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"So you guys are really kings and queens?" I asked. We had been walking for hours, and they had told me their story. Okay, maybe not hours, but at least two.

"Ya. Pretty crazy, huh Pete." Edmund smiled at him.

"And you?" I began looking at Peter, "You led an entire army? All by yourself?"

"Only for about a half of the war." He said modestly. I smiled, amazed.

"That's..." I trailed off looking out at the water. I stopped walking. The water looked so...inviting. Like...home. I belonged there. I needed to jump in, to swim. The ripples lapped on the shore. I slowly took a step closer, then another. The water lapped higher and higher up on the bank. My voice ached, longing to let lyrics flow from my lips.

"Maria?" A voice jarred me out of my thoughts. I looked down. The water was almost touching my toes. I turned and ran back to the group.

"What was that?" Edmund asked. They all looked at me, waiting to hear my answer.

"I, uh... thought I saw something." I decided to lie. I can't believe I almost showed my secret to them! From now on, I need to be more careful. Until I decided to tell Peter, that is. We began walking again with Edmund, Susan and Lucy chatting up a storm. Peter suddenly walked in front of me, causing me to stop. He bent down so his face was even with mine.

"Are you sure your ok?" He asked, his face genuinely concerned. I smiled and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Peter, I'm fine. I thought I saw something." his eyes told me he didn't believe a word I had just said. "Honestly! I would tell you if something was going on."

"Promise?" he said. I hesitated.

"Promise me you'll tell me if something important is ever going on." He said leaning in closer.

"I promise." He smiled a me. I looked up into his eyes. His large, bright, deep-blue sapphire eyes. I felt his breath on my cheek, and suddenly I noticed how close we were. How close his lips were. He seemed to notice it at the same time I did, glancing down at my lips. Time seemed to stop. He began to slowly lean forward, and my eyes fluttered shut.

I heard a shout as I felt wind fly by me. My eyes snapped open and I saw Edmund laughing next to me. Peter, who looked crazily confused, was laying in the sand.

"Woops. Wake up dolly day-dreams!" Edmund said in between laughter. I giggled into my hand. Realization suddenly donned on Peters face.

"I'm gonna kill him." he said bolting up. Edmund ran as fast as he could, which wasn't very fast considering he couldn't stop laughing. In no time at all, Peter had him in a headlock with Edmund screaming 'uncle! uncle!'

I started laughing out loud and spun around in a circle. I looked back out at the water. There was a rowboat in the river, with two men in armor. What the heck is up with those men? I thought. They seem strange.

"Peter?" I asked hesitantly, my eyes not leaving the men. When he didn't respond I said a little louder, "Peter?"

He appeared at my side. "What is it?" he asked, worried.

"Those men." I said pointing. "They're up to something."

A voice glided into my head. It was smooth, thousands of tiny whispers combined to make one flowing voice.

'They're throwing someone in'

"They're throwing someone in!" I gasped. Sure enough, they picked up a little man and held him over the edge of the boat.

"It's a dwarf." Susan looked up at Peter, worried.

Peter looked at me, then unstrapped his belt with his sword.

Me? A queen of Narnia? (Peter love story)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat