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I went back to my apartment after training to get ready for the day. Kat was at work and we had a hair appointment at 2 so there was no point in going back to the house, most of the cast were on set. 

I went straight into the shower and then got dressed in some comfy sweats and an oversized hoodie. I ditched the idea of make-up the minute I sat at my vanity and sat on my phone for a minute, checking my emails and social media before I got my bag together. I had a bit of work I wanted to do whilst I was getting my hair done so I brought my laptop and charger. I also brought the essentials, wallet, lip balm, sunglasses. You know the basic bits.

Once I had my backpack all packed I went into the lounge and tidied up I left in a rush yesterday and it wasn't the cleanest it could be. My bedroom required a lot more TLC to clean so I decided after my hair appointment I was coming home and cleaning my entire apartment because honestly, it was so messy. I had a whole load of laundry to do and I needed to put my adult hat on get it done. Hanging out with your friends is all fun and games until you come home to clothes everywhere from the constant changing for events. 

I grabbed my car keys and drove to Kat's favorite place to get a quick lunch and ordered for us both. I got the Mac and cheese and I got her the salmon, can you tell who is the high maintenance one of the two of us? 

I then drove to the stages where Kat was and parked up as I was a little early and she wouldn't be done yet. I let myself in and walk around until I find someone to talk to. It was Ian he was chilling in the green room so I sat opposite him on the sofas. "Hey," I say with a smile as I sat down. I am well aware he's been freezing me out but I wasn't going to stop trying. Something clearly has happened for him to switch up on me, on everyone for that matter, it's not like him. And when he's been through whatever he's going through I'll be there because that's what friends do.  He nodded at me in acknowledgment, more than I've gotten recently. 

"How have you been?" I asked observing him. He had a new bruise on his wrist, he's tried to hide it with his watch but the bruise was bigger than the strap. He didn't reply. "I and Kat have a hair appointment, wanna come and keep me company like last time?" The last time I and Kat went to get our hair treated he came and sat with us for the few hours it takes. Kat's is a lot more work than my own hair but I stay the entire time with her. Ian was rather entertaining, we mostly talked about his charity and what he does, why he set it up, and stuff like that. I found it all really interesting. Still got no reply. Maybe I should have kept walking around and found someone else to talk to. 

"Ian I don't know what's going on in your life right now... I can make guesses but I won't know for sure... I get it might be hard to talk about... Just know I'm here for you, whenever you're ready to talk." He made eye contact with me, I smiled softly at him so he knew I was being genuine. "You want some Mac and cheese?" I asked him going into the bag. I slid it across the coffee table and he hesitantly reached for it. I was hungry but he had been losing weight, I'm assuming from the stress so I'd rather him eat it than I... I'll grab something else. "Thanks." He said. "Anytime..." 

It fell quiet between us again. He was eating and I just pulled out my phone and answered a few more emails. Might as well make use of the spear time. Kat eventually came into the green room in costume still. "Give me like 10 minutes." I nodded. "Hurry though Kat, we're gonna be late," I call as she walked out again. "Never on time that one." I joked and Ian chuckled. 

Eventually, Kat came back and we rushed off, I drove us to Cindy's house, she's our amazing hair lady. I adore her! And Kat went first so I left briefly to grab something to eat. I ended up with a pasta salad from a nearby cafe. Not as good as mac and cheese but it filled a hole for now. 

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