The Talmarine Palace

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I woke up being slammed down onto a cold, hard surface. My head slammed into the floor and with a crack it came jolting back up. My ears rang and the world tilted. I hissed grabbed my throbbing head and curled into myself, trying to think of where I was, and trying to wait out the dizzness. I was gently kicked in the side and I lashed out, nails outstreached, lashing out at whatever I could hit. I smiled wickedly as the grown man stepped back quickly. I looked round for some way out, and at about waist level on the oppisite wall, was an open window. I smirked.

He glanced at the other man and said something I couldn't make out. I gazed around the room to find I was in some sort meeting room. Most of the other chairs were full, but a good number of them were empty. The man in the center asked me a question, but with the ringing in my ears, I could not make out a thing.

  "Δεν θα μοιράζονται ένα πράγμα με σας , κάθαρμα," I spat out, the eath trembling in repsponce to my harsh words. He stared at me in and the trembling portraits on the walls confusion, then realization crossed over his face. The ringing in my ears began to dull as he turned to the other men. I caught the words dangerous, earth, nymphish, and High King. I looked around in confusion, then realized what they thought. They thought I was an earth nymph. I smiled weakly through the pain of my shoulder, and stood up slowly, grabbing my sholder, which was still trickling blood. All the men turned to me at once. I began walking slowly to the center of the room.

"So," I spoke, feeling the air tense as I walked, "You believe me to be an earth nymph?"

The man in the center took a step toward me. One of the gaurds put a hand on his shoulder.

"Miraz," the gaurd said in a warning tone, "she is not what she seems." The one called Miraz just shrugged off his hand and took another step foreward. I tried to straighten up.

"If you are not an earth nymph, what are you?" He asked leaning toward me.  I raised my eyebrow and laughed. His face formed into a scowl and he slapped me to the floor. I slowly picked my head up ,causing rain to pour down inside the council room. The men watched, eyes wide.  "From one royal to another," I said, smiling as they looked at each other in confusion, "I suggest you study up on the girls you plan on kidnapping."

"What are you?" One of the men asked.

"I," I shouted from my place on the floor, "am Maria, Queen of Queens, Protector of The Innocent, daughter of the original Dryad."

Miraz took a step back. "I had forgotten about you! You are nothing but a... a myth!" he said in awe. I smiled wickedly.

"And I promise you, when I get out of here, you'll not forget me again."

He took another step back and said, "We shall see about that." He looked at something over my shoulder, I felt something collided with the back of my skull, and the world dulled and faded away.

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