My age?

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Suzuki's POV

"I've been wondering but, how old are you?" Nozomu asked
"I'm 20" they were silent
"EEEHH—" they were about to shout or something like that, but I cut them off by putting sushi on their mouth, including Subaru
"Eh? I thought you were 21" Asahi exclaimed
"Subaru's 15 now, we have a 6 year age gap, so people think I'm 21, but I'm still 20" I explained
"How is that?" Kanata asked
"My birthday is on December, Subaru-kun's birthday is on January" I explained

"Hold on, so you started training when you were 8 and debuted as an idol around 12?" Subaru asked
"How is it possible?" he asked again
"I debuted on April, that's how" I answered
"You said you owned the number 1 idol spot for 8 years"
"The 8th year is this year"
"So you owned the spot for 7 Years"
"Yup" I replied, Subaru crossed his arms and said
"Now I get it" I giggled
"Well, we're done eating lunch. Wanna get dessert somewhere else?" Asahi asked
"Sure!" we all said at the same time
"I'll be paying!" I announced
"Really? Are you sure?" Subaru asked
"Yup! I'm sure"
"Including the whole staff?" Nozomu asked
"Yup!" so I payed for everyone and we all went out to grab dessert.

~A few hours later~

It was around 4:53 pm in the afternoon, the whole day I watched M4 work, they were really good as a group, everywhere they go, their fans would do in-waiting which means the fans will be waiting for the idol to get in the building to work, and out-waiting which means  the fans will be waiting for the idol to go outside the building from work, they have loyal fans, impressive.

M4 will ride their bus to go back to the Academy, Subaru-kun asked me to ride with them and I accepted his offer, the whole ride I was telling them about my travels and the people I met all over the world, it was fun. When we reached the Academy, M4 went down, I followed them down and signaled the driver to send the staff members home, they seemed surprise,

"Why did you follow us?" Subaru asked
"I can walk back to my place from here. I also wanted to see you guys get inside, you never know when bad guys take you down" I stated
"I can protect myself" Subaru insisted
"No you can't. When your in trouble you don't have to worry, I'm always watching you" I said with a wink😉, Subaru just smiled
"Okay, see you tomorrow" Subaru said
"See you next time" Kanata said
"See you, Suzuki-san" Nozomu said
"Next time we see each other, I hope you'll tell me more about Subaru-kun, even embarrassing events" Asahi said
"I will"
"Don't say that, Suzu" Subaru said, I giggled, the others were walking inside already, Subaru opened his arms
"Do you need something?" I asked like I don't know what he wanted
"Come on... Can't I get a hug from my nee-chan?" he said
"No, you can't" I said crossing my arms and looking the other way
"Please?" he begged
"I was just kidding, of course you can" I said hugging him and he hugged back, in a while I pulled away
"You sure have grown" I said looking at him, he just smiled, I returned the smile. We looked at each other for a while, until someone called
"Come on, Subaru-kun!" Asahi called out
"Coming! I'll see you tomorrow" he said, I nodded
"I'll see you tomorrow" I said with a closed-eyed smile, he turned to his friends

"Ah! Subaru-kun!" I called out, he turned to me, his friends did the same as him
"Wuv U!" I said forming a heart with my hands
"Eh?" his friends said in unison
"Wuv U Choo!" Subaru said also forming a heart
"Eh?!" his friends said in unison again
"We used to do this when we were younger, when we would go to our own classrooms" Subaru explained
"When you were younger?" they asked in  unison, I nodded
"We love each other like family" I said, Subaru gave me a look saying "we are family", I just smiled.

Yume's POV

I was jogging around campus, until I saw M4 near the gates 'They're done from work' I thought, but M4 were not the only one's there, there was also a girl. Wait, isn't she the girl who hugged Subaru-kun not long ago?
"M4?" I called out, they all looked at me, including the girl
"Hi, Yume-chan" Nozomu greeted me as I stopped jogging
"Hi" I greeted back, I noticed that the girl was looking at me, like she was observing every move I made, I looked at her, black and violet hair, violet eyes with a hint of white, she just smiled,

"We'll meet again in another time. And will introduce ourselves properly" she said, I didn't understand what she said, so I gave a questioned look
"I'll be going now, Subaru-kun" she said as she walked away
"Oh... See you tomorrow!" Subaru-kun said to her, she just glanced back and waved, then went on walking. Who is she?
"What were you doing, Yume?" Subaru asked me, I can feel my heart racing
"I was just on a run. To put up my stamina" I replied with a smile, I saw a tint of red on his cheeks but disappeared quickly, he smiled back which made my heart race more,
"Okay. Good luck then" he said, as he patted my head, he and his friends were walking towards the Boy's Division,
"Um... Subaru-kun!" I called out, he turned to me
"Could we have a run around campus tomorrow morning?" I asked nervously
"Sure, will 4:50 be good?" he said, 'That's a bit early. But at least I could spend time with him' I thought, I nodded from why he said
"Okay, see you in the morning"
"See you!" I said, they went on their way to the Boy's Division while I went to the Girl's Division, 'I'm excited for tomorrow' I thought.

Suzuki's POV

"M4?" a voice called, we all looked over where the voice came from, it came from a girl, ombrè-coloured hair, blonde with poink tips, sunset orange eyes. As I looked at her, her info and stats were visible on my view, it was right next to her. This happens when I meet someone I don't know,  their information will directly pop up right beside them. I used to find it annoying but I got used to it. She looked at me, she must've noticed that I was looking at her, I just smiled

"We'll meet again in another time. And will introduce ourselves properly" I said, she gave me a questioned look, she didn't seem to understand
"I'll be going now, Subaru-kun" I said walking away
"Oh... See you tomorrow" he said, I glanced back and waved and carried on walking. I was a few blocks away from the gates of the Academy, I stopped in my tracks and looked at the sunset,

'Subaru would choose me over anything. But now...'

'He would choose someone else over me. That will happen someday.'

'I didn't expect that someday would be today'

And there you have it, the 14th chapter of this book, about Suzuki's view with info and stats, it might make you think that she's a robot or something, but answers will be in the next chapters. Hope you enjoyed this chapter, see you in the next one


Subaru: Ready to go?
Yume: Who was that girl?

WifiZone shutting down🔚🔚🔚🔚🔚🔚🔚🔚

My Sister (A Subaru x Yume Fan Fic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora