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"So- Wh- What the fuck," Kure was trying to wrap his head around what Izuku just told him. "So this dude," Kure didn't say All Might to try and keep some symbol of secrecy, "said he would give you his quirk, so you can become a hero?" Midoriya nodded. "What did you say?" Kure asked, "I said yes, of course, I did," Midoriya responded. Kure just looked at him like he was stupid. "WHY? You have so much more potential as a quirkless hero!! I mean when you make it as a hero, you'll be your own symbol of hope, but for quirkless people," Kure grabbed Izuku by the shoulders as the smaller boy looked at him like he just told him he was a god. 

Then he started crying, "D-do you really think I can be a hero," Izuku asked as he looked Kure in the eyes, not being startled when Kure activated his quirk by reflex, he doesn't like eye contact. "Izu, if you cant become a hero then no one can, you the most heroic person I know," Kure said as he looked Izuku back in the eye. 

Izuku tackled him in a hug making Kure almost fall as he caught the shorter boy, and wrapped him in his arms, "You'll have to work for it though, it won't be as easy for you as it is for someone like Katsuki," Kure made sure to speak gently as he reminded the boy of his coming struggle, "but," making Izuku let go and look at him, "I'll be with you every step of the way, someone has to train you," Kure promised.

"Thank you, Kure," Izuku smiled so bright Kure thought he would go blind, 'You Sweet Summer Child, your too pure for this world... 'll just have to corrupt you, hahaha,' Kure thought as he made note of all the cuss words and sass Midoriya is gonna use when he's done. "Wait, don't you still have to tell A- that guy you changed your mind?" Kure reminded him. "Wh- OH NO."

"What are you fools doing now?" a sudden voice made Izuku jump, Kure whirled around to greet Doc who just walked up and totally didn't scare Kure. He looked Doc in the eyes, "I'll let Izuku explain this shit show," Kure sighed. 

(Time Skip, cause I'm lazy)

Doc stood there stock-still, then made a strangled sound that could only be described as confused. Kure had to hold in a laugh at the noise. "Okay, so you're gonna become a quirkless hero, with Kure's help?  That's a good idea. You could give other quirkless people their own symbol," Doc reaffirmed what Kure had already told him, making Izuku smile. "Now we just have to tell this guy that Izuku changed his mind," Kure reminded them. Izuku's smile fell, "We'll go with you. I'll get to call him out on his bullshit! Because if you think about it this is manipulation. 'You can't be a hero, but you can, but only with my help,' that is so manipulative," Kure pointed out. "When did he ask you to meet him?" Doc asked. "Oh! tomorrow morning, super early at Takoba Municipal Beach Park," Izuku said as he scratched his head. 

Kure sighed, "Well we need to get to school anyway. Let's move," He motioned towards the school and they started to move. The whole day Kure was thinking of ways to get his two friends and himself ready for UA, he would need to strengthen them both up, then work on weapons training, but how? Gyms cost too much. He decided to worry about it later. They made it through school with no trouble, just a reminder from Katsuki that he "Didn't need your help you Deku," and other small comments. Kure walked his friends home and did some homework and went to sleep. 

The next morning Kure got up bright and early and met Doc and Izuku in the street. Doc was wearing a black hoodie, and jeans, his black shoes making him look like a shadow. Izuku was wearing just a white shirt some work pants and his red shoes. Kure was wearing a purple shirt and his black sleeveless hoodie, black jeans, and purple shoes. They all walked onto the beach and saw All Might in his smaller form standing there. His stance faltered when he saw both of Izuku's friends. "Why did you bring these two, Young Midoriya?", He asked. Izuku looked to Kure, who nodded.  "Well, I talked to them about what you offered me," All Might Flinched and he looked angry, "And they both said, I should reconsider my answer, so I'm sorry A-All M-Might but I'll have to say no, to your offer to be your successor," Izuku only stuttered twice, which was better than the normal. Kure stepped up, "We came because he has trouble with speaking up when he doesn't feel comfortable, and I kinda wanted to call you out for manipulation," Kure grinned when All Might's angry face faltered when Kure spoke. "What are you talking about, young man." 

