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When Kure got to his house before Izuku he knew something was wrong, he only knew because he messaged his mom and asked if he told her yet.

CrazyEyes: Hey Mamadoriya did Izu tell you about today?

Mamadoriya Is Online

Mamadoriya: He hasn't been home yet, are yall out of school already?

OH!! I just checked the time, I didn't notice, why are yall home so late?

CrazyEyes: Some stuff happened, Ill let Izu tell you. If he says everything is fine message me and ill tell you.

TheMask Is Online

TheMask: Is Izu not home yet? I had to leave the group but Kure was walking with him for a bit after that weren't you?

CrazyEyes: Yeah but I split and now he's not home yet.

BroccoliBoy Is Online

BroccoliBoy: I'm okay!! I swear I'll tell you tomorrow Kure, but um, I got held up.

CrazyEyes: ...

You know I don't trust that right?

TheMask: ^

Mamadoriya: ^

(AN: Yes Kure and Doc taught Ms. Midoriya internet speech)

BroccoliBoy: Oh come on, you too mom!!

CrazyEyes: F

Everyone is offline

"I don't get paid enough for Midoriya drama," Kure complained as he sat down to his homework. Kure pulled out his phone and put on some music.

He heard his mom get home, so he finished the last three math questions pretty quick, turned the music off, and went to greet her. "Hey mom, how was work?" He asked as he walked into the living room. "Same as always, awful!" she said happily. Her white eyes somehow emoting happiness through her obvious tiredness. He laughed and looked at the clock, 7:30. "Your home a little early, you get off early," He asked warily, "NOPE! Some quirkist prick saw my eyes and started making a fuss about how they let someone like me work here, so my boss sent me home," she said angrily, Kure walked up and hugged her. "I can go stab them if you want," he joked with a sly grin on his face. "I'm tempted, so anyway, how was your day," she asked as she shook out of his hug. "Got attacked by a villain today.... twice," he said blankly, his mom stopped trying to shake out of his hug and grabbed him like he was leaving, "WHAT!?!?! ARE YOU OKAY," she yelled as she activated her quirk,



Name: Scan

Kersten's quirk means she can see activated pain receptors to see where someone is hurting.

Side effect: Her eyes are blank white, no iris, when she activated her quirk Plus signs appear in her eyes where her iris would be.


He quickly added, "I'm fine, I only passed out like once," he said to try and calm her down, that didn't work out as he had hoped. "You what?" his mom yelled as she deactivated her quirk and hugged him to her chest, "He had Izuku! I had to help him, I just didn't plan far enough ahead, sorry," She hugged him so tight he thought his skull would break, "Y-you said twice didn't you?" she asked cautiously, "After All Might saved me, Izu asked him if he could be a hero quirkless, that overrated muscle head said NO!" Kure almost shouted.

His mom blinked but silently egged him on, "And me and Doc, tried to walk Izu home, but I guess we were distracted, cause we went the wrong way and ended up finding that villain again, this time, he had Katsuki hostage when Izu realized who it was he rushed passed the police line, and charged to save him. I followed him to try and get him to stop, but he threw his bag at the guy, and it distracted him enough that he let go of Katsuki, so I grabbed him, then All Might saved us again, I, hahaha," he chuckled," I might have fussed at a few heroes because they didn't do anything," he growled that last bit. "D-did All Might really tell Izuku that he cant be a hero," She asked with barely hidden venom. "Yes! He did, 'A hero's work is dangerous, someone with no quirk cant be a hero,' or something like that," He growled into her neck as he hugged her. "You should finish your homework and then go get some rest, you had a stressful day," she said as she hugged him again. "O-ok," he reluctantly agreed. He finished his work and rolled over and went to sleep.

The next day he got up ten minutes early so he could talk to Izuku early. He changed into his uniform. And rushed over to Izuku's house. He knocked on the door and walked in. He found Izuku putting his shoes on in the living room. "So you wanted to talk to me?" Kure asked when Izuku finally noticed him. Izuku slammed his foot into his shoe grabbed his bag and dragged Kure outside. "Ok so All Might talked to me after you left yesterday," Kure blinked, "What did he say," he gritted his teeth. "Nothing bad I promise, but h-he said he could pass his quirk to me so I could be a hero," Izuku whispered that last part. "He WHAT!"

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