The Day Off

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After Doc and Izuku got Kure to calm down they walked over and went to talk to Mars and Denki. "So what do yall want to do today? We have the day off since we need rest for the Entrance Exam," Doc explained to the two. "Oh really? That's cool! OH! I know! There is an arcade around the corner from my house. We can pick up my sister too," Denki said. "Cool. I need to get my wallet but you can go get her, Ill swing by Izu's house and get his," Kure said. "I'm paying for his! You don't need to get his wallet," Denki said. Izuku blushed at that but nodded. Kure looked between then grinned, "You got it lovebirds," he laughed at Izuku's squeak. He ran off towards his house. When he got inside he saw his mom getting ready to go to work, "Yo. Uncle Will let us off early so we could get ready for the exam tomorrow. The whole group is going to an arcade," He said as he took his weapons off and set them on the table. He grabbed his wallet off the counter. "Cool, have fun too guys!" she yelled as she went out.

Kure almost ran out after her, before something caught his eye. A black and purple letterman's jacket was hanging off his door, and a bag of suckers was next to it on a coffee table. He grinned and put the jacket on, slipping the bag into its pocket and opening it. He pulled out a sucker stuck it in his mouth and ran out. He ran past his mom who stepping into the car. As Kure ran he couldn't help but grin. He felt so free now, his dark purple hair swaying in the wind with every step. The sun making it seem slightly brighter. His eyes were wider and freer than they had been in a while. He licked the sucker in his mouth, moving it back and forth in his mouth, the clack of it hitting every tooth could be heard. He slowed as he neared Denki's house and saw the guys talking to what seemed to be Denki's mom. "Yo! What's up fellas," Kure said as he neared the group. Izuku and Doc turned to him. "Nice of you to join us, Kure," Doc spoke curtly, Izuku waved him over while he grinned.

Kure chose this moment to see Denki's mother. "Meeting the family already Izuku? Moving a little fast ain't ya?" Kure asked, Izuku and Denki mirrored each other as they sputtered. The mom looked between the two and grinned, "Really Denks, you couldn't tell your old mama you had a boyfriend? Well come here short stack," She said as she picked Izuku up and hugged him. Izuku squeaked as he was picked up. "Now," she said as she held him off the ground in front of her, "If you hurt him I'll throw you into the ocean boy," her eyes squinted as she finished her sentence. Izuku squeaked out, "Got it, ma'am." Kure tried not to laugh as he grabbed the frozen Izuku from the women.

They all said their goodbyes, Denki put his little sister on his shoulders and held Izuku's hand as the greenette talk Hana's ear off. When they got to the arcade the first thing out of Izuku's mouth was, "Do they have DDR?" His eyes glowing in excitement. Doc and Kure both let out a simultaneous, "Oh no." Denki set Hana down, "Yeah! I have the high score actually," Denki said. "Oh no," coming from those two again. "Let's go!" Izuku grabbed Denki by the arm and ran off to find the DDR machine. "Oh god," Kure said as he charged after them. By the time Kure had caught up with them, Denki already had the game cards and they were in line for the DDR machine. Kure took the time to spit the stick from the last sucker into a trash can and get another. When Kure got back they were up. Izuku scrolled to the hardest song, "Are you sure can keep up Izu?" Denki asked. 'Oh he is so fucked,' is all that Kure could think. Izuku just looked at him with the determination of a thousand suns, "Ohhh kay then," Denki his play.

The moment the song actually started and the arrows started coming the entire Arcade had to look over. Izuku moved so fast his legs looked like a blur. Denki wasn't far behind but he was missing a note here and there. Izuku had missed none. Suddenly Izuku slowed down, most would think he had worn himself out but nope, he fell to his hands and started hitting the notes while in a handstand. Kure knew what part was coming up and rushed over and started gently jerking and testing the bar to see how stable it was, "It's good," he told Izuku as he ran back to his spot. Izuku jumped to his feet and then the song had a short break, it was supposed to give the player a breather but not for Izuku, it was an opportunity to show off.

Izuku did a backflip and landed on the bar he did a bow for the crowd before doing a backflip back off and landing in a superhero landing. Another reason he did this is that the first three notes are so close together most people trying, fall over, but as he fell to his pose he let one foot hit first, getting the first one, his knee got the one on the opposite side, and his fist got the last on. The crowd screamed and Denki barely got the second note, completely missing the third in favor of catching himself. Izuku popped up and continued to move like a bullet over the keys. After the song was over Denki stumbled off and fell onto the floor, Izuku put his name into the high-score board and then ran over to check on Denki. The rest of the day went about how you'd expect, Kure destroyed at Ski Ball, because of his quirk. Doc was very good at anything with a pattern, so Pacman and other classic games like that. Mars was very good at rhythm games. Denki walked around with Izuku and Hana, helping her play some of the more complex games.

Kure realized after a few hours he was on his 8th sucker. "How long is that sucker gonna last?" Denki asked after a while. "I brought a whole bag," Kure said as he grinned while pulled the bag out of his pocket, everyone looked at him like he was crazy, "Why," Doc responded with a 'what the fuck is wrong with you,' pose. Kure's laugh echoed into the night.

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