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Chapter two is longer than chapter one but I hope it's okay from the length to read? How was your day? Lemme know and then I wish you much fun with reading. 

Genna Evans

When Mara brushes through my loose brown hair, she takes a section of it and does a half up half down hairstyle with my long, brown, straight hair. After she put a normal hair tie in my hair, she wraps the white ribbon around it, which was lying next to my black dress on the bed. We both don't like to wear make-up that's why our faces remain untouched and all naturally.

As she finishes my hair, I stand up, walk over to my large mirror which hangs next to my dresser. It reflects my whole body, from head to toe. I scan myself closely. On my feet I'm wearing my white converse with white socks, she laid down for me, you can see the top of the socks peeking out from the shoes. As I continue to scan upwards, I see the little black dress that has been in my wardrobe for over 3 years, untouched. For the reason, that it's short, I'm wearing black shorts which are hidden under the dress. Shoulders are exposed. My hair half up and half down, a white bandana wrapped around the normal hair tie. I like it that way a lot but I never get it right.

"It's amazing I love my outfit and the hair..., thank you so much," I glance up at her, as she's a bit taller than me. She nods while doing her hair at my desk. She simply braids her blonde hair. The braid is hanging down at her back. It's sad that I rarely see her like this. It really suits her. Every perfect angle of her face is detectable now. Mara should really be more confident with her appearance. She's gorgeous but she doesn't see it. Seriously, I don't know how many times I've tried to talk with her about it, but she doesn't want to, so I'm not pushing her. It makes me sad to see her like this.

When she finishes her hair, she turns around on my chair and looks up at me, while I'm standing. "What do you think, do I look okay?" She asks me with an insecure smile on her face and waits for an answer.

"You always look gorgeous, but today especially," I say with a big smile on my face in hope that she would see herself the way I do. A big smile coming up on her face.

"Really?" Mara says in such amazement. She couldn't believe what I just said.

I walk towards her, hold out my hands for her to grab them and stand up. She takes it and I lead her to the mirror to look at herself. She stares at the mirror. I see her eyes scanning her body up and down, as they stopped at her legs. Me realizing that's triggering her, the reason why she's so insecure.

As I stand right next to her, I turn around and focus on her eyes.

"Our legs are beautiful, they're longer than others that's what makes us unique," as I lean to her ear and whisper in a soft, worried voice.

"I know," I hear her whimpering. I step back to grab her a tissue. She grabs it and wipes her tears away.

A thought comes through my mind what can make her happy in a moment like this. I take a few steps to my dresser, turn my speaker on and searching for a song when I finally found the one, I press the play button. A beat begins to play. After a few seconds, she notices that "No Judgement by Niall Horan" is playing. Niall is her favourite artist so maybe it cheers her up a bit.

She starts squalling the first verse of the song lyrics with all the power she has left;

Barefoot and a bottle of wine

I'm aware of how much she loves this song but besides that, I want to make her aware that I would never judge her.

I continue squalling the second verse like her;

You can stay with me tonight

She joins me after this verse and we sing the refrain together in full volume;

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