Chapter 28

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"Hey cheer up..." Seungkwan softly pats my back as I continue to blame myself from blurting out a while ago. I didn't mean to hurt anyone but I wasn't able to control my emotions.

I became so furious that my mind can't hold the anger flowing in my veins.

This is the problem... I hate being mad because I know what the result will be. I would either blame myself for saying words that I didn't mean to or continue to live by the guilt that I hurt someone physically or mentally .

All my life, I would always stay away from things that would make me mad or rage. I became a very jolly person, always smiling, laughing and joking around. That is the side that everyone knows, but I prevent myself from showing my other side even to my closest friends.

Even though it's not my fault and I'm the victim, my mouth will always blurt out the words "I'm sorry". That is the conclusion in every fight, in order for you two to reconcile, the other one should humble himself and swallow his pride.

"I can't believe you did that-" Seungkwan said. I faced him, giving him the apologetic look, showing him that I am really really sorry for what I did. "I really didn't mean it. I was-"

"I was actually talking about you and Y/N..."

"Oh" My mouth suddenly shut up, cannot locate the words I wanna say. I pursed my lips and look down.

Yeah, I confessed everything a while ago. I was only thinking about myself and forgot that Seungkwan also has no idea about it.

I looked at him with my gloomy eyes and said "I'm sorry". My head hung low, hiding my frown and tears. Seungkwan lifted my head up and gave me a faint smile.

"You don't need to apologize for liking someone, Seokmin." He smiled. I nodded my head, still speechless, I have no words to say. I'm embarrassed from what I've said and now I need to pay for the consequence.

"Still... I should've stopped myself from having feelings for Y/N especially she's my only girl friend." I sadly replied.

Seungkwan shifted his position and now his body is facing me. He slowly hugged me and I eventually gave in. "It's hard to control your feelings, I understand you. But please don't blame yourself, it's not your fault"

"I know, I just feel guilty because it looks like I'm interfering Y/N and Soonyoung's relationship." I retorted.

Seungkwan let out a deep sigh and so am I. I folded my legs and rested my forehead down on my knees.

"But what I know is that they have no label at all. You're not betraying Soonyoung, because they aren't a couple in the first place, right?"

I nodded my head in response. He has a point though, but what's bothering me is that there is one thing that's stopping me from confessing to her.

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