I officially have a boyfriend!

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I was taken completely off guard.

"I- I would love to!" I stuttered when I had found my voice again.

"Really?" he asked, smiling just slightly.

"Really!" I exclaimed with glee. I flew over him, wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into the biggest bear hug this world has ever known. He laughed in relief and hugged me tight. He pulled away and smiled into my eyes as I beamed back at him. The sun seemed to shine brighter and the sky had never looked so blue. He interlocked our fingers and we began walking down the street again.

"I was supposed meet my brother and sisters at the train station," he began as we rounded a corner. "Would you like to meet them?"

"If they're anything like you, sure!" I replied. We just laughed and headed down the street in the direction of the train station. I looked up at the clouds again. There was a squirrel, a badger, and what looked like a... bear, I decided. We walked through the entrance and started down the stairs.

Suddenly Peter's hand was yanked from my grasp as someone slammed their shoulder into his. A hand grabbed my other arm and whisked me away, holding both my arms behind my back.

"What the-" I questioned. I saw two boys standing in front of Peter, and with a twist of my head I could see one boy holding me out of the corner of my eye.

"Hey, Pevencie," one of the boys spat out Peter's last name like a curse word.

"We hear you've got yourself a new girlfriend?" the other one looked over, stepped closer and sized me up. "A pretty one too."

"Get your disgusting, slimy, self away from me" I growled.

"Or what?" he asked.

"Or this" I said sweetly, fluttering my eyelashes. I jerked my knee forward and slammed it right in the spot it hurts the most. I thrashed around trying to get out of the grasp of whoever was holding me, with no luck. I saw the boy near Peter began to throw some punches and so far, Peter was kicking the boys butt. The one I had kneed in the crotch had managed to recover slightly. He stood up and glared at me.

"Why you little" and I saw his fist fly forward. I cried out in pain as my cheek began to throb. Peter looked over and with a roar threw himself at the boy who punched me. Now both the boys were focused on Peter, and I think the one who was holding me was a little confused on what to do now.

A crowd had gather around us and they were all beginning to shout "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!" in unison. Both boys grabbed Peter by the shoulders and he looked up at someone. I turned to see a pretty girl with brown hair shaking her head. The boys moved Peter to the train tracks and began pushing his head over the edge.

"Peter!" I screeched. One of the boys holding Peter jumped up and punched me in the stomach one, two three times. I slumped over, knees bent, so the boy holding me was the only thing keeping me of the floor, as I began fighting to fill my lungs. I began gasping in weak, shallow breaths. The boy that hit me ran back to Peter to help his friend. Suddenly a pale boy with black hair burst through the crowd and pounced on one of the boys holding Peter. All four boys were fighting now, and from the looks of it, if this went on much longer, Peter and the black haired boy would send the other two to the emergency room.

The sharp trill of a military whistle broke the sounds of fighting. The boy holding me's head snapped up and immediately let me go and bolted. I dropped to the floor and took in deep gasps of air. Two men in military uniforms forcefully pulled the for boys and shook their shoulders.

"Act your age!" he shouted, then they walked away.

"Maria!" Peter shouted running over to me and kneeling by my side. "Are you alright?" he asked me carefully.

"Ya. Just *gasp* had the wind *gasp* knocked out of me," I gasped out. He slowly helped me stand up. I inhaled sharply and doubled over.

"Ouch" I groaned.

"Are you ok? Do you need help?" he asked.

"No." I said reluctantly, forcing myself to smile through the pain. "I should be getting home though."

"Don't you want to meet my siblings?" he asked, his eyes begging me to stay.

"Yes, but my moms expecting me." I lied. What I really had to do was get some ice on my face so I didn't have a bruise the next time I saw him. If I did, Peter would come unglued on that boy.

"Ok," he sighed. Suddenly Mr. Serious was back. I smiled slightly and leaned up on my tip toes and hugged him tight.

As I walked away, trying not to limp, I turned around when I heard my name.

"Meet you here tomorrow?" I called. His eyes instantly brightened.

"Alright!" he smiled. I waved and started to walk away.

Suddenly, the wind from a passing train blew a paper out of my bag. Strangely enough, it wasn't pulled under the train, it just flew alongside it. So I sighed, turned around, and limped as quickly as I could after the paper.

Me? A queen of Narnia? (Peter love story)Where stories live. Discover now