Subaru's Upbringing | Suzuki's Hope

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Yes, the picture above is a summary of their life the whole 12 years. And yes, Subaru is a fan art up there and Suzuki's silhouette is a drawing made by my friend so credits to them! All I did was edit the two pics together


Subaru's POV

It's been a week since Suzu nee-chan left to become an idol. I was able to receive the money a few days ago and I plan on saving them! There's no way I'm spending a lot on useless stuff, I have to take care of myself. Nee-chan is doing her best so I'll do my best too!

The doorbell rang, I ran up to the door and opened it to see a suspicious man at the gate
"Who are you?" I gulped as I asked, the man cleared his throat and pushed up his glasses
"I won't disclose my name, all I can say is that I am your guardian" he answered as I raised a brow, 'Guardian? What's he talking about?' I asked myself in mind
"I don't need you or anyone. I can fend for myself" I said confidently

"You do"

"I don't"

"You do"

"I don't"

"You do"

"I don't! So go away!" I yelled then shut the door close. I leaned on the wall as I exhaled feeling at peace. Until the doorbell rung again, I stomped my foot in anger and opened the door
"What?!" I asked angrily as the man pushes up his glasses
"Subaru-san, the agency assured your sister Suzuki that we will be watching over you. You do not want her to worry now, do you?" he asked, I clenched my fist as I remembered Suzu nee-chan.
"Suzu nee-chan..." I muttered, I sighed an exasperated sigh as I walked to the gate and opened it
"Get in" I say as he nodded and went inside. I closed the gate and followed him, after we both went in the house I shut the door in anger startling the guardian. I huffed as I walked past him and went to do my own thing.

I ate dinner while the guardian was reading a newspaper, I ate a spoonful of rice before I asked
"Oi, can I contact Suzu nee-chan?" I asked, he looked up from his newspaper and shook his head
"Any contact with Suzuki-san is prohibited until she debuts" he said pushing up his glasses, I pouted as I crossed my arms
"When will she debut?" I asked
"Three years... probably" he ansered then continued reading the newspaper. I furrowed my brows as I ate, what did he mean probably? That pause was suspicious. I looked around the house, none of her stuff is here since they were all taken with her. The only memory she has here is me and my memory, I sighed. 'I hope you're okay nee-chan...'

Suzuki's POV

I dropped to the floor as I panted. I've been doing this exercise for the past 2 hours with no breaks, when will they be satisfied?! The trainer clapped their hands
"Again" he said, I sighed. This is tiring but I've known that the road to becoming an idol isn't easy.
"Okay!" I yelled as I did the exercise all over again.

I finally finished, I took a bath to prepare myself for the night. The representative who scouted me sent me my dinner and was heading out but I stopped him
"You told me the first day I came here that I could contact Subaru whenever I want to so why can't I?!" I asked, he was about to leave but I held his arm trying to stop myself from breaking it
"Answer me!" I demanded and tightened my grip, he winced in pain but remained calm

"I believe that the contract said it was not allowed" he answered
"What?" I asked, his free hand brought out a paper and unfolded it showing a contract.
"See? Contact with relatives or friends is prohibited until your debut" he said matter-of-factly as I gritted my teeth
"You think I believe this crap? I read the contract the first day I came here and this wasn't in the contract!" I argued as he smirked
"You must've missed it" he said slyly as I felt my anger boiling within me. I harshly let go of him and kicked him out of the room and shut it abruptly. I leaned on the door inhaling and exhaling slowly to try to calm myself. I felt tears form in my eyes then remembered what Subaru told me

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