Weapons Training

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"So I got in contact with my uncle and he said he could get us the weapons and stuff we wanted, I made guessed to what you guys would want so you might not like it," Kure explained as the crew walked to the beach, "I didn't get anything for you, Mars, because you come with your own," Kure said. "Alrighty then, I'll just be off on the side then," Mars responded. "What did you get us?" asked Izuku, gesturing between himself and Doc. "You'll see when we get there," Kure joked. As they neared the beach Kure saw his uncle playing on his phone sitting on a stack of three weapons cases. "Uncle Will," Kure shouted out making the man in question look up at him.

"Is this the crew? There is one more than I was expecting," He responded gesturing to the group walking up. "Mars is just gonna watch, he doesn't need a weapon," Kure responded. William turned and put his phone in his pocket, he spread the cases out along the beach. "Alright who is who," he asked. "You know me, but the mask is Doc, the green curls in Izuku," Kure responded gesturing to his friends. "Izuku on the end closest to you, Kure in the middle, Doc on the other end," Will pointed at the boxes as he called out names.

They all moved to their box, Izuku opened his first. There was a dark green staff that matched his hair, and a dagger that he didn't notice yet. "Woah," he whispered out as he grabbed the staff out, he grabbed it with both hands and moved to stand up when he noticed there was a dagger in a sheath. He grabbed the dagger and attached it to his pants. He stood up and did a few swings with the staff then did the Sunshine SmileTM. Doc grinned at Will's grimace and quiet mumble of, 'too bright.' Doc opened his next after a gesture from Kure.

There was a sleek black plague doctor cane, the top of it was a skull and there was a button about halfway down the shaft. He clicked it, and a 6-inch blade extended from the bottom, He grinned under his mask, "Oh yeah," he said as he studied it. Kure opened his next, it had three daggers with sheaths similar to Izuku's, and three throwing knives. A Regular looking crowbar sat there, a black holster next to it. They noticed a chain in there too. Kure grabbed the chain first and wrapped it around his wrist and then attached the daggers to his belt, two on his right-hand side, one on his left. He put the throwing knives holster on his hip and slid the throwing knives in. Kure attached the holster to his other hip and slid the long part of the crowbar down into it, the curved part sticking out.

"Alright, now I want all three of you to come at me, I want to see how much training you all need with these weapons," Will said as he pulled a twohanded axe out of his pocket using his quirk.


Willaim Eiji

Quirk: Phantom Pockets: Any clothes he has on that have pockets, the pockets become bottomless, all he has to do to get what he wants is stick his hand in his pocket and think about what he wants, and as long as he has put it in there, it will appear in his hand.


Everyone was confused at first, as to how he pulled a giant Axe out of his pocket, then Kure rushed towards him and pulled a dagger into his right hand. Will did a twirl with his axe and got into a stance. Kure had noticed it wasn't sharp so he wasn't scared of getting too hurt, so he went for it. Once he got in range, Will swiped his axe across and Kure ducked under it and went for a swipe of his own. Will blocked the attack with the handle of his axe and swung his axe down, Kure rolled to the side to the side. Kure pulled a dagger into his left hand and moved forward again. His swings were slightly sloppy, though he had some technique.

The swipes were easy for Will to dodge or block and Will brought his foot up and kicked Kure hard in the chest, the boy flew back and rolled across the sand. He groaned as he got back up to his knees. Izuku took a moment to familiarize himself with the weight of the staff. Then rushed forward following Kure's example. Will saw him coming from the corner of his eye and turned to face him, Izuku continued to move. Izuku let the staff fall to one side, in one hand. He jumped up, which surprised Will who couldn't get his axe up in time. Izuku swiped the staff across him and Will ducked down enough for it to miss.

Izuku went over Will's head and caught himself in a roll and then grabbed the staff properly and rushed again. Will swiped at Izuku once he got in range, but instead of dodging it like Kure, He tried to block it with the staff. Because he lacked training the weight of the axe made him stumble but he kept the staff in front of him. Will went to swipe again, this time Izuku dropped to a knee, under the axe. He smacked Will's knee with the staff as hard as he could. Will's knee buckled but he didn't collapse. Will brought his knee hard into Izuku's chest, the boy sprawled out on the sand, he got on his hands and knees to catch his breath.

Doc looked at his friends and then to Mars, who was trying not to laugh. Mars gestured for him to go for it. Doc sighed and then went for it. He rushed forward and kept his stick at his side. Will turned to look at him and grinned, doing a flourish with his axe. Doc studied his pose, he was keeping most of the weight off of the leg that Izuku hit, though he was trying to hide it. Will swung his axe again, Doc didn't slow down and slid under the swing and through his legs. While he was sliding he smacked the same knee Izuku did hard with the skull. Will groaned harshly and fell to a knee.

He stood back up slowly giving Doc the time to get up before him. Doc went to smack him in the head with the stick but Will swung the axe behind his back, it hit Doc in the lower legs, sweeping his legs and making him hit the ground hard. He coughed and groaned as he rolled away. "Alright everyone up," Will called. Kure stumbled to his feet as he held his chest. Izuku did a similar motion. Doc just stood up, though his feet hurt and he stumbled. "Now that I know where you all are, skill-wise, I can help you get better," Will said. "Kure! Front and centre," he shouted out. Kure walked over after he grabbed his daggers from the sand.

He slipped them in his holsters and walked up to Will. "Get you daggers," he commanded. Kure pulled out a dagger into each hand. "Get into a stance," Will said. Kure slid a foot back and held his daggers in a backwards grip. He hunched down slightly and bent his knees. "It's good but you have to spread your feet out slightly," Will began to nitpick every aspect of his stance. He did this with all three of them. He sent them home after everyone was done. He wanted them to get some rest after he beat their ass. Mars walked them all home, as they limped. They reached Kure's house first, he walked in and took his weapons off laying them on the counter when he heard a voice he didn't recognize. "While this story is humorous I am here on business, Mrs Eiji now do you know when your son will be back home? I need to speak to him on something," the male voice asked. "He should be back in just a minute, am I allowed to know what you need to talk to him about?" his mom asked.

Kure decided to make himself known and called out into the room, "To what do I owe the pleasure, Sir Nighteye," he said. Nighteye turned to look at him. "Is this is about your friend, the lanky blonde one," he hinted at All Might, to which Nighteye nodded, "Then we should step into dads office. That is a quiet enough place," Kure waited for Nighteye to stand up, then began walking down the hall, not missing his mother's worried glance, to which he responded by letting his quirk activate for a moment. The red glow soothing his mom as that was his way of saying, 'I'll explain later,' and he opened the door and let Nighteye walk past him. "Now, if you've come to tell me or threaten me to get rid of the tapes. You got no shot, if not ill have to ask what you want," Kure spoke the moment the door closed.

Nighteye looked at him with an emotionless gaze, "Threatening you was never the plan, I just wish to hear from the source what happened between you and Toshinori, so that I can help him learn from this mistake, as to avoid my friend getting blackmailed by a middle schooler," Nighteye spoke calmly. "You want the truth? He crushed my quirkless friends dreams of being a hero. Then said friend did something heroic, he appeared out of nowhere and said he could be a hero, only if he accepted his quirk. Once I found out I stayed up all night to dig up dirt, which is rather difficult on the number one hero. I found enough though, and here we are," Kure explained as he sat behind his dad's desk.

"Well it seems as if he earned this, but I must ask what did you find?" Nighteye asked. Kure opened a drawer and got out a recorder, then slid it across the desk. Nighteye listened to it with his eyes wide open. "W-well. I can see the things you have found will end his career," Nighteye mumbled out, "Well. What were your terms to keep this from entering the public?" he asked. "He just has to stay away from me and my friends. I'm trying to three of us into UA and he will ruin any chance of that happening if he hears we are trying out," Kure said as he slipped the recorder into the drawer. "That seems easy enough, now I will see myself out. Good day, Mr Eiji," Nighteye said as he left the office. A few minutes later his mom walked it, "So, you wanna talk about it?" she asked as she made eye contact.

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