A bunch of common crooks crashed my date.

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I closed my eyes as I was tumbling toward the floor. A warm arm snaked its way around my waist and jerked me backward. I opened my eyes and found myself staring into a blue pair identical to mine.

"Are you ok?" Peter asked me in a strained voice. I took a moment to compose myself.

"Ya. Ya I'm ok." I told him. He stood me up gently. I backed away, then looked down. Crud. My books were scattered all over the place. I bent on my knees to pick up my books and Peter knelt down beside me. I was busy shoving my stuff into my bag when I heard him gasp quietly.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"What's this?" he asked, holding up my book.

"I thought I left those at home!" I reached out for my embarrassing books, but he held them out of my reach.

"Give them back!" I shouted. After flipping through them, he did. He grabbed a few of my other books off the floor and flipped through them as well.

"Immortal Beings, Monsters of Magic, Care of Magical Creatures, and The Magician's Nephew?" he asked.

"Don't judge!" I said blushing. I was so embarrassed. He probably thought I was some weirdo who believed in magic. I did of course, considering it was basically family history, but anyone who believed in magic was considered weird.

"I'm not." he told me. "I think it's cool."

"Thanks. The Magician's Nephew is my favorite, I wish the guy would continue the series. They need more than one book" I told him.

"I totally agree with you." he said. I heard a scratching sound and looked around and out the window.

"What the?" I gasped, standing up, with my eyes wide in horror.

"What?" Peter said he took one look at my face, then shot up off the ground. "What is it?" he growled.

"Do you see that?" I said, forcing my hands into my hair. "Do you have a way to get us out of here? Fast?" I asked him.

"Ya, I do. Why?" he asked.

"That. We need to go. Now!" I shouted as men in black suits burst through the window.

Me? A queen of Narnia? (Peter love story)Where stories live. Discover now