Training Montage

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Kure put on a long-sleeve white shirt and his sleeveless hoodie. He slipped in his gloves, put on his shoes, and left his house. He met up with Doc first, "Are we sure about this Kure? This seems like it's not the best training plan," Doc expressed his worry. "To be honest, the muscle-building part is kinda bad. But! It should only take a few months if we do it every day. All three of us, plus whatever Mars does when he's there. Then, we focus on getting you two in fighting shape. With whatever weapon you want," Kure explained his plan. As they passed Izuku's house he was waiting for them.

"Hey Kure, you two ready to go? I got the drinks! I got water and some sports drinks. I'm ready for this," he cheered as he jogged up to his friends. "Okay, so here's the plan, for however long it takes, we will clean up the beach to build muscle. Focusing more on you two because I did some strength and conditioning with my uncle, yes the vigilante one, and I've been following it for the past few years. Then, with whatever time is left we focus on weapon training. I already got some training with knives and daggers. So I'll be focusing on that, if you want other weapons, Ill talk to my uncle, see what he can do about getting you set up," Kure explained as they got closer to the beach.

They heard a guitar playing over the sound of the waves, and Mars' voice ringing out. "The simple joys of sitting in fire escapes, drinking the days away, with just a little champagne and youu~. Kissing away our names, counting the stars 'til late, I wanna wake up every day to youuu~. Tellin my friends ill send 'em a postcard from wherever I end up, cause you make me feel like I'm dreamin of paradise, here I come~. Your my little Elysium, my little Elysium," Mars sang out. Izuku looked over with wonder and pulled out a notebook, "My Friends" the cover read. He wrote, "Likes to sing. Can also play guitar." after flipping to the third page.

Mars played a few more cords, then pulled a book out and seemed to write something down. "Hey Mars, you gonna play something for us?" Kure asked after he finished writing. Mars jumped slightly, "Umm, I mean if you want, I'm not done with it yet, I'm adjusting some lyric placement. I don't wanna play it for anyone until I finish it," He explained, "Well from what we heard, you doing great," Izuku stepped up, his green eyes glowing in wonder. Mars brightened at that compliment. "W-well I'm gonna get out of your way, I'm gonna go over there, and just play a few cords. You guys get to work," He said.

And for the next three months, They would meet up to clean the beach for a few hours, while Mars played his guitar. Mars would help them be safe, if they were trying to get something from a pile, and they thought something was gonna fall. He would run laps around sometimes, just to keep up with his cardio. They got him a pair of gloves so they all matched. They got him two pairs, a red pair, and a gold pair. He wore one of both every day. They all walked up one day, Mars started meeting them at their houses, to see Izuku already there, he had cleaned up the last bit by himself. He was standing on the railing and screaming a very powerful scream. Mars looked at him in wonder, the same way Izuku had looked at him all those months ago.

Kure took the time to look at himself, and his two friends, they had built up more than the necessary muscle for the upcoming year. He grinned, "Well, motherfuck me. We actually did it," he ran up and jumped next to Izuku on the railing, joining him in the scream. Doc didn't jump onto the railing but he stood next to the two and put his hands up. He didn't scream either, he did do a small shout though. Mars pulled out his phone and took a picture. He saved it to an album he had on his phone titled, "My Friends" and grinned. The two on the rail hop off as Doc helps Izuku down, cause he's tired. "Why don't we have a cheat day today! We all go to a cat cafe or something, and chill out. We'll work on weapon stuff tomorrow. I want everyone to relax today. You to Mars, you're coming with us, no running," Kure said.

Mars reluctantly agreed, everyone walked around a few corners and found the cat cafe. Doc ordered a coffee with a straw. Kure tried to jokingly get some alcohol but was shot down by Izuku, who just got a very sweet tea. Kure chose to order a hot chocolate. Mars got a black coffee. They sit there for a few hours talking about school stuff, a few funny videos Kure watched at 3 am cause he couldn't sleep. Then the door opens and a kid with bright blond hair with a black lightning bolt in it comes in. "Yo, can I get coffee, two sugars? Cool! Thanks," He slipped three dollars on the counter, as he was handed a cup. He walked into the dining room and noticed that no tables were open.

