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Hello Guys! Happy Pride month! Chose love every single day.
I hope y'all are doing great and you're having a good week. Here's Chapter Number SEVEN enjoy the reading and don't forget to eat, drink and sleep <3


Genna Evans

As I sit there in the studio, a few hours away from Bournemouth and sing song after song while I've got several eyes staring and listening to my voice, I finally feel like I do something right. No one talks, everyone's attention is mine.

"Your voice is amazing Ms Evans," someone says, that I don't know.

"Please call me Gen," I tell him.

"Nice to meet you, Gen, I'm Ben the producer and owner of this studio." he introduces himself through the speaker. Ben is sitting at the table with tons of switches and beside him sits Louis, Mara and some more other people come to hear me. Harry is also in the studio, but he's sitting on a chair in the back corner. A drink in his left hand and a cigarette in his right. He stares at me but I'm sure he doesn't listen, he just wants to intimidate me. I don't meet eyes with him on purpose. This way, I can tease him a bit by acting like he's not affecting me.

"You can come over now," Ben directs me. I place the guitar back down to the place where it was before. I lift my feet and walk through the door over to the other room where everyone is.

"We have to plan some things now but when we're done, I'll come straight to you," Louis tells me.

"Thanks to every single one of you who listened to me and for allowing me to be here," I look around one time and meet everyone's eyes except the ones who hated me since they first leaned eyes on me. Everyone nods and smiles. Even some employees compliment my voice. I'm immensely grateful to be here and to do this. I have the chance to show them what I can. After a few more minutes, receiving compliments, everyone left to work again. Mara told me before, that she has to go to the bathroom. I'm alone in this room and finally got the time to take a few deep breaths even a tear rolls down my face. I can't tell if it's a happy tear or not.

"You sure you wanna take this risky step?" the voice shocks me. Immediately I wipe my tear away and turn around. There I see him standing, broad and in his full magnitude.

"Why wouldn't I take this step, this is a huge opportunity for me to do the thing... I love," I express my feeling.

"Because of me, I'll always be there and believe me I'll not make it easy for you. You know," Harry then comes closer to me, "there are a lot of bad things I do." His green eyes are rimmed as red as they can be. Staring into mine. I can't help myself looking away.

"I want you to look at me when I talk to you," he whispers but in a slightly strong tone.

"You can't tell me what I have to do," I stand up for myself although he scares the shit out of me, I don't leave. I don't want to run away again. It wouldn't do any good, I have to face the problem.

"Oh darling, try me." He clenches his teeth and his jaw gets sharper.

"They'll make a contract for you to come on tour with us and I'm sure when Mara hears about it, you can't say no", he slowly takes the beanie from my head and puts it on his, "and I'll be there the whole time."

"We must first obtain the permission of her parents," I try to be realistic. Of course, I wanna go but without her... I don't know if I would go. He intimidates my way of thinking about the tour and I don't like it.

"What about your parents?" he asks me while he's fixing my hair. My eyes widening. Don't wanna talk about this subject and especially not with my enemy.

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