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No ones POV:

They reached the tomb about one in the afternoon, and the rain had finally broken. Throughout the entire journey back, the rain continued to pour down, stinging like needles as they pelted everyone's skin and the half moon was blotted out of the sky by the black clouds. Everyone had wanted it to stop, but now that it had stopped, everyone wished the sky would start crying again. The bright glare from the sun was too cheerful, it almost seemed as if it was mocking her death.

Everyone in the company was concerned for Peter. He hadn't said anything to anyone the entire trip to the tomb. He just sat at the head of what was left of the army on his horse, silently staring ahead. What was worse, he hadn't even looked back to the centaur he had passed Maria off to. Not even a glance.


"Peter?" Lucy asked lightly, walking softly over to him. She hadn't seen him since the fight with Caspian, and she was worried for him. They had lain Maria down on the stone table and Peter had refused to even be in the same room. Now here she was, and after trekking her way up the tomb, she saw him. Night had just fallen, so there was a little light from the half moon earlier, but now the clouds had blotted it out of the sky. Yet Peter still was sitting, on a rock in the center of the grass. "Peter?" she asked again, taking another tentative step forward and reached up to put her hand on his shoulder.

"Not now Lu," he said softly, not looking up. She was so shocked, she stopped for a moment. That was the first time he had spoken since the fight with Caspian. Then she looked up at her brother, with his knees up, sitting in the cold night, just staring out into the distance, and she did the only thing she knew to do. She threw herself onto him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and pulled him into a bone crushing hug. He struggled slightly for a moment, then he just gave, resting his forehead on her shoulder. At first, Lucy didn't notice, but then she realized his shoulders were shaking. "It's alright," she said softly, hugging him tighter, "it's alright."

He shook his head lightly against her shoulder. "No its not," he whispered.

"What do you mean?" she asked, holding him out at arms length "What happened?"

He looked up with red eyes, tears no longer flowing, just sitting on his skin in dried trails. "After Caspian and I got into that argument, Cornelius-" he stopped, turning his face away for a moment to look out into the night. Then he turned his face back to Lucy with such anger and pain in his eyes that she actually moved back slightly. "They tortured her Lucy," He almost shouted, and Lucy's eyes widened. This was the loudest she had heard him speak. "Cornelius was in the cell across from her. He told me!" He said twitching with anger and sorrow. "They were poisoning her. Her blood was black, she couldn't eat, couldn't walk!" He said, standing up now, pacing as the rage filled his veins.

"She went blind Lucy!" He shouted at her, bringing his hands up in rage. "And that entire time-" he stopped, bringing his fist up to his mouth. "The entire time she kept telling him that she'd be fine. She told him not to worry about him. He was looking at her the exact moment she went blind! And whats even worse!" He said with a dark chuckle, "He said she wasn't even scared. He said she looked defeated. One black tear fell from her eyes, and then she stopped and smiled at him. She smiled! She didn't want him to worry about her! As she's dying before his very eyes!" Tears of anger were rolling down his face now in thick trails, and he sank to his knees, staring at a small silver dagger on the ground

"Peter-" Lucy whispered, tears in her eyes. She didn't know what to do, how to react. She had never seen her brother so vulnerable. He had always been the strong one, the one who always knew what to do. And now here he was, shaking with silent sobs before her very eyes.

"We had got into a fight," he whispered, "that's why I wasn't with her. That's why I didn't look for her." His eyes flicked up, one tear rolling down his face. "Its my fault."

Lucy gasped and brought her hand up to her mouth, then she rushed to him and wrapped him in a hug. "No Peter, no," she consoled him, "it's not your fault."

"Yes it is," he said emotionless. "And now she's gone."

The clouds parted over them for the first time that night and they both gazed up at the half moon overhead.

"The moon is so pretty tonight," Lucy whispered softy.

"Yea," Peter said, thinking of Maria. Then his head shot up. "The moon!" He shouted, staggering to his feet.

"What is it?" Lucy asked, standing up as well. Peter began racing down the tomb as fast as his feet could carry him.

"Peter!" Lucy shouted.

"I'll be back!" Peter shouted. "I have to get to Mount Pire!" The wind blew past his face, drying his tears and for the first time that night, he smiled.

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