero, but don't give up, you can still save people as a police officer, and just because they don't get recognized as much it doesn't mean they don't do anything," he tried to make Izuku feel better. 

Kure had a sudden urge to stab the number one hero in the mouth, "Well, thanks, I hear crushing teenager's dreams makes good money, be sure to do that more often," Kure snapped as he started pushing Izuku toward the direction of his house. Izuku slapped his arm, "Kure!!! He's right, don't be mean to him," Izuku pleaded. "'Right' my ass," Kure responded. "We need to tell your mom to get you a proper checkup," Kure made sure to remind Izuku to tell his mom. "What!! No!! She's going to be worried," Izuku pleaded. 

"Good! She needs to worry about her son getting choked by a disgusting slime villain. Doc? Back me up?" Kure looked to his masked friend. "You didn't let me look at your throat because you were too busy talking to All Might, I would recommend getting it checked, we have no idea how much damage it could have done to the back of your throat," Doc responded. "See!!" Kure said. As they walked home Kure heard Izuku mumble something about, "You knew, right, they were all right, you were just delusional." Then an explosion shook the ground. 

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