Chapter 14

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They arrived at the enemy's location where Jing Ke reported the place where Boudica was held standing in front of the gates. Nexus used his eyes to scan for any threats behind the walls. He could see a dozen guards at the camp and could see the image of Boudica but there was a yellow circle around her that are somewhat restricting her movements making him lift his eyebrow in curiosity. Fortunately, she was alive, just unconscious. Not only that, he could sense two Servants near their location.

"Boudica! Can you hear me!?" Nero abruptly calls out.

"Hey, are you trying to expose our location to the enemy?" Nexus retorted, "Didn't you say we have to attack with caution?" causing her to flinch.

"O-Of course, I remember!" Nero panicked trying to cover up, "I'm making a call to create a diversion to our enemies away from her so that we could sneak in."

"Heeeehhh, Is that so..." he slurred with a deadpan face, "I didn't you'd think this through your plan. As expected of the Emperor."

"Gnrnrnrnrnrnr, if you're going to praise me then stop looking at me with that face!" Nero pouted knowing that he was being sarcastic. "Praise me with a face of glee!"

"Heh, so that's how she planned before arriving here, huh? I'll commend you for that." A young voice said coming behind them as everyone turned to the two figures. The one with the young voice came from a boy probably in his fourteen on his physique with a face that olmost looking like a woman with red eyes and red hair braided on the end. Another was a tall, old, mature man that is probably in his thirties with long black hair, squared glasses, and a stern face that wears a black tuxedo and a tie almost resembling the boy's color scheme.

"Rest assured, she's safe." The young boy assures Nero that nothing harm come to her, "She's fast asleep thanks to his spells." referring to the tall man.

"It's a Restraint Spell." he corrects the young boy which doesn't sound like that he's scolding at him due to age difference. It's more likely that Nexus was seeing the tall man looking at the boy with high regards, "It's not like being fast asleep."

"But it looked like she was sleeping."

"Restrain Spell, huh?" Nexus confirmed from what he say around Boudica, "That explains the bands around her." he mutters.

"You bastards. I'm surprised that you'd show your faces." She growls, "I assume you're both leaders of this fort. I shall allow it, tell me your names."

"Heeeeehhh, you're making us give you our names?" the boy questions trying to think what names he could give her, "Hmmmm, how should I put this? I have several, so I guess its Alexander. Yes, Alexander III."

"And he's..." he motions towards the tuxedo man but answers for him.

"Lord El-Melloi II." The man introduces, "Due to certain, or fate perhaps, I'm his strategist."

"Is that your real name?" Nexus asked to the man.

"Yes. I'm not a true Heroic so I probably have another name as a Heroic Spirit. But doesn't matter. You can forget it." El-Melloi stated.

"That doesn't work." Alexander scolds him, "We are the enemy generals to her. Right, Roman Emperor?"

"Of course. Now that it's come to this, you don't intend to fight, do you?" Nero cautiously held her sword.

"Nope." Alexander stated as nobody expected to hear that response from him.

"You aren't going to fight? You aren't the enemy Servants?" Mash was perplexed asking why he wouldn't attack despite stating themselves as enemy generals.

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