I missed you

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Just imagine that dress with thicker white fabric, less sheer.

Start the song at the stars.

WARNING: This chapter contains some PG-13ish stuff after the plus signs (+) sooo... read at your own risk (I guess?)

Maria POV:

I looked around the room again to see if there was anything I could use to walk with. I saw-

Wait a minute.

I saw. I reached up to my face and rubbed my eyes, but still no change. I can see! I looked down and saw that I was in a dress similar to the one I had worn the day I was... Well anyway, it was beautiful and white. I smiled and touched the fabric, overjoyed by the fact I could see. I looked around again and I saw an old root that had fallen to the ground. I crawled over to it, then grabbed on and pushed myself off the ground. My left leg was still a little fuzzy, so I drug it behind me as I eased my way out of the room. My white walking stick was leaning on one of the hall walls, so I dropped the root, picked up my walking stick and continued to the main room. I listened as people began to stir in their rooms and open their doors. My shout must have woken them up. The first few creatures out of their rooms were centaurs and animals, and they all gawked at me like I was some sort of ghost. And, I guess to them, I was! I giggled and continued down the hall. The first human I saw was Cornelius, and he didn't say a word. I finally made it out to the main room and began looking around. He had to be here somewhere right? I was practically aching to see him. I heard a manly gasp behind me and turned around, looking frantically around the room. It was fairly easy, considering everyone was giving me about a fifteen foot circle of space. But it wasn't Peter who gasped, it was Edmund. I tilted my head and raised one eyebrow.


"You're- you're alive," he gasped, but it sounded like he didn't believe his own eyes. I smiled and nodded.

"Where's Pe-" But my question was answered by the sound of hooves outside. I couldn't help it. I gasped and threw my walking stick down, running toward the entrance. I stumbled, pretty much the entire time, but my left leg had woken up a little more, and I could hear Peter's horse. I burst out into the night, looking out across the green field. I spotted it. His horse, galloping across the field as fast as its legs could go. Then I saw it turn, headed to the stable. I watched him get off and tie his horse off. He must not have seen me!

"Peter!" I shouted, walking toward him, smiling the entire time. We were about 20 yards away from each other now, and I wanted that distance gone as soon as possible. His head snapped up and he turned around slowly, gazing at me, and I gazed at him.

"Maria," he whispered and I smiled so much my cheeks hurt, and I nodded enthusiastically.

"Miss me?" I whispered, and the look on his face was something I could not describe. His eyebrows pulled together and he let out a short laugh, then he ran to me. His arms wound around my waist and I threw my arms over his shoulders. Suddenly I was wrapped in the most bone crushing hug I have ever gotten, and he lifted me and swung me in a circle. Setting me down, he still didn't let me go.

"Are you kidding?" he whispered, nuzzling his face in my neck, "I thought you were gone forever."

I sniffed, blinking back tears. "Me too." He lifted his face and looked down at me. "I missed you," I whispered, "I thought I'd never see you again."

Suddenly realization dawned on his face and he held me out at arms length, "Wait!" he smiled, "You can see?"

"Yeah!!" I laughed breathily. His eyes widened and he smiled and laughed with me. "Every inch of that beautiful face," I said, reaching out and touching his cheek. He smiled and reached up and grabbed my hand. I looked up at him, confused. He raised an eyebrow and smirked, then leaned forward.

"Not here," he whispered in my ear, then pulled back, "we have an audience."

I turned around to see pretty much the entire army gawking at us. I felt my cheeks flush bright red and I looked at the ground. Peter put a finger under my chin and lifted my face up to look at him.

"Don't hide your face. I went to long not looking at it," he said with a smile, then leaned down and kissed my forehead. I felt myself blush even more furiously and looked away again. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched him smile, then he scooped me up into his arms. I shrieked lightly and wrapped my arms around the back of his neck.

"Where are we going?" I giggled.

"You'll see," he said with a smirk, completely ignoring his siblings and army that he was walking past, and took me down into the tomb.


I picked up the rag and dipped it into the warm water once again, rung it out, then headed back over to Peter, who was sitting shirtless on the edge of his bed.

"God, that hail really got you in some places, didn't it?" I joked, gently blotting the dried blood on the edge of a welt left by a hail piece.

He chuckled, " Yeah, I guess you could say that."

I finally finished treating the ones on his back and moved to the ones on his chest.

"I just can't believe," I said as I went to work on a spot on his chest, "that you went through all that, for me?"

He reached up and used his hand to cover mine and I looked up into his eyes. "Why is it so hard to believe?" he asked with a small smile, "I love you."

My eyes widened and I felt my pulse quicken. He loves me? He loves me. He loves me! I couldn't stop the smile that spread out over my face.

"I love you too," I whispered with a smile. His eyes glowed with relief and happiness, and his other hand slowly came up to cup my cheek. He leaned in slowly, and his lips hit mine in a way that can only be described as perfection. Our lips molded together, and I had never felt like this before, and I loved it, feeling the strength of his arms around me. I felt like I had found a moment of nothingness, beautiful nothingness, where there was nothing, no one but him, and me. This is how we always should've been. I reached up and ran my fingers into his hair, exploring the different textures, tastes of him. His hands hugged my hips and pulled me closer to him, but still it felt like we weren't close enough. I melt into him and he pulls me closer still, and one of his hands came up to tangle itself in my hair. Somehow, I ended up lying down on the bed, his chest against mine as I devoured his kisses. My every nerve ending tingled, and he broke away, only to begin running kisses down the side of my neck. I smiled and brought his face back up to mine, to place a softer, gentler kiss on his lips, the pulled away.

"Peter, I love you, and I feel like I will always love you, so we will have plenty of time to continue this. But" I said reluctantly, "I did just kinda come back from the dead today..." I said with a small smile. He winced then ran a hand through his hair.

"Crap," he said, sitting up, "Sorry. I didn't hurt you right? Are you okay?"

I smirked. "I'm better than I've been in a long time pretty boy," I said saucily, then gave him an extremely over exaggerated wink. He just looked down at me like I was nuts, then we both burst into laughter. He swung himself over and pulled me into his side, so his arm was wrapped around my waist. I snuggled myself into him and put my hand on top of his. He leaned over and kissed my temple.

"You know I love you right?" He said quietly, and I could tell from his voice he was smiling.

"You know I love you, right?" I asked back at him. He smiled into my shoulder. "Yeah," he replied softly. I didn't know how I could fit one more smile on my face, but I managed somehow.

"My answers the same."

Me? A queen of Narnia? (Peter love story)Where stories live. Discover now