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Hello Guys! I hope y'all are well and you had a good day! As a few of you know is this book my final project for school. I'm done now with writing it and that means 4 updates in one day. 

Genna Evans

"Do you know where Mara is?" I ask Louis as we're standing by the busses, they're smoking a cigarette.

"Maybe she's already on the bus?" he quits the conversation with Harry.

"Which bus? There are so many of them."

"Your bus is bus number 10," Harry's deep voice interrupts me, searching for Mara. I give him a visible fake smile, still mad for not telling me that we arrived and he just left me on the bus. I walk quicker than my feet, almost falling to the ground. I've got the feeling the last time I talked to Mara has been ages. The thoughts in my head run infinity. No ending to see. Sometimes I succeed to get away for a few minutes but that's it. They're always coming back.

If I tell Mara about it, it'll get better. She helps me a lot with my problems. Even if she has never experienced anything like this, just talking to the only person who stays, is healing my wounds. Finally, I arrive at Bus number 10 and step in.

"Mara?" I call after her.

"Right over here," she says. Following her voice, she's standing at a bunk bed, going through her stuff.

"I have to tell you-"

"Guess what? Louis wants to show me London," she states in excitement, her eyes shining and the biggest smile on her lips. Mara's wearing a beautiful white dress. She looks like an angel.

"I'm really happy for you but I have to talk with-" I try to tell her again but she's somewhere else with her thoughts, not really listening to me.

"Is it urgent? I have to go any seconds. By the way, you sang amazing today and I love the song," she says with a smile, doesn't really notice how my facial expression changes.

"Oh, okay, ehm well I hope-"

"I really have to go now, I wish you a wonderful evening, we'll talk later," she jumps out of the bus, smiling so much that I'm wondering why her cheeks don't hurt already.

There I am standing alone on a tour bus. As it gets darker outside and the sun goes down, I walk over to the locked door again. Now that I know what's behind it, I want to open it even more. So, I search everywhere for a key. Under the pillows, in every drawer and there I find one. In the drawer at the bottom.

"Please fit, please fit," I whisper to myself, while I slide the key into the lock and it fits perfectly. I turn around and there I see, it looks exactly the same as in Harry's and Louis's bus, just without the minibar. It's fascinating, how beautiful the sky seems. No stars to see yet but different colours are all over the place. The orange and the pink are a perfect mix. I lay down on the couch and turn my head to the sky. My eyes scanning every angle. Then I sit up and look around in the room. There is a sound system. Which causes me to shine. I can listen to some music. There are a few CDs. I grab a random one, put it in and lay down on the couch again. Laying there for hours and hours, watching the sky turning into night. The darkness coming over and every single star shining on its own impressing way. The world gets silent. There it is. The king of the night almost harvests the moon. I slowly doze away.

A loud stomp is waking me up.

"Who the hell?" I whisper in front of myself, trying to get my eyes open, my voice a little raspy. Is this Mara? I try to get up and walk around the couch, opening the black wooden door only a gap to look through. A black shadow with a broad posture to notice. Crap. I have to get a weapon. I close the door silently. May not make loud noises. As I look around the room, I see nothing but an extension cable from a lamp. I plug it out and hold it tight in both of my palms. First, I think about attacking him but that wouldn't be a good idea, he's taller and stronger than me, so I hide behind the couch, waiting for the door to open. My hands shaking and my palms sweating. I hear steps coming closer to me and then an idea comes to my mind. What if it's the man who put a sunflower on the table at the concert, while I passed out? Let's hope not. The door handle gets pulled down from the other side and a soft squeak comes from it. Before he can open it much more, I get up and hush over to stand behind the door. The best place I could have to attack him. The fear increases and the courage decreases but I know I have to attack him and stop whatever he has planned to do. The man steps through it and closes the door behind him, without facing it which is good for me, I swing the cable around his neck and pull it but he grabs it slowly and detaches from it. The stranger turns around and faces me. In the moonlight, I can see who it is.

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