"In short, you said, 'You can't be a hero without a quirk' right? , yeah then you got this kid off on his own, away from his friends, then said 'I was wrong, you can be a hero, but only if you follow me,' so, in other words, you crushed a kid's dreams, gave him no options, got him away from people with clearer heads, then told him that you were his only option. That's basic manipulation. Tell me I'm wrong, even if you didn't do it on purpose, that's what you did," Kure spoke clearly and deliberately, Izuku and Doc looked at him in shock. All Might took a step back, "Th-that's not true, your taking things out of context," All Might tried to backpedal. Kure didn't let him breathe, he walked forward into his personal space, and looked him in the eye. "That's the exact context, you're not a hero, you're a manipulator. To prove my point I stayed up all night watching your interviews. I noticed something, you're always in control, you always answer the questions in a way that makes you seem more heroic. Like in this excerpt,"  Kure pulled out a recorder, and hit play, All MIghts hero voice came through, "HAHAHAHA, YES I AM WILLING TO ANSWER A FEW QUESTIONS," then a calmer male voice came through, "Great! So earlier this month, a villain by the name, 'The Cutter' was taken down. You were the main hero in this fight, now in the video that a citizen captured it looked like you were," the voice paused, trying to find the word, "Brutalizing the villain, what do you say to these claims," The voice was replaced by All Might's voice again, "HAHAHA, YES I GUESS THE MOVES I USED CAN BE SEEN AS BRUTAL, BUT THE VILLAIN WAS CRAZY, I HAD TO GET HIM DOWN FOR THE COUNT. VILLAINS WHO CAN GET UP CAN GET TO MORE VICTIMS," He said in a heroic nature. Kure stopped the tape, "Now in its own, the clip isn't bad, but after some digging, this is what I found." He hit play again.

The tail end of the last clip could be heard before it cut and was replaced with Kure's own voice, "This is Kure Eiji reading some papers I found detailing the villain "The Cutter" and his condition after his fight with the hero, "All Might." this shouldn't take long," Kure cleared his throat. "This report was written by the hero "Eraserhead,"  'The fight was longer then I figured it would be, All Might like the fool he is, broke through the wall and went to grab Cutter' there is a small section in parenthesis noting that Eraserhead is talking about the villain "The Cutter" he was just shortening it for writing purposes, 'but Cutter used his quirk to cut All Might's Arm, which slowed him down enough he could get passed him and out the hole All Might made on his entry. Where I was waiting, I disabled Cutter's quirk using my own, and tied him up with my capture weapon, All Might had recovered by this time and rushed outside, and hit Cutter, even though he was restrained and no longer a threat, he then stepped into my line of sight of Cutter so his quirk came back.' The note at the beginning I forgot to read stated that "The Cutter" when using his quirk can summon blades around him and control them telepathically. 'He used his quirk to stab into the nearby houses and buildings, cutting a few civilians. I figured a hero as strong as All Might could handle Cutter, so rushed to help the civilians that were injured, as I got a view of Cutter on the way, I decided to erase his quirk, to give All Might a moment to get a hit in without a chance of an attack. As I was helping civilians by giving them first aid, I looked over to the fight to see how it was going. All Might had Cutter on the ground and was punching him multiple times. He dropped both of his hands onto Cutter's chest and I heard a loud crack. After I finished working on the wounds of the civilians I moved to help secure the villain, seeing as I was the only hero on the scene with a capture weapon. I found Cutter's chest cavity caved in.' Alright, that's the end of Eraserhead's report. Onto the coroner's report. 'DOA, Cutter's chest cavity was completely caved in, his jaw was broken and his arms were broke. He had some signs of quirk exhaustion.' That's all I have for right now. If I find anything else I will make another recording like this one."

Kure grinned as All Might paled.

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