Secrets and Training

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The moment Nighteye was out the door Kure let out a very stressed sigh. His mom walked around the corner, "So you gonna tell me why the number one hero's sidekick is in my house lookin' for my kid?" she says as she closes the distance. Kure whips around, and sighs. "Look, y'know that stuff I said about All Might and Izuku Apparently the guy met up with him afterwards and told him that his quirk could be passed on. Izuku believed and agreed to take it. The next day after I was told I stayed up all night digging up some dirt. I may have had to hack the PSHC to find it. I used what I found to blackmail him to leave me and my friends alone. I told Tsukuachi who told Nighteye," Kure spoke quickly. His mom reeled for a moment. "S-so are you in trouble?" she asked after a second. "Nope," he said. His mom sighed. "I swear that's the last bit of trouble you will think I'm in until UA," He says as he hugged her.

The next day when Kure left the house he saw Izuku standing with Denki. "Yo! Lovebirds!" he yelled out making them both jump and blush. "What are you doing here Spark?" he asked Denki as he ran up. "I texted Izuku and asked when yall get up and where yall meet at, so I met him out here," he responded. "Cool, we are waiting for one more then we will meet Mars there. Doc might take a while," Kure responds. The moment the words come out of his mouth, Kure gets hit in the back of the head with a black doctor bag, "You were saying?" Izuku said as Denki jumped back. "Or he will be right behind me," Kure mumbled. "Let's go gentleman," Doc said.

As they walked up, Denki noticed that they all had weapons of some kind. He let himself fall to the back of the pack, 'Why are they so armed? OMG am I friends with villains???' he thought. When they reached the beach Kure chose to jump over the railing, Doc went around it, as Izuku ran for a moment and slid under it. Denki chose to follow his boyfriend. They all got to the beach at around the same time, they looked around and didn't see anyone. Kure whispered to Denki to go over to where Mars usually sits. The moment Denki sat down Will jumped from the lifeguard shack at Kure. Kure gasped and jumped back, Wills axe digging into the sand. Kure slid a dagger into his hand went on the attack. The dagger swinging wildly, yet accurately at Will. Will had more trouble blocking and dodging the dagger this time but he still avoided the swings.

Will jumped back then used the length of his axe to his advantage, swiping it at Kure, who did a combat roll past Will. When he got to his feet he swiped twice at his chest. The dagger knicked his body armour but didn't hurt him. Will brought the axe around again, but Kure ducked it only to catch a knee to the face. Kure reeled back and backed up for a moment. Kure noticed Will was rushing him, so he tossed the dagger gently to grab it by the blade and threw it as hard as he could at his uncle. His eyes widened as the blade flew towards him. Will spun his axe as hard as he could, the blade knocking the dagger of course by inches. It cut through his shirt but didn't hit him. Kure growled and pulled his other two daggers into his hands. "There. That's your problem, you are too reliant on your daggers, you don't know how to use your chain in combat, do you? I know you can use the crowbar so what's the problem?" Will asked as he rested his axe on the ground.

"Last time I used a crowbar I almost went to prison," Kure said as he slipped his daggers into their sheaths, and walked over to grab his other one. Denki shrank back into his seat. "Well, the reason that happened is you let your emotions get to you. It wasn't the crowbar that made you go after them. It was your dad's car. Do you want to learn how to use it correctly or do you just want it to weigh you down?" Will asked. Kure seemed to be still for a second before he stepped back and slid the crowbar into his hand, he did a few practice swings with it. He then hooked the curved part around the back of his neck and got into a fighting stance. "There ya go kid," Will said as he pulled his axe up and charged forward.

Will kept the axe low as he moved forward. As he reached Kure he swiped up diagonally. Kure jumped back and threw his crowbar forward, the curve hooked under the blade and Kure planted his feet. The axe stopped and Kure jerked back, ripping Will's forward hand off of the axe. With Will standing completely sideways Kure whipped the crowbar around and slammed it into his back. Will stumbled forward and reached into one of his pockets. He pulled out a small ball and clicked a button on it. He turned and whipped it at Kure, it let off a small explosion that knocked Kure back. "What the fuck was that!!" Kure yelled out as he rubbed his eyes. "A backup plan," WIll says as he rips the Axe towards him. "For the next 7 months, I am going to teach all three of you, to use all of your weapons to the best of your ability. It will not be easy. But I don't want you to get hurt in the field. Get ready to work boys. It's going to be hell," Will said.

Will told the truth, for the next seven months Kure, Izuku, and Doc were put to the test. All three of them could fight Will to a standstill by the end. Izuku was as good as Kure with his dagger, yet still able to wield his staff like it was a part of him. Doc could dance around his enemy with his stick, yet cut them to pieces in seconds. Kure could use his chain as a capture weapon while still using his crowbar. Then it was the day before the Entrance Exam. "I'm letting you off easy today. You need rest for your exam tomorrow, so go enjoy yourselves today," Will said as he grinned. Kure jumped up, "Woooooooo! We did it bitch!" he yelled out.

(I'm burnt out today but this was gonna be the last chapter. But there will be one more)

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