Separation in the Past

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Third Person's POV

"Uh.. what was she like?" Subaru crossed his arms and closed his eyes thinking for a while
"My memory's a little fuzzy since I was really young back then..." he started, he then opened his eyes and looked at Yume
"But! I know that she was amazing! She raised me after all, for three years only though. Oh! And she has really good eyesight!" Subaru continued but Yume blinked twice a bit confused from his answer
"Raised you? What about your parents?" Yume asked, Subaru's face fell for a while which hit Yume. She must've hit a sensitive topic

"Uh.. forget I asked! I'm sor-"

"It's alright Yume. I think you should know, it doesn't affect me as bad as it did before" Subaru said as he leaned on the wall. Yume straightened up to listen to Subaru's story.

"Although my parents were around they were always busy doing their own thing, they do spend time with me but I spent most of my time with Suzu" Subaru started as memories started flowing through his mind. He sighed
"My father manages a security system and my mother was a programmer. You can say that they're both really good with computers. Because of their job, they always face the computer" Subaru stated with a sigh

"They make time for you though, right?"

"Heh, only on Sundays. That's why I said Suzu raised me. She's with me like 24/7 and taught me almost everything" Subaru said with a laugh making Yume smile. They shared eye contact for a bit then looked away slightly embarrassed, Subaru sat beside Yume to continue his little story.
"It stayed that way and I thought it would forever, but.." Subaru looked down sadly affecting Yume's smile. Subaru shook his head then looked ahead

"Around April, when I was still 2 years old. Mom and dad got into a crash" Subaru said like it was the most normal thing to say, Yume could see that it somehow affected Subaru but he chose not to show it. Her hand instantly held his hoping to comfort him, Subaru paused and blushed for a while from the sudden gesture then cleared his throat to regain his composure.

"A-anyway, they had a job offer at some company which was located in the mountains and on their way home a truck was accelerating at them and... yeah, crash. They fell off the road on the mountain and.. you know" he said as he slowly brought his knees together and buried his face in his crossed arms.

A few tears left Subaru's ocean blue orbs and he's trying his best to hide it from Yume, but of course, Yume could tell that he wanted to cry so she put a hand on his back making Subaru look up at her slowly trying to cover his eyes
"I'm sorry... I lied. It still affects me... somehow.." Subaru said trying to laugh it off but the tears still fell. They continued to fall with no sign of stopping, this pained Yume's heart, she's never seen Subaru this vulnerable before. She then pulled him into a hug, Subaru went wide-eyed for a moment but hugged Yume tightly and cried more, Yume rubbed Subaru's back in hopes of helping him calm down.

For the past few minutes, Subaru had been crying to Yume's shoulder, when he calmed down he let go of the hug and wiped the remaining tears. Yume offered him a bottle of water which Subaru gladly drunk. After finishing half of it, he let out a sigh and one last sniffle.
"Feeling better?" Yume asked with concern as Subaru nodded
"Yeah. Thanks Yume, you really comforted me" he thanked her with a soft smile which caught Yume's heart. She shook that thought way telling herself in mind 'No, no Yume! Now's not the time to think of fantasies!'
"Yume?" Subaru called making Yume jerk her head to him and sweat drop
"O-oh yeah! I'm glad you're feeling better!" Yume quickly said making Subaru laugh a little. He sighed again as he closed his eyes
"How embarrassing, I didn't want you to see that side of me" Subaru complained as he rubbed the back of his nape. Yume giggled with a close eyed smile
"It's fine! Everyone has their own weak sides and it's totally normal. I mean, you've seen my weak side before haven't you?" Yume said as Subaru scoffed

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