Chapter 9

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I made some changes to this chapter since I forgot to put on this scene so bad. So If you're just here then enjoy.

They run towards through the interior of the castle slaying every skeletons and zombies on the way that were guarding.

"Let's hurry! If we're too slow, she'll summon another Servant!" Jeanne mentioned.

"Well guess we don't need to let that happen, huh?" Nexus said as he lifts every one of his Servants up behind him. They all let out a shriek of surprise from the magus's strength to carry several Servants at once. "Let's get going!" he said his words increasing his speed dashing to where Jeanne Alter would be. He shifts his eye locating Jeanne Alter's magical energy but there happens to be someone else in front of the door. He could figure out that Gilles is there and stops to where he is putting everyone down.

"It has been a long time, Holy Saint."


"Who knew that you'd show yourself here in Orleans. I am impressed." Gilles complimented. "However! However! Why is it that you stand in my way? You come here destroying everything, and now you intend to kill Jeanne d'Arc! She is the true Jeanne d'Arc! She is the true darkness that is reveled within her!"

"Then as the light, I must face her." Jeanne declares her answer to confront her counter self to prevent any further disaster from her hometown as he clenches her banner pointing towards to Caster as everyone goes into battle. The frog-eyed Servant opens the book with human-leathered cover as the purple mist starts to spread around them. Shapes then starts forming with an image of tentacle-like creatures around them.

"Looks like someone made preparations for this gathering." Nexus said as they charged in on them. As the first tentacle creature jumps on Nexus, he grabs one of its tentacles and throws at them behind him.

Artoria Alter swings her sword in a circular motion cutting them into two slicing and cutting them into bits whatever it gets her and then another jumps to her left but she disintegrates them projecting a dark beam from her left hand.

Mash swings her shield swatting the creature off and then smashing it down to end it. Three more comes behind her but was saved when torrents of flames were burnt from Kiyohime. Jeanne stabs at one down from their mouth-hole. She swings to the other and then stabs downward. More creatures start to increase on numbers.

"What's with all of these giant starfish? It's dripping all over my clothes!" Elisabeth complained killing the tentacle-like creatures.

"So filthy. Master, please protect me." Kiyohime said hiding behind Nexus.

"D-Do your job as a Servant, okay?" Mash retorts.

"Alright, stand back." Nexus said to them with his eye shifting black to pale-blue. He inhales his breath and blows an icy wind at the herd of the monsters freezing them. He then shifts back to Earth slamming the ground to his fist creating a shockwave around him shattering all of the frozen creatures into icicle fragments leaving no monsters for Caster to summon now that the mist was cleared.

"Curse you, curse you, curse you! Then I shall take you on!" Gilles was infuriated now that he couldn't summon any minions but to use his familiar. "Come Prelati, grant me your power!" the magical reading increases tenfold emitting intensity through his area.

"I guess that's a Caster for you." Nexus remarked.

"You go on ahead, Master! We'll hold this Servant off!" Kiyohime stepped forth to Gilles.

"Right, go settle the score with the last boss!" Elisabeth agreed joining in.

Nexus gives a nod. "Alright, meet you girls in the altar." he calls to the others to come but sensed Jeanne being hesitant of something. "Jeanne, you made your mind up so it's no time for you to hesitate."

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