"Damn, Yo! Kids that look my age, can I sit with you," he called over as he walked up to Kure's table. Izuku looked at him, he seemed to study him, "Sure, what's your name?" he asked as the blonde kid grabbed a chair from some other table after checking if it was okay. "Kaminari, you guys can call me Denki though. I'm not one for honorifics. Sooooo, um. What are you guys' quirks? Mines electrification, I can generate electricity," He asked the table. Kure responded first, "DeadEye. I can see the path and destination and endpoint of anything moving in the air, so as long as it is not on the floor, I can see where it's going, and how it's gonna get there," he engaged it, his red eyes glowing as he spoke. "I get migraines if I use it too much. I also can't get a photo without getting red-eye," He explained his quirk drawbacks.

"Oof. If I use mine too much I 'Short-Circuit' and go like, brain dead for a few minutes. It sucks," Denki explained. Mars jumped in, "My quirk's called Sunset Sabers. I can summon two blades made of light. One is gold, it has a black handle, and one is red, it has a gold handle," he explains. "That's so cool," Denki replies. Doc engaged his quirk, slightly as he began to explain his quirk. Smoke coming out of his hands.


Quirk: Withers

Power: When he makes smoke come out of his hands; if enough comes out it will swirl around and then take the form of a Wither, as he named them. They are three-headed skeletal beasts that launch explosive energy charges out of the side of two's mouths.


"I can summon three-headed beasts from the smoke that comes out of my hands," He explained. Denki looked astonished at the last two quirks. He looked to Izuku, "I-I... I'm Q-Q-Quirkless, actually," Izuku stuttered out. Denki looked, not exactly upset, just more surprised. "Really? That's cool! My youngest sister is too, she wants to be a hero, I am trying to get her to drop it. I don't want her to get hurt. If people find out, even if she's at a hero school. She might get bullied, or targeted by villains, but she has been very adamant. So I gave up, I'm trying to help her now," Denki explained.

Kure spoke up, "Izuku is trying to be a hero too, we just finished our big training project. We were cleaning up this beach for the last three months. We were building muscle. You look around our age, you going to hero school?" Kure asked. "Yeah! No one thinks I can do it cause of my Dumb Dumb Mode, but I'm trying to get into UA," Denki explained. "Us too! We just need to do some weapons training, none of our quirks are strong. Speaking of quirks, can I ask some questions about yours?" Izuku asks. "Only if you kiss me," Denki suddenly said. Mars and Kure spit out their drink, "Back the truck up, put it in the park. Pull the parking brake, get out, and say that again," Kure said.

Doc sputtered at Kure's response and coughed into his mask. Izuku went catatonic, then slowly responded, "Sh-Shouldn't we go on a proper date first?" He responded as he regained his senses, and smiled as he made eye contact. Kure's eyes went the size of dinner plates and Denki accidentally expelled his electricity and short-circuited. Kure got shocked and passed out too. Mars and Doc bust out laughing. "Umm, did I break 'em?" Izuku asked. "YUP!!," Mars said between laughs. They grabbed Denki's phone and texted his mom, asking where his house was so that they could lead him home.

Mars carried Kure on the way. Izuku grabbed one of Denki's hands and talked to him, about hero fights he saw. He didn't know if Denki could understand him, but it made him feel better than just dragging him around town would have. When they knocked on his door, Izuku put Denki in front of him. A little girl with bright blond hair answered the door, "Oh! Thanks for bringing Denks back! I always get scared someone is gonna hurt him when his quirk does that," She grabs his hand and coaxes him inside, where she sat him down.

"Hey! Are you the quirkless sister he mentioned?" Izuku asked. She suddenly looked slightly afraid, "Y-Y-Y-yup, why?" she asked. "I'm quirkless too! I'm going to a hero school next year. Denki said you wanted to be a hero too. While I'm there I'm going to try to make it a little easier for you to accomplish your dreams. You got it?" He told her, her eyes glowed in wonder, and she tackled Izuku in a hug, "Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou," She spoke quickly. Kure woke up shortly after they left. Mars told him what he missed. "I am gonna kill whoever taught you that," Kure promised Izuku, Mars whistling innocently.

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