Attack on the Talmarien Palace

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Peter POV:

I began walking through the tomb, rallying the troops just as the sun began to sink low in the horizon. I recapped everything that had happened that day.

It wasn't that difficult to convince the other Narnians to attack the palace. Caspian, on the other hand, was now suddenly bent on keeping our- no, my soldiers here. It didn't help when Susan sided with him, and certainly didn't help when Lucy brought up the whole white witch thing. Aslan hasn't done anything to help us this entire time we've been here. How are we supposed to know if he's even still alive? And if he is, why hasn't he helped us? I shook my head and sighed. It didn't even matter now. I jumped up onto my horse and turned my head to the north west.

"Are you ready?" I turned and asked my troops. They all shouted in agreement. My horse reared up, then we too off into the setting sun.


Maria POV:

It was night. At least, I think it was. Cornelius had fallen asleep, and I didn't want to wake him. He had hardly slept at all these past two days. He kept thinking I was gonna keel over. I chuckled at the thought, but then my chuckling was cut off as a fit of coughing racked through me and tore its way through my bone dry windpipe. When I finally finished I sat back and listened, praying that I didn't wake Cornelius. After a moment of nothing but him breathing, I figured I was in the clear. I smiled half heartedly, then felt something wet between my lips. I furrowed my eyebrows, then attempted to lift my hand to my mouth. My fingers connected with my chin, then they found my lips, and I felt the same thing trickling all the way down my chin. I rubbed my two fingers together, and I didn't have to see to tell what it was.

It was blood. I was coughing up blood. I sighed and frowned, letting a small tear drip from my eye. The door at the top of the steps clanged open and I jerked my head to it. I could hear steps coming down the staircase and I frowned, confused. I thought it was night? Why would a guard be coming down here?

"You, prisoner!" The guard shouted, "Miraz wishes... what the hell is wrong with your blood?" he said.

"You should know. Your the one killing me," I whispered with a small smirk.

"Oh please. I know that it doesn't kill you. Anyway, Miraz wants to see you in a... special room." The door of my cell clanged open, then there was a silence. "Well?" he asked, impatient, "What are you waiting for? Stand up!"

I placed my hand onto the floor, then attempted to push off. I managed to get to my knees, but that was it. I heard the guard snort in annoyance, then I cried out as a hand grabbed my upper arm. It felt like someone had just punched an open wound.

"Oh stop sniveling," he said, and roughly hoisted me up. I whimpered and bit my lower lip as he practically dragged me up the steps. Every step I took felt like my last as he dragged me through seemingly empty hallways.

"Keep up!" He shouted, yanking me forward. I stumbled over my feet and I heard him grunt in irritation. I heard a door swing open, suddenly I was thrown forward and I cried out and I hit the cold tile floor. I automatically attempted to stand, but my cheek quickly connected with the tile again. I heard a deep voice chuckle and winced as I felt a hand grab my chin and tilt my face up off the floor.

"So this is the Queen of Queens," the voice chuckled.

"Miraz," I snarled, yanking my chin away.

"You were said to be a great legend. Now here you are, squirming in the dust at my feet," he said. Even though I couldn't see him, I could hear the smugness in his voice, "It would be more accurate to call you the Queen of Nothing." I felt a kick to my stomach and burst into a fit of coughing

Me? A queen of Narnia? (Peter love story)Where stories live. Discover now