😶What a day.......😶

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Subaru's Dreamland

White.... All I see is white.....
I saw a girl..... Her back was facing me...... She had ombre-coloured hair, black with violet tips, but the violet part was a bit longer......
She faced me and said....
"I'm coming home Subaru-kun!!!" she said with a smile, after she said that, everything disappeared.

I woke up from bed, I stood up and looked outside my window
"*sigh* Wonder what's gonna happen today...." I said, I checked my clock '5:07, I guess I woke up early than usual' I thought in my mind.

A/N: I don't know exactly what time he wakes up, sorry...😥

I did all my personal hygiene and went downstairs, when I went down, I saw the other members of M4
"Morning Subaru-kun" they all said in unison, I just sat down quietly and ate breakfast, The girl from my dream flashed to my mind, 'Who was that girl from my dream??' I thought
"Is something wrong Subaru-kun?" asked Asahi in a worried tone
"Uh.... No, nothing's wrong" I said, when all of us got done with breakfast, we are preparing for work, when we all meet up in the front door of our dorm, we headed out. We were heading to our van until.........

"Hey!!!!!" a girl shouted from a far, we all turned to our backs to see who it was, unexpectedly it was just tomato and her friend Nanakura-san was it? Yeah, they were heading towards us
"Yume-chan!!! I'm not sure about this" Nanakura-san shouted, 'What's going on??' I asked myself in my mind, they were already right in front of us panting from all that running, finally tomato was talking

"Hey, Asahi-kun" said tomato, 'Asahi??!!' I shouted in my mind but why Asahi? Does this have anything to do with Nanakura-san?
"What is it Yume-chan?" asked Asahi
"Koharu-chan has something to ask you" said tomato, she pushed Nanakura-san towards Asahi
"U-um, uh...." Nanakura-san is stuttering
"You can do it Koharu-chan!" said tomato with a smile on her face
"U-um, okay" said Nanakura-san
"Asahi-senpai" she finally spoke
"Y-yes?" said Asahi with a really red face, like a chili pepper😝
"A-are you free tomorrow?" she asked
"Y-yeah I am, why?" asked Asahi
"C-could we hangout tomorrow?" she asked, Asahi was shocked for a moment and answered
"Yeah, sure thing Koharu-chan" said Asahi with his face like a chili pepper 😝
"Okay, then meet me at the school gate tomorrow by 10 in the morning" said Nanakura-san, who seems to have some................. Motivation? Then Nanakura-san and tomato left and us M4 did our work today

(A/N: sorry, I am now too lazy to type the details😫)

*time skip*

I am now having a break from work, as usual, I am in my disguise so that no one will recognize me. I stopped by at the fountain in the local park, the scenery is wonderful. Then all of a sudden, my Aikatsu mobile vibrated, I took my mobile out and check who messaged me, 'That's weird. I never saved anyone's number recently'
???:I'm coming home Subaru-kun!
Subaru:Who is this?
???:You don't remember me?
Subaru:I don't know you
???:Tomorrow! Meet me at the local café near the local park
???:See you!😃
"Well, that was weird" I say to myself clearly not talking to anyone
*time skip*
At night.......

I am now in my room thinking about what that mysterious person said, I recalled with what that girl said in my dream and with what that mysterious person who chatted me said
*in the dream*
"I'm coming home Subaru-kun!"
*from the chat*
???:I'm coming home Subaru-kun!
'They said the same thing'
'Could they be the same person?' I thought and drifted off to sleep.

WiFi: Done! Finally! *tears of joy*😂 Sorry for late updates, I was busy with school and almost forgot to update😥 Well, here it is! The second chapter *smiling proudly*😁
???:When am I gonna come out?!
WiFi: Stop complaining, you'll come out in the next chapter, if you will complain again you are out of this book!😠
???: Sorry.......😢
WiFi: Now shoo shoo, I need to end this,
???: Mind if I join?
WiFi: If you want to then okay
???: Yay!
WiFi: So....
???: So.....
WiFi/???: See you in the next chapter!!!!

Wifizone shutting down🔚🔚🔚🔚🔚

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