Chapter 46

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Days, weeks, months had past but I still kept on acting strange when I'm with Y/N. As much as possible, I don't wanna act too obvious but I can't help myself from being to anxious and nervous. The first week, she asked numerous times if everything's okay which I denied 'yes'. She trust me so much, so she didn't doubted my answer.

Even while I'm at work, I always caught myself taking quick glances on my phone, waiting for a certain phone call. Lucky me, I can still focus on doing my job properly while I handle my mess, my own fucking mess.

Never in my life I thought of doing this, especially it involves Y/N and our relationship. All I gotta do is to blame myself for ruining my own plans. Why do I have to be so clumsy all of a sudden?

"Kwon Hoshi!" Jongseong-hyung, the other trainer yelled out my name, I came back to my senses and quickly stood up from the stool that I've been sitting on since the beginning of our break until now. I obediently walked towards him and he patted my back. 

"Why are you zoning out? What's been bothering you lately huh?" He questioned. I lowered my head while biting my dried lips. I took a deep sigh and said, "her".

"Her? Still her?" He replied, I shrugged my shoulders, leaning my sweaty back from the concrete walls and tilting my head backwards. He then shook his head in disappointed after I agreed to him by nodding a yes. 

"It's been weeks since that happened? How come you haven't fixed it yet?" said by him. 

"She isn't answering my calls! She kept on declining every single one of them" I released an exhausted sigh, burying my face on my palms. Jongseong hyung put his arm around my shoulder and tapped it gently, "What are you gonna do now?"

I lifted my head to face him, he can clearly see the tiredness and nervousness on my face. "I don't know—"

"Maybe, fix this before it gets worse?" I added. 

Jongseong hyung weakly smiled at me. He even suggested something about telling Y/N about it, but I think I still don't have the courage to tell her. I need to clean everything before our anniversary, for god's sake I don't wanna fuck it this time.

"I'm sure Y/N would understand, but no— I think she would probably burst her inner monster out after she heard it" Jongseong said. I didn't replied but instead, I release a breathly sigh out while my head lowered down. 

"Come on now, break it over— we gotta do our job. Their debut showcase is soon, we need to train them well." Jongseong hyung stood up and started to walk away. I wasn't really paying too much attention till he snapped his fingers in front of me, snapping me back to reality. I looked at him at shock.

"Get it together Soonyoung" He said before leaving.

I grabbed my tumbler from the bench and followed him to the dance practice room. I took a few sip of my water before I enter the room with a whole new attitude on. My lips formed a smile as I watch these boys do the dance routine that I taught them days ago. It was surprising that they caught it up too fast, I guess I need to know them first since they're first boy group that my agency would debut.

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