Before the Concert

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Third Person's POV

"Hello everyone and good morning! This is the radio morning talk that you've been dying to hear since you woke up!" the host in the radio greeted in his cheery and positive voice when it's only 6 in the morning
"Today, our guest is someone special, very special might I add and she recently came back to Japan from her world travels since her debut 8 years ago, and yes! You guessed it right! It's Suzuki-san! The girl, the idol who jumped on stage and gave us that mind-blowing and amazing performance 8 years ago and until today. Good morning Suzuki-san!" the man in the radio cheered, Suzuki giggled as she spoke through the microphone
"Good morning Taiyou-san! As always, you are on fire today!" Suzuki exclaimed as the host Taiyou laughed
"Of course! This is Taiyou! Burning hot and active to start your day with my radio show!" he exclaimed, the two shared a laugh then went on with the show. They then reached a particular topic
"To the next letter! Read it away Suzuki-san!" Taiyou beamed
"Alright!" Suzuki actively responded then started reading the next letter

Dear Suzuki,

Suzuki-san! I'm such a big fan of yours and you reading this letter will make me somersault 100 times! Anyway, have you heard of ships? I love ships! Well, not the ships that help you travel through oceans but the ships that brings your fangirl fantasies to the next level! I've got a lot of ships, idol ships, and I wish they all would end up together... but then there's the rule that idols are forbidden to love, so no ships sailing! Suzuki-san, what do you think of love between idols, or celebrities? I'd love to know your opinion and perspective about it!


"Oh~ that is some letter. Love huh? Between idols.. so Suzuki-san! What is your opinion on love?" Taiyou asked, Suzuki hummed as she pondered for a moment but then figured out what to say in a few seconds
"Well, people say love is a distraction for idols. That may be true to some but the other half believes that love strengthens you, and I believe the latter" Suzuki said
"You know, in all these years I've been an idol, there were times where I felt like giving up. I would want to stop and take a flight home, but then I would remember the promise I made with someone, someone who means the world to me, someone I love deeply and that's what kept me going all these years" Suzuki confessed as she imagined Subaru
"Not only that, there's even the love I can feel from my fans. Whether it be love of admiration, love of family, friendship. Love really strengthens and helps you, knowing that you love someone or someone loves you then we can keep on going, we become motivated to do the best for them!" Suzuki continued
"So to everyone out there, idol or not, embrace the feeling of love. People or rules can never stop you, nothing can stop you from loving someone. As long as you truly and sincerely love them from the heart, then it will get through" Suzuki said, sniffles were heard so Suzuki turned to see Taiyou with a handkerchief


"That's the most beautiful thing I've ever heard today. Suzuki-san, I will take your words to heart" Taiyou said dramatically while Suzuki laughed doubtfully but then gasped as she perked up when a question came to mind
"Do you have someone you love Taiyou-san?" she asked excitedly, Taiyou laughed then shut his mouth
"Well, yes I do" he bashfully answered as Suzuki gasped

"Who is it?"

"Nah, I'm not telling ya. What about you Suzuki-san? Who is this person you love throughout the 8 years of your idol career?"

"I'm not telling you!"

The two playfully bickered as a few particular people pondered and thought more about Suzuki's words. They considered the feelings that they have and wondered about the other, they thought of possible outcomes and considered confessing. Only two decided and one of them made the first step.

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