Waking up

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I woke up to the sounds of moving metal and crumbling stone. I sat up and dragged myself into a corner. I heard voices, girls and a boy. Suddenly, I heard one voice that made me gasp in relief.

"I can't believe it. It's all still here!" the voice exclaimed.


"Peter." I called, my voice scratching its way out of my throat. He looked around until his eyes finally landed in the corner.

"Maria," he breathed out, eyes wide with panic. I was wondering why he was so panicked. Suddenly, through a frazzled memory, I remembered pain. I looked down at myself. My skirt was now shredded and so was my shirt. My hair hung down in my face so all you saw was one frightened bruised eye. My hair was gnarled and dirt was caked under my fingernails. I wondered how I must look, slumped over in the corner like that. I must look half dead.

He bolted over to me and took my face in his hands. He looked over my arms. "Are you hurt? He pointed to my shredded clothes. Yes, a deep voice in my head said, but I ignored it. "No" Peter concluded after looking me over. "A few bruises, but you aren't cut anywhere. Maria, what happened?"

I hesitated for a moment, not sure wether or not to tell him what had happened.

"Nothing." I decided. No way was I telling him. "Where am I? What happened?" I said trying to get up off the floor. My entire body was so sore, I could hardly move, and my legs collapsed. I cried out in pain as I was thrown back to my knees. My head swam and for a moment I couldn't tell witch way was up.

"Maria!" he exclaimed softly. His voice sounded close, so I looked up. He had caught me before I fully hit the floor. Thats why I was only on my knees and not sprawled out on the floor. He looked me over, then hurried to help me up.

"I got it, I got it," I said leaning on him. "What happened? The last thing I remember was a being in the train station, then" I stopped.

"Then what?" Peter asked, face serious.

I began carefully "Then, I was here." I looked up at the old carvings deep in the stone, the magnificent statues, the old spiraling staircase. "Where... is here exactly?"

"That's a bit of a long story," The little girl with brown hair walked over.

"Peter, she can't stay here." The taller, older girl said.

"What else can she do, it's not like she was given the option to come!" the boy with black hair from earlier shouted. The sound of the shouting in the echoing chamber made my already aching head throb.

"And it's not like she can go back!" Peter yelled. I swayed unsteadily.

The older girl began shouting as well. "She could go mad!" I clung even tighter to Peter so he was the only one supporting my weight, "She doesn't know what it's like here, and"

"Stop it! All of you!" The youngest shouted. "Can't you see it's hurting her?" She asked softly. Slowly, all eyes turned to me.

"All I asked," I began carefully once my head stopped spinning, "was where I am."

The youngest boy walked up to me. Suddenly, a large grin came over his face. "Your in Narnia."


"Ya ya. Really funny. Now, where am I really?" I said. No way could I actually be in Narnia. Like, the Magicians Nephew Narnia? No way.

"He's telling the truth," the youngest said. I just looked around and smiled, shaking my head. Then I saw how serious all their faces were.

"Wha-? Really?" I asked. When did the world go crazy again?

"I'm afraid so." The older girl spat bitterly.

"Hey, just shut up! I don't know you, so don't get all angry when you don't even know me."

Do not ask me where that came from. Seriously, don't ask. I have no idea. One minute she glaring at me, now she's gaping with her mouth wide in shock.

"Wooh." the younger boy started clapping. "I don't even know you, but I like you already!" He walked up to me and took my hand. "Edmund Pevince." he said bowing.

"Maria LaBella," I stated warily. I curtsied as he kissed the top of my bruised hand lightly, looking up at me. Al I could think was, wow, he's pretty cute. Peter cleared his throat angrily and Edmund stepped away, smirking.

"I'm Lucy." the youngest said.

"Nice to meet you!" I said. I was being honest. She seemed so, sweet. Sweet and whimsical. I looked over at the oldest girl.

"Susan." she said sourly.

"Pleasure," I replied, not bothering to hide my distaste. Suddenly, my brain refocused on the topic of where I was. "Now what?"

"Now we change. You could probably borrow some of my clothes." Lucy looked at me.

"Umm, no offense, but, I am a great deal...well... taller, than you."

She just laughed, grabbed my hand an pulled me along.


Next thing I know, I'm forced into a loose corset, clean of all traces of dirt, and wearing a floor length dark blue peasants dress and a white cloak, with the hood pulled down.

"This is gorgeous!" I tell her. "Thank you."

"Oh, it's no big deal. I have to many dresses if you ask me."

"You actually, look really nice." Susan told me, sounding sincere. I smiled broadly at her.

"Are you guys done in there?" Peter called through the door. All the girls had come into a separate room while the boys stayed in the other room to get dressed.

"All good?" I asked Susan and Lucy. They nodded.

"Ya, we're done."

Peter pulled open the double doors and walked in, with Edmund close on his heels, laughing and talking. I gaped. If I thought Edmund looked good earlier, I wasn't thinking of him at all now. All I had eyes for was Peter. I gaped. Peter was... gorgeous. The shirt accented his tall, muscular figure perfectly. He looked like a god. Lucy suddenly cleared her throat, so I turned to her. She lightly tapped the bottom of her chin. My eyebrows furrowed slightly, then I realized what she was saying. I slammed my mouth shut, hoping Peter didn't notice.

"If you ask me," Edmund began, "girls take to long to get ready." Peter laughed.

"Definite.....ly." Their eyes landed on me. Peter's voice faded out, along with Edmunds laughter. We all stood awkwardly in silence. I looked around.

"What?" I asked. "If Susan put the dress on backwards too make me look stupid...." I began looking around me to see if there was something wrong with my outfit.

Edmund's eyes were wide. "No no. You look,"

"Perfect." Peter finished, a slightly dazed look on his face. Then he shook his head, and put back on the serious look. He suddenly glared at Edmund. I just turned away, trying to hide the fact that I was probably red as a tomato.

"Alright, let's go." Peter said. I turned to him.

"Go where?"

"To find the Narnians"

Hey guys! VampJenna here. Hey, so tell me if you want me to make the chapters longer. I just feel like they're really short, but maybe it's just me. Comment and Vote!


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