Spys. Beautiful.

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I stretched and winced as I sat on a bench on the wall of the cavern. The metal clanged and rang out throughout the entire tomb, making my already pounding head throb. I winced again as more shields and swords collided in the darkness. I had officially decided. I didn't like it down here. I reached over to the dirt floor and picked up my walking stick. I leaned on it and winced as I took the first slow step to the cavern exit.


I turned and looked, expecting to find Edmund or Caspian, only to see a centaur looking down at me.

"Yes?" I asked. He looked vaguely familiar, but I didn't know why.

"Would you like some assistance getting outside?" he said, his chocolate brown eyes gazing into mine.

"Oh, I wouldn't want to trouble you," I said smiling. "Wait," I raised an eyebrow, "how did you know I wanted to go-"

"Oh, no trouble at all," he said, stooping down so I could get on his back. I sat down slowly and he stood up, walking to the door.
"And besides," he continued, "The Queen of Queens does not do well underground. Even I remember that, and it was hundreds of years ago."

Suddenly it clicked. I furrowed my eyebrows and tried to peer around to see him. "Phabis?"

He turned his head around and smiled at me, "Hello, little princess."

"Phabis!" I shouted smiling, wrapping my arms around him. He grabbed me by the waist, lowered me to the ground outside, returning my bone crushing hug.

"How have you been child?" he asked when we pulled apart.

"Pretty great!" I replied, "We've fought off most the demons in the north and driven them down to the Nashone tribes. And the people down there still believe in charms, so until we can get down there to help the Nashone they can protect themselves."

"That sounds wonderful child. But I must ask," he looked at me sternly "Why did you stop coming back here? You abandoned some of your nymphs here, and they were leaderless."

"They had Cassandra! And I didn't mean to leave them. I went to the pool like I usually did-"

The memory swept me off my feet.

I was looking down at a sparkling blue pool, shimmering in the light of the full moon, barley peeking over the trees.

"Goodbye!" I called out to Phabis.

"Must you leave? The demons still swarm these lands." He replied. His voice was calm, but you could tell he was worried.

"Don't worry," I replied. "Cassandra and some of the other nymphs will stay here to fight overnight. I'll be back in three days. We'll rid this island of demons. I promise."

He said nothing, just smiled and nodded to me. I offered him a small half smile in return, then turned and leapt into the cool water. It engulfed me in a feeling of warmth. I steered myself to a hole in the bottom of the rock bed, where light shone through. I swam through the portal and into the blinding light. I got a small headache for a moment, then I was spinning. The next thing I knew, I was swimming up. I shot up through the surface and gasped for breath. I looked around the dark, dirty cave as I dragged myself from the pool. I walked to the entrance, looked back at the portal and smiled. Then I walked off, preparing for the ritual that would render me useless for three days.

I ran to the portal three days later, eager to get back an help Phabis. I dove into the pool and swam down. I jolted to a stop in the middle of the pool. The portal wasn't glowing anymore. I swam down and pulled myself through, but it was no use. I couldn't get through. It was nothing more than another chamber of the pool.

"-You see?" I explained, "There was nothing I could do. I came back every day to see if it had opened. Something should not have gone through must have found the portal."

"The Talmarienes," he said in a whisper.

"What? Humans can't use nymph portals."

"It has to be the Talmarienes," he said, more certain now. "A few days after you left, we began seeing humans in Narnia again. They were scared of us, so they fled to Talmar. Now, look at the mess they've made."

"I'm so sorry Phabis," I said hugging him.

"It's alright. There is nothing that can be done about it now."

I continued to state off into space, wishing I had guarded the portal better.

"Do not fret Little Princess. It is in the past. Now," he said picking me up and setting me on his back, "where do you wish to go?"

"Just a quiet place to sit and think. I have things to consider."

"I know just the place."


I was laying on my stomach at the top of the tomb, where Phabis had left me. I wonder what Peter was up to. King things, war things I suppose. The air was full of mist, and was extremely still, almost as if it was expecting a storm, but there had been no sign of a storm for days. I rolled onto my side and looked out at the dark forest below. It was much to dark for my taste. The misty, overcast made me feel depressed. It was better than inside, but still. I looked up at the sky and sighed, exhaling slowly and looking at the clouds. They slowly parted and spread away from each other, creating a tiny ray of light over me, just big enough for me to fit in. I sighed again, but this time in disappointment. Normally I could clear the whole sky. But I was weak now, and I felt helpless. I rolled over back onto my side, curled up into a little ball, and closed my eyes.


No ones POV:

Peter walked into the central chamber and looked around.

"Phabis?" He called, spotting the centaur.

"Yes sire?"

"Have you seen Maria? I haven't seem her all day, and its getting dark out."

"Ah yes," he replied, "She said she wanted some fresh air, so I took her to the top of the tomb outside."

"Thank you Phabis," Peter replied, strolling outside.

"My pleasure," he called back, but Peter was already outside. Peter walked out and looked around, only to see a single ray of sunlight peeking through the clouds. He smirked and shook his head. He walked up to the top of the tomb and looked around, trying to pinpoint the light. He walked around rock to get to her, then he stopped. There she was, curled up in a ball in the small amount of sunlight, fast asleep. He walked over to her slowly. He sat down next to her and placed a hand on her head, stroking her hair. He stooped down slowly and placed a tiny kiss on her forehead. Her eyes fluttered and she looked around, then she smiled.

"Hey," Peter whispered.

"Hey," Maria whispered back.

"It's getting late. We should probably get you back inside," he said.

"Hm," she sighed, "okay."

She reached over and grabbed her walking stick and Peter helped her up. They made their way around the rock, then Maria tripped and fell over, and her walking stick went flying. Peter caught her just before she hit the ground, and they laughed. She smiled and looked up at him. He leaned down slowly and placed a soft gentle kiss on her lips.

"Oh shoot!" Maria said after they parted.

"What is it?" Peter asked her.

"My walking stick went over the back edge of the temple!"

He smiled. "Well, that," he said, picking her up, "shouldn't be a problem."

She laughed as he walked down the back of the fortress, and she messed up his hair.

But what neither of them knew, was that there were two people watching them. One fawn, on watch duty, had smiled to himself as he watched their little scenario unfold. And the other?

A Talmariene spy, sent to find Narnia's weakness, and he was smiling as well.

But, for an entirely different reason.

Me? A queen of Narnia? (Peter love story)Where stories live. Discover now