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Hello love, I hope you're doing great. This is my first fanfiction and I'm just starting out. If you only knew what's to come ah, I'm so excited. I hope you like it and I'm always grateful for feedback. Please treat each other with kindness, I don't like to see hate. Enjoy reading! Love y'all!

Genna Evans

"Don't you dare, look at me like that", Mara yells at me while we're walking out of the Coffee Shop, on our old Campus.

We met in our first year of college and since then we're best friends. Our graduation was last week. Now we enjoy our well-deserved holidays and spend most of the time together.

I can see her pissed off face out of a far distance. Her eyes are wide open and her forehead frowned.

"How should I look at you then?" I try to yell back but my voice cracks. My eyes are filling up with tears while I try not to break out in tears. "Don't be upset because you're adopted, Gen you had a beautiful childhood and parents who love you" Mara tries to cheer me up but it doesn't work, it makes me angrier than I was before.

How could she know how it feels like, to be adopted and being lied to for almost 14 years by your parents? How can I be sure that this wasn't the only lie they've told me? In my head, memories from my childhood start circulating. Moments where I laughed and cried with them. I mean Mara is right, I had a wonderful childhood but why did they lie to me? I shout back. Accidentally my anger speaks and not my brain:

"How do you know? You were never in a situation like that, it seems like in your family everything is fine and you're happy with your biological parents. They didn't lie to you for almost 18 years.", I realize what I just said, "I'm sorry I didn't mean it." I stumble over my words. You can hear the uncertainty in my voice. A glance up from the floor, I see how she walks towards me and pulls me in for a big, warm hug.

This is the thing I need right now. It makes me feel better. Normally I'm not into hugging but it seems that I get better and better at it.

Mara whispers in a soft voice, "I'm here for you. I don't know how hard this is for you, because you're right, I never was in a situation like this, but I will go through the hard times with you. I will catch you if you fall." I wish I could believe her.

I pull her even closer so she can feel the love I want to give back. The hug is so tight, I can't take deep breathes anymore, but that's okay.

"Gen, you're turning eighteen tomorrow and you've had a beautiful childhood, if they are or if they're not your biological parents, they love you and you've grown into such an amazing, strong, independent young lady. Your almost an adult. You can be very proud of yourself." Mara pulls away and tries to pick out the give me some motivation.

These words are making me emotional. They're so true, I'll turn eighteen tomorrow and I can be proud of myself. Mara is not the type of best friend who cheers you up, because she doesn't know how, although she tries every time. Most of the times she reminds you of who you are and that life is too short to be sad, but never with such heart whelming words.

I grab her hands and hold them to my heart so she can feel, my heartbeat.

"Thank you, Mara, for being here and not leaving me", I say with the tears floating down my cheek on to the ground. After a few tears, I stop crying.

Mara looks deeply into my eyes, then turns around and walks down the street. Every once in a while, she jumps from feet to feet.

"Where are you going, crazy girl?" I ask her, because who stares so deeply into someone's eyes and then just turns around as if nothing happened.

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