Dance It Out

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I laid awake watching my sister sleep. I watched her chest rise and fall, something in me wouldn't let myself fall asleep. I was scared she'd stop breathing and I'd be left alone. So I watched her sleep. She frowned a few times clearly having a bad dream but she laid still. 

Eventually, she rolled over and wrapped her long limbs around me. My little noodle is what I used to call her when we were growing up. She was always so much taller than me. Though it didn't stop me from protecting her. 

When her head laid on my chest I moved my hands to stroke her head. "Kat got to sleep." She mumbled. "I will," I whispered back. "Okay, don't be grumpy when I wake you in the morning." She warned. "I'm going to be grumpy, you wake up at 5." "And if you were asleep that wouldn't feel so early." She argued back. I chuckled at her sass. "I'm sleeping," I tell her softly. "Mhmm." She said before pulling the blankets over us a little more. 


morning rolled around and when I woke my sister wasn't in bed. I looked at the time at 8:30. She should be back soon. She has a strict gym routine that she's stuck to since she was around 16. She'd go on a run at 5, on the treadmill or outside, at 6 she'd head to the gym and do whatever her PT would tell her to for two hours and then run home. Though today I believe she would have gotten an uber back because we lived further from the gym. 

My door opened. "Morning." She said coming in out of breath with her jumper in hand. "You ran back?" "Yeah... it's raining out." She said taking her hair out of its pony. "You have far too much energy for mornings," I complained as I rolled over in the sheets. She laid on top of me and kissed my face all over. "Love you," I tell her. "Love you too. I'm going to change, then head to the studio." "You're distracting yourself." I sing to her. "And you're blocking the world out." She said back in the same tone. She wasn't wrong. "Come dance with me for a little. Let some things out, get some exercise, shower." "I don't spell that bad." "No your hair is just screaming for some conditioner." She joked so I threw a pillow at her which she caught and threw back. 

"Mum wouldn't want this." She said taking the role of biggest sister, that was my job! "Don't start with that." I warn her already feeling the tears coming on. "Come on... up, let's dance." She said now jumping on the bed. "If you break my bed you'll be buying me a new one." "We both know I won't." She said flopping back down on top of me. "You're crazy." "Nina's coming." I rolled my eyes. "Fine for an hour then I'm coming back to my pit." "Deal." 

We both changed into our dance clothes, which was just sweats and a crop with some trainers. V tied my hair back for me as I brushed my teeth in the bathroom. Perks of being the smaller sister, she could do my hair with ease. "You guys ready." "Just a second," I called back. "Done." She says, letting me go into the main part of my room. 

"Oh smoothies," I say taking one from Nina. "Yeah, I didn't think you would have eaten yet." I smiled at her and took a gulp of the fruity homemade smoothie. "Wheres Nay?" She asked. "coming just-" She came into the room. "Tying my hair up." She finished off. We all left in Nina's car and headed to the studio. 

I mostly did street dance so I went back to that and danced my little heart out pushing myself as far as my body would allow on very little sleep. Plus I had a bad knee from the crash. Nay got lucky she landed in the water. I landed in the water but not before hitting my knee on a rock, which was very painful but the doctor said it was just bruising. 

Nina also did street, so did Nay but she preferred contemporary or ballet. She did a little bit of that in the back with her headphones on. I watched her in the mirror she was so elegant with the way she carried herself. Nina and I both stopped to watch NayVee in her element. We've both been in dance since we could walk. She was crying as she danced, I admired that about her, she put everything into it. She was so talented. 

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