Talk segment😋

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Subaru's POV

"Suzuki-san!" she came out on stage, looked at the camera, smiled and waved as she walked to us. We then bowed to each other,
"Shall we take a seat?" I asked, some of them nodded and others say "Okay" or "Sure", we all took our seats. Me and the other members are in one couch (the left of viewers) while Suzu is in the other couch for one person (the right of viewers).

"Our first segment is the Talk Segment. We will be asking questions, some are from us and some are from your fans." I explained
"Okay" she replied with a smile,

~after some questions~

Asahi took a glance at the tablet and saw the question come out
" "What made you want to become an idol?" I wanna know too!" Asahi beamed, Suzu looked embarrassed
"My reason is half embarrassing.." she said as she sweat dropped
"But I'm curious!" Asahi insisted
"I also want to know too Suzuki-san" Nozomu said taking Asahi's side, '..I... I wanna know too. I don't know the exact reason why she wanted to become an idol..' I thought,

"Me too!" I said making Suzu to look at me, she hesitated for a while then smiled.
"Okay, I'll tell you" she said, we all listened carefully,
"When I was around 6 years old, I was watching T.V and I happen to be in a channel where there was a girl performing. I was amazed by how she can sing and dance at the same time. The same with a group of boys who did complicated moves and were still able to sing. Because of that, I wanted to become an idol. So I practiced everyday to be able to do that too." she explained,
"I also had a classmate of mine, a boy who I like, told me that he wanted to become an idol. And it made me want to become an idol a lot more, imagining of the day the both of us will be standing on stage together..." she looked down at her feet,
"But he gave up on it, it didn't make me upset because being an idol to make others happy was the first and was the main reason why I wanted to become an idol." she said looking at us.

Third Person's POV

"Wow! When you were 6? That's so cool, practicing already at a young age" Asahi exclaimed,
"It sure is" Nozomu said, with Kanata nodding in agreement, Subaru looked at his feet and was silent
"Subaru-kun?" Asahi called,
"Why.. didn't you tell me..?" he said under his breath
"Huh?" they said in unison,
"Why..." then Subaru looked at Suzuki
"Why didn't you tell me you had someone you liked?" he asked, they were all shocked, Suzuki gave Subaru a questioned look
"Who is this guy? Why did you like him? Tell me who he is! He needs a lecture!" Subaru ranted,
"Hey, calm down" Suzuki said to calm him down,
"I need to see this guy" Subaru protested
"You don't need to" Suzuki said as her sweat dropped
"Fun Fact everyone, these two are childhood friends! In case if you're wondering" Asahi exclaimed as he winked,
"This is a hint of overprotective Subaru-kun" Nozomu said as he smiled
"Why didn't you tell me that you liked someone?"
"You weren't born yet" with that Subaru gave up,
"These two have a 6 year age gap" Kanata stated, Suzuki nodded in agreement
"Okay! Next question!" Asahi announced looking at the tablet
" "What did you do before coming here?" it says" Asahi read the question aloud,
"I have been traveling all over the world learning different things. Like their trainings, traditions, culture, language, and many more!" she explained,

"Wow! I wanna do that too!" Asahi said
"You would give up on the way" Kanata stated
"Eh? What do you mean?" Asahi asked
"Obviously you would be missing a certain some-" Kanata was cut off by Asahi covering his mouth
"Ahahahahaha! You're so funny Kanata-kun! Hahaha!" he said covering up what Kanata said, we all laughed with them, the two boys stopped.

The staff member then showed them a flash card that said "love" so Nozomu asked the question
"Suzuki-san, from what you said about you liking someone, what is your opinion on idols being in love or are involved in a relationship?" he asked, Suzuki smiled
"I believe that idols, or in general celebrities, should have the right to love. Sure fans would be disappointed but fans want to make the celebrity happy by supporting them right? And also, we celebrities are also human, we should at least have someone special to us in our life." she explained, they all listened quietly
"Who knows? When we retire we at least have someone to make us happy and to take care of us" she continued as she looked down at the floor.
"Some think it's a distraction but it can be an inspiration" she said looking back up. Everyone were silent, they didn't know how to respond, and they thought about her opinion.

"And, we also have fan service, you know ships right?" she giggled, they gave a smile
"You're opinion could help out other people" Nozomu stated
"Even those who are doubting their own feelings" Subaru said, they all looked at him
"D-Did I say something weird?" he asked as his sweat dropped, Suzuki burst out laughing
"Hahahahaha! Do you happen to be in that situation Subaru?" she asked, Subaru turned red
"N-No! I just thought that there were some people who are like that so I said that.." he said embarrassingly,
"Everyone! This is the ultimate embarrassed Subaru-kun of M4!"
"Asahi!" then the whole staff laughed, a staff member then gave a signal to end, Kanata decided to do the honors
"Well, looking at our time now it's time to end the Talk Segment."
"We'll be right back for the Cooking Segment! Can't wait to eat!"
"We'll be back after the commercial"
"So please stay on the channel"
"And look forward to the next segment"

"See you!"

"Cut! Okay!" Siego-san announced, they all prepared for the next segment, Subaru was sipping water while Suzuki approached him. She took a seat near him and said

"Got someone in mind?"

Guuyyyss!! Wifi-san is back online!! I'm really sorry for late update...😖 But I hope I can do better next time! Look forward to the next chapter "Cooking Segment 🍳" see you!!

WifiZone shutting down 🔚🔚🔚🔚🔚🔚🔚

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