First date!

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"What am I gonna wear?" I asked frantically. Makenzie just looked at me, totally unfazed.

"I have just the thing! Go take a hot bubble bath and when you come back I will have it all laid out for the morning."

"Thanks," I told her.

"What are best friends for?" She told me as she shoved me (literally shoved me)into the bathroom.

"I need a towel!" I called out. Next thing I know I'm getting a towel shoved into my face. I stumbled backwards and pulled it off.

"I need my nightgown too, stupid!" I giggled. Suddenly my vision was filled with blue. My nightgown was right in my face. "I should have seen that coming!" I shouted.

"You really should have!" she called back. I just rolled my eyes. I turned on the hot water and jumped into the warm inviting water. My hair instantly grew longer so it was down to my waist, my skin grew slightly paler, and my lips filled out and turned a deep, shimmery rose color. My eyelashes grew longer and my eyes themselves grew larger, so I possessed an allure beyond natural beauty.

When I hopped out again and changed into my nightdress Makenzie was gone and I was completely relaxed and ready for my date tomorrow. I looked down at my pillow, and a small note lay there.

Maria, it read, my mom came by early and said I had to go, but I had to tell you this one thing. Wake up dolly daydreams and remember everything, cause I'm gonna quiz you on every detail when you get home! Love, Makenzie Morgan Flor.

I jumped in to my soft bed, totally ready. Then I laid my head down and my mind went into overtime. I began going over all the things that could go wrong. What if I spilled my coffee on myself. Or worse, on him! What if... what if... what if...

In a dark enchanted tomb lit by dimmest of torchlight, a small battle raged. The battle only had two men, but it was a battle all the same. One boy, skin of gold and hair of ebony pounced on the one with golden hair and sapphire eyes, knocking him to the ground.

"Peter!" I screeched, suddenly thrown into this horrible vision, and thrashed against whoever was holding me back. Why was that boy hurting Peter! My face was contorted with anger as I let out a screech of pure rage.

"Maria" Peter gasped, and tried to stand up. The boy with black hair pounced on him again and kicked him repeatedly in the stomach. The tan boy looked up from Peter to me, smirked, and began to walk towards me.

"Peter!" I screamed, but this time out of fear. The tan boy had an icy look in his eye that was strange and unnatural.

"Get away from her!" Peter threatened, trying to stand up, but failing. The boy continued to walk my direction with confidence. The person holding me snickered as the tan boy's smirk grew larger, with Peter still struggling to stand. A lion roared in the distance , and everything faded to black.

"Ahhhh!" I sat up in my down comforter, drenched in a cold sweat. I looked around, my eyes wide with shock. After a moment I realized where I was. Hmmmmm..... I looked over at the clock. It's 8:45. I started to lay my head back down. 8:45! I flew out of bed and looked in the mirror. Hair a mess, eyes dull, and no makeup on. Crud. Suddenly glad Makenzie had picked out my outfit already, I glanced over at the foot of my bed. My white collared shirt, paired with my blue ruffeled skirt. Perfect! Thank you Makenzie, I thought looking up at the ceiling. I practically jumped into my clothes and rushed over to my vanity. I grabbed my home phone and began the agonizing job of twisting the dial over and over. It rang. And rang. And rang.

"What?" Makenzie's tired voice groaned through the dial.

"Hi! What should I do with my hair?"

Me? A queen of Narnia? (Peter love story)Where stories live. Discover now