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Hello Guys! I hope y'all are doing well and you're looking after yourself. I continued writing and I finished Chapter Three today, so here it is. Enjoy reading and let me know if you like it!

Genna Evans

"What do you wanna drink?" Mara quizzes me. We're standing at the bar right now. I lean forward towards the bar, resting on it with both elbows. The warm sun shines on my face. I look up and see the sky has turned pink. It looks wonderful. I still can't believe I will see Louis Tomlinson live tonight. For a few years now, it has been a dream of mine to see him in his full appearance performing his songs. I'm wondering how he sounds live.

"I would like to have a coke," I turn my head to the barkeeper and answer him with a smile on my face.

"A coke? Seriously?" Mara questions me.

"What's wrong with a coke?"

"I mean you're eighteen now, you can drink alcohol and stuff. Plus, you're at a concert," she voices.

"You know that I don't drink alcohol!" I snap at her. Alcohol is a bad subject to talk about with me.

"Well, it's your birthday you could do one exception, please," she bets me to order an alcoholic drink.

"No Mara, I'll not drink!" I declare. I didn't mean to be loud but I had no other choice. Otherwise, she would still try to convince me. She doesn't know the reason why I don't drink because I've never told her and I'll probably never talk about it again.

"Okay, I'm sorry, calm down Jesus Christ!" Mara apologized, "Then we'll have one coke and one martini, thanks." She gives the waiter the order. He nods and prepares our drinks, behind the bar. I look around and see the entrance to our right, where the security man still checks the tickets and a lot of girls, especially young ones, swarm in, in groups. Across from the bar, you can see the stage which is not so high and you could very well just walk up, but it's still empty and some security guards are standing in front of it, facing the bar and entrance. There are already plenty of fans around the stage who can't wait for Louis's show to start. Most of the fans are girls, but he also has a lot of Guy fans, eventually, they're their boyfriends and they have no choice or they're real fans of him. I see one guy sitting in a wheelchair, staring at his phone. He wears a black hoodie, the hood up so you can't see him. People are obstructing his view of the stage but it looks like as he doesn't care as he's glancing at his phone. These people don't have any respect. I really want to tell them, that this is not okay but I don't want to cause drama, so I'll keep my mouth shut. I turn around again to face the bar, where the barkeeper hands us our drinks.

"Here you go, one martini and one coke, enjoy your drinks ladies!" the barkeeper says, I look at him on behalf of shield and eye his name, Joe.

"Thank you, Joe," I give him a smile. He smiles back at me and nods.

"Now that we have our drinks we can squeeze to the front of the stage, yey," Mara says sarcastically. Squeezing to the front by pushing everyone beside is not a thing I like to do but I know Mara wants to be at the front so we're squeezing ourselves through the crowd. Mara walks in front of me but we hold hands so as not to lose each other. She pushes everyone aside to walk through, while I apologise to everyone. Every now and then I step on a few people's feet but I apologise. By the time we get to the edge of the stage, which is guarded by security, I have said sorry non-stop. I was sorry, but if you want to have the best view, you have to fight for it. As we're at the front, Mar turns around to face me.

"It'll be the best night ever," she has to shout. It was very loud due to a large number of people in this open-air and the volume level is very high. I'm sure she's right. It's a dream of mine to see him live and she makes it happen but besides me, Mara's a fan of him as well, not as much as I am but she is.

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