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Hiii Guys! I hope your day has been good and you're doing great! Long time no see. I'm sorry for the no update but I was really busy. Well in a few days I have finally spring break, so you can expect at least one update in the next two weeks. Enjoy the reading and feel free to comment! (It's a short chapter)

Harry Styles

Why the hell did she just run away like that? I take a pack of cigarettes out of my pocket, pick the lighter and one cigarette. The cigarette, I lead into my mouth, I light and take a few deep breaths. The nicotine feels amazing. The laughter from behind me, behind that door, is so loud. I haven't heard Louis laugh like this for months. I knew I'm doing him a favour with her.

My phone vibrates in my pocket, so I'll give it a look.

Jim: Are you watching out?

I see a message coming from my manager.

Me: I'm not a babysitter.

I text back but it really gets me on my nerves to always look after someone. Can't people manage their own shit?

I take another puff on my cigarette. Pull it all the way into my lungs.

Jim: Harry, you know what you have to do, so do what I tell you to!

I know I can't mess with him but I can't do this my whole life. Looking after some strange chicks who have no respect towards me. I deserve to have fun with them and usually, I really do. I feel a smirk coming up on my face and my eyes are lowering. But Gen or whatever is not useful or fun at all. She's just a fragile, feckless little girl. I take another few deep puffs until it's done, throw it on the ground and step on it to light it out. I don't want to walk in on Louis and Mara but I'm bored by now and I know that Jim probably wants to see us. Plus, if Mara and Gen aren't picked up in time, someone has to pay. So, I walk into them and lean against the door frame.

"Hello, lovebirds!" I say and look at them, seeing they're sitting close to each other on the couch, both smiling and a sparkle in all four eyes.

"What do you want dickhead?" Louis asks me. The annoying face he's giving me can't be overseen.

"I didn't want to interrupt you, but I had to because the chicks will be picked up in a few minutes."

"Wait, where is she?" Mara asks me, looking my way.

"Who?" Louis asks, glancing Mara in her eyes. I can see, I did the right thing. Look at Louis, he looks so happy and comfortable with her. It's a good feeling to see him like that.

"Gen, where is she?" Mara stands up and walks past me, hurries out of the room into the hallway. All historic is looking for Gen, everywhere. She calls her name over and over again. Now Louis gets up and helps her look for her. The last time I saw her, she almost ran into this room over there.

"Harry, what did you do to her?" Louis asks me. The devilish smirk on my lips.

"Why does he has to be such an asshole?" Mara whispers into Louis's ear but loud enough for me to hear it. "Again, and again with pleasure," I chuckle.

"We'll find her don't worry love," he answers her. After they run around in the backstage area, I can see the glances that Louis gives me. "She's behind this door," I point at the Room a few meters away.

"Well, then why are you keep standing here? OPEN THE DOOR!" Towards the end of her words, she begins to scream at me.

"Watch your mouth sweetheart," I answer her.

"You don't have a clue at all so keep your mouth shut." She snaps at me.

"I can easily take Louis away from you and you two will never meet each other again so who should keep her mouth shut princess?" I whisper the threat into her left ear in a very deep voice but silent enough for Louis to not hear it. Mara gulps one time loudly. I've got the feeling I can even hear her heart beating faster and faster. She slowly takes a step away from me to have a safe distance between us. A devilish facial expression on my face, I like that. I'm sick of these girls so I turn around but before I'm able to walk away, Louis keeps hold of my arm.

Take Me Back to the Light {H.S}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora