Chapter 7

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As they arrived into a nearby town, everyone decided to stay out from the border for Jeanne and Marie insisted on going into the town to see if there's anybody residing there for info. Once she came back, she said that there are locals in the town but they were refugees as Lyon was destroyed just as Nexus has expected.

"If the town was destroyed a while ago, then there would be some beasts that crawls on ruins." Nexus guessed.

"Yes. The town is filled with monsters from the depths of Hell."

"If there are, then why are the refugees here? Shouldn't they look for someplace else that is much safer?"

"That would be the case. But they said that they had a protector for them." Marie answered.

"Protector?" Mash asked.

Marie nods her head. "A knight wielding a large sword that defeated wyverns and skeletons."

"Probably sounds like our guy. But I doubt that he would survive from those Servants." Nexus guessed at this since causing a commotion like that wouldn't be overlooked so easily.

"Yes, a little while ago they said that some scary people came. Servants, probably as they overwhelmed him by numbers and now he's missing along with Lyon being destroyed." Marie explained.

"I hope he's, let's believe he's alive in the words of St. Martha." Mash said hopefully.

"Well if he's alive, then he would be in critical condition. So it's a matter whether we could find him or not. Is there anything else you know, Marie?" the black-haired asked to the young queen.

"Well they said that Charles VII visit the village before and General Gilles de Rais marshalled the soldiers. He attempts to liberate Lyon."

"Gilles!" Jeanne blurted in shock hearing that name. Nexus could guess that "Gilles" there is the other one than the Alter that she mentioned. It's no surprise that she'd be shocked considering that they had a close relationship to one another. It would be rather complicated if they meet each other, so that's understandable.

"It could create a tremor if they end up meeting each other." Nexus said.

"Why is that? Gilles de Rais is an admirer of Jeanne, right?"

"Yeah, and there's him hearing the person who admires the most that decimates villages to villages of France and slaughter everyone in it." Nexus said.

"But if he she asks for help, he's sure to lend a hand."

"That's the idea, lady. Gilles is aware of the fact that Jeanne is a Dragon Witch. Even if he lends a helping hand to the original Jeanne then what of his forces? Surely, they wouldn't just offer a helping hand out of consent just because that there's another Jeanne here. They wouldn't trust her so easily. It's not that simple." Nexus explained in a logical manner. "And besides, we need to find this "Dragon Slayer" anyway. And normal soldiers like them aren't trained to match against supernatural monsters."

"You're right. We should defeat them on our own." Jeanne agreed although she still anxious about Gilles.

"Don't worry about it, Jeanne. You just need to focus on the present for now." he assured the blonde Ruler. "If it's too uncomfortable for you then I'll handle it. Can you handle that?"

She stares at him and slowly nods her head "Nexus...yes...I can handle it, thank you for your concern." he nods approvingly from her answer getting her focus to the objective and nothing to worry about.

"Yes, that's what it means to be a boy!" Marie said cheerfully. "Here's your reward!" as she intends to get close to the black-haired man.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Just what do think you're doing, young lady?" he asked taken aback as he reflexively stops her attempt holding his fingers on her forehead.

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