My goal

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Third Person's POV

M4 stepped out of the bus and greeted good night to their manager and the staff. As they were walking to their dorm, a black car stopped at the gates and came out S4.

"Hi girls!" Asahi waved at them as S4 were walking towards M4
"Oh, nii-san!" Asahi's younger sister, Kasumi Mahiru waved back to her older brother. Then both M4 and S4 were having a conversation

"How are you nii-san?"
"I'm doing great! M4 still going strong!" Mahiru giggled a bit at her older brother's attitude until Nozomu came to join the conversation
"Hello Mahiru-chan"
"Oh, N-Nozomu.." Mahiru's face went slightly red
"Huh? What's with this atmosphere? Nozomu-kun! I'm gonna-!" Asahi was about to pound Nozomu but was interrupted by a girl with blue hair
"You're Asahi-kun right?" she asked
"Who might you be?" he asked with a questioned look
"I'm Haruka Luka☆! Nice to meet you!" Luka introduced herself, then Asahi had a look of realization
"Oh! You must be the S4 representative of Wind Dance Class! Nice to meet you too, I'm Kasumi Asahi, M4 representative of Bird Theater Class" as the two were talking, Mahiru and Nozomu looked at him as they sweat dropped. 'The sudden change in attitude..' they both thought.

"What's with them?" Ako asked to no one in particular as she crossed her arms
"Leave them be, let's not interrupt" Kanata said as he took her side
"Ggh.." Ako realizing what she just said, flushed red
"You didn't hear anything! Shaa!" she said as her hands became cat paws and her hair styled as cat ears turned into cat ears and tried to scratch him, with Kanata dodging her attacks.

Yume and Subaru looked at their other members, then they looked at each other and laughed. After a while, Yume started the conversation
"How was your day?" she asked
"It was fine, a very good day to be honest" Subaru answered
"What about your day?"
"It was okay. Just the usual jobs for S4" then they were silent. Yume looked at Subaru and noticed that he was in space.
"Subaru-kun? Subaru-kun?" she called to him to get him back, until she shook him
"Huh? Um.. yeah?"
"Are you okay?" she asked in a worried tone, Subaru's heart started pounding and his cheeks had a tint of red seeing Yume worried about him, and also because she was close to him
"I'm fine. I'm really okay" he said with a smile which made Yume's cheeks have a tint of red. Subaru noticing her red cheeks, decided to tease her
"Haha. Tomato" he teased, which made Yume pout and her face a tomato
"I have a name you know!" she told him, Subaru just laughed
"I know. Sorry Yume" he apologized as he wiped a tear from his eye. Yume's heart started pounding, she slightly looked down and thought'I like it.. when he says my name.'  She looked at him and noticed that he's in a good mood.
"Did something good happen today?" she asked, Subaru looked at her surprised
"You're smiling a lot" she stated, then Subaru smiled again making her heart pound again.

He looked at the sky filled with twinkling stars and Yume did the same, looking at the sky made Subaru think about Suzuki's performance. Violet, black, blue, and white twinkling stars, like the galaxy. It was beautiful 'She was beautiful'
"You know, I have a goal" Subaru said, Yume looked at him
"A goal?" she asked
"Yeah, and that is.."

"To revive my clan and to kill a certain man"

WAHAHHAAH! I can't help but put it there🤣🤣🤣 If 9 of you guys figure out who said this and what anime the person came from then you'll be getting a special mention on the next chapter!

"To become the top idol of the world" he said as he reached out for the brightest star on the sky. Yume's eyes widened as she heard this
"I'm gonna work really hard, give my best in everything I do and fulfill my goal!" Subaru exclaimed, Yume smiled and looked at the sky too
"I won't lose to you! I'll work my hardest too!" she claimed as she also reached out to the brightest star. Subaru was surprised from what she said but gave her a grin
"Let's do our best!"
"Yeah!" they gave each other a high five and laughed a bit

"Oi! It's getting late! We should head to our dorms!" Asahi yelled at the two
"Let's go back Yume-chan!" Luka yelled two, Yume and Subaru smiled at each other
"I'll see you around"
"Yeah. You too" they both blushed as they waved goodbye and left with their members

"Sorry to ruin your moment Subaru-kun. You can have more moments with your girlfriend next time" Asahi teased Subaru as he smirked
"It's not like that!" Subaru protested to what Asahi seemed to claim. M4 laughed at their leader's tsundere attitude for the moment.

"You must be happy Yume-chan~" Luka teased, Yume turned red
"Wh-what do you mean?"
"Admit it, you had a good time with Subaru-kun right?" Ako smirked, Yume buried her face to her hands
"It's not like that!" S4 laughed at their leader's shy attitude.

Done! Yes, 2 chapters in 1 night. Look forward to next chapter!!

WifiZone shutting down

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