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Third Person's POV

Asahi, Nozomu, and Kanata were having breakfast. They had the day off and are taking their time to enjoy it. Subaru stormed out of his room fully dressed and joined them for breakfast. He ate in silence and the other three found it difficult to talk to him, Asahi decided to try.
"Subaru-kun, about today-" he was cut off when Subaru stood up, his plate clean as he placed it on the sink then turned to leave.
"Where are you going?" Nozomu asked when Subaru opened the door.
"The hospital" he answered loud enough for them to hear, stepped out and shut the door behind him. The three only exchanged worried looks about their leader.

Subaru entered the hospital and signed a visitor's record by the reception. He rode the elevator to the sixth floor and searched for room 615. He walked along the halls, his eyed scanning for the room he was looking for until he finally found it. He stood before the door and breathed out, he held the door knob and twisted it, opening the door. He entered the room and closed the door behind him, his eyes wander until they landed on a sleeping figure. Grabbing a chair he saw at the side, he dragged it near the bed and sat down. His older sister Suzuki was sleeping peacefully and only the beeps of the heart monitor could be heard in the room. He held her hand as he smiled to fight the tears that threaten to fall.
"You'll be okay nee-chan..." he said quietly as a single tear managed its escape.

Days have passed and M4 needed to work. The public would believe that M4 was doing well as always, but only a select few would know that one member was trying his best to hide it. Currently, they are having an interview with a journalist in one of the meeting rooms of the broadcasting building.
"Just a few days ago, you were special guests at Suzuki-san's concert, right?" the mention of Suzuki's name made Subaru stiffen and he pushed away the feeling with a smile.
"That's right" he answered as cheerful as he can, although his fellow members of M4 could only feel worried about their leader.

"During that concert it was revealed by Suzuki-san herself that you two are siblings, is that true?" the journalist asked.


"Might I ask why the both of you hid that fact until the concert a few days ago?"

Subaru grew silent as he thought about it. The thought of Suzuki can only bring the scene of her struggle after the concert and her sleeping figure on the hospital bed to his mind. Subaru gripped his own hands as he tried to think.
"I... I'm not sure myself, but nee-chan probably has her reasons..." he answered as the journalist wrote in their notebook.
"I see. Suzuki-san hasn't done any activity ever since the concert, yes? Do you know what happened to her or what she's been doing over the past few days?" they continued to ask. Subaru harden his grip as he began to sweat, the scene of her heavy breathing replaying again.
"U-uh... sh-she..." he struggled to form a sentence. That's when Asahi stepped in.

"I'm sorry, but could you ask something else?" Asahi interrupted, catching the journalist off guard. The journalist gave Asahi a look, offended by his interruption.
"Pardon?" was all they could say.
"Your questions were getting a little too personal. So it'd be great if you could ask something else" Nozomu said with a calm tone, emphasizing the 'too'. The journalist scoffed as they closed their notebook.
"Excuse me, as a journalist I have the right to ask questions here" they argued.
"And as the ones entertaining your questions, we have the right to refuse to answer them" Kanata retorted as he crossed his arms.
"If you're not satisfied then I suggest you leave" Kanata said gesturing to the door. The journalist only clicked their tongue as they walked out of the room.

When the door was shut, Subaru exhaled as he leaned on his chair. His fellow members went to his side.
"Are you okay Subaru-kun?" Asahi asked in worry as Subaru sighed.
"Yeah, I'm fine" he answered. Nozomu hesitated for a while, but had to ask.
"How is Suzuki-san?" Subaru looked down in silence as he thought of his sister. He then breathed out to calm himself.
"She's still asleep. She hasn't regained consciousness yet" he answered.

He looked up to face his friends and smiled weakly.
"Sorry for holding you guys back. I'm not really feeling it these days" he apologized.
"No! Don't be sorry! You never held us back" Asahi insisted as he shook his head no.
"That's right Subaru. We understand how you're feeling and we don't want to force you to be okay" Kanata added.
"You've always been there for us when we needed it and you've done so much for us and M4. Now it's our turn to do the same for you. So go at your own pace and rely on us" Nozomu reassured him as both Asahi and Kanata nodded in agreement. Subaru felt like crying at this moment but decided to blink them away. He grinned as he said.
"Thanks guys!"

It was midnight and Subaru couldn't sleep. So he made his way to the gazebo near the border to the girls division. He gazed at the moon's reflection on the water and found peace just by staring at it. That's when he heard footsteps, he looked to the source and saw Yume, who he hasn't seen ever since the concert.
"Yume..." he said upon seeing her. She then ran towards him and hugged him tight, Subaru widened his eyes from the sudden action. He thought he could hear Yume sniffling into his chest.
"We... we haven't seen each other in a while..." Yume said in a muffled voice. Subaru only returned the hug as he patted her head.
"It's only been a few days" he mentioned as Yume looked at him.
"I was worried about you!" she said in a loud voice, her tears continued to fall. Subaru only sighed as he wiped her tears.
"You don't have to worry about me. I'm fine" he said. Yume pouted, not believing his words.
"I'm fine now, really!" he insisted as Yume sniffed.
"I believe you" she said. The two talked for a bit to catch up for the days they haven't talked to each other. Subaru even told her about his trips to the hospital and Suzuki's current state.

Yume then brought out a box and held it towards Subaru, he only looked at it in question.
"I made these. In hopes for Suzuki-san's recovery" she said as Subaru accepted the box.
"Thank you Yume. I'm sure nee-chan would love it" he said smiling.
"We should visit her together sometime" he said as he intertwined his hand to Yume's.
"Sure. I'll let you know when I'm free" she said as she leaned her head on Subaru's shoulder.
"I hope she wakes up soon"

Doonnee!! Whoot whoot. The chapter is a bit short cuz I want to save the next scene for next time! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Look forward to the next one!

Wifizone shutting down

My Sister (A Subaru x Yume Fan Fic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें