An Unexpected Reunion and Big News

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Third Person's POV

As usual, Subaru went to the hospital to visit his sister. It's been a week and she still remains asleep. The doctor informed Subaru the day before that she'll wake up soon and Subaru has been in high spirits ever since that conversation. He sat by the chair and looked at his sister.
"The doctor said you'll be waking up soon and I can't wait! I'll visit as much as possible so I can be the first one you'll see when you wake up. So you better wake up nee-chan!" he said expecting a reply, but only the beeps of the heart monitor responded to him. He was about to think of a negative scenario but slapped his cheeks to snap it out and convinced himself that Suzuki will be alright.
"I'm glad there's a refrigerator here. The chocolates Yume made would've gone bad..." he said to himself.

He went out of the room to use the bathroom at the end of the hall and on his way back, he stumbled upon an unexpected person. His eyes widened as he spotted a face he thought he wouldn't see again.
"R-Ryuji...?" he said, the person he called looked his way and gasped upon seeing Subaru.
"Eh?! Leader?!" he said out loud. They both gawked at each other for a few moments when the newly introduced Ryuji started tearing up. He then ran to the gawking Subaru and gave him a tight hug.
"It's been so long! How long has it been?! 2 years? 3 years? I don't really know but I know for sure that it's been years!" he wailed, Subaru was stunned at first but he patted his friend's back to calm him down.
"Hey, calm down now. Let's go somewhere else okay?" Subaru suggested as Ryuji nodded while sniffling.

The two went to the back of the hospital and sat by a vacant bench, Ryuji took the time to stop his crying but wiped away his tears so they could talk. Ryuji asked how Nozomu and Kanata were doing including how Asahi is doing as the youngest member of M4. Subaru told him of the events that happened and Ryuji enjoyed listening to them, he smiled gently as he reminisced the days when he was still an idol, a member of M4.
"What about you? How are you doing nowadays?" Subaru asked.
"I'm doing okay. I'm doing my best at my new school and my part-time jobs. It's all good!" Ryuji answered with a small laugh, he then had a small glum look on his face which would go unnoticed but Subaru knows Ryuji.

He was reluctant to ask but he knew that it was the source of his sad mood.
"How's your mother?" Subaru finally asked, Ryuji was silent for a moment but took a deep breath.
"She's doing well. She's been fighting cancer for years and her surgery will be scheduled soon. She'll be healed" Ryuji said as he gripped his own hands, Subaru only patted his back to comfort him then Ryuji sat up straight.
"It's okay leader. I'm not sad, I'm actually happy. This means that my mom will be able to come home with me, she won't have to stay in the hospital anymore" Ryuji explained as he genuinely smiled.
"But leader, why are you here?" Ryuji asked as he cocked his head to the side. This time Subaru had a glum look.
"My sister is actually here, hospitalized" Subaru answered. It took a while for Ryuji to process what he just learned until it clicked.

"You had a sister?!"

"I do"

"I never knew!"

"Me too at first"


"Not until recently when she came back"

Ryuji is utterly confused. Subaru told him of the events involving his sister Suzuki.

-After a while-

"I see. I'm sorry" Ryuji said.
"You don't have to say that. The doctor said she'll wake up soon so I'm staying optimistic" Subaru said with a small smile. It was silent for a few seconds when Ryuji stood up,
"You should meet my mom! She'd be happy to see you!" Ryuji said as he grabbed Subaru's wrist and dragged him back in the hospital.

They rode the elevator and walked to room 609, Ryuji knocked on the door and opened it.
"Hey mom!" he called out. Subaru's eyes landed on the older woman in the bed, thin and frail while wearing a beenie. Her head slowly turned to the two friends and broke into a smile.
"Ah, Ryuji... where have you been?" Ryuji's mom asked softly as they walked to the side of the bed.
"I went to walk around for a bit. And look! Look who I met!" he said holding Subaru as if he found treasure. Ryuji's mother studied the introduced friend and broke into a smile.
"Ah... Subaru-kun, it's been a while" she said lifting her hands to reach him, Subaru walked close and gently held her hands.
"It's been a while Tsuyoku-san" he said.
"You're as handsome as ever!" she chuckled. They chatted as they reminisced the moments when Ryuji was still a member of M4 and Subaru shared to her some memories he made with the current M4. Time has passed and Tsuyoku grew tired, Ryuji tucked her in and went outside with Subaru to let his mother sleep peacefully.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2023 ⏰